
Great Company

Sean is a failed man from a planet named TERRA, he becomes a homeless bum, one day he was died, but he did not go to heaven he arrived at awake with a strange man's body and saw a strange sight. And he discovered that this is an alien planet called Earth technology here is very backward Sean found that this was a blessing given by God to realize his ambition of making a GREAT COMPANY.

QINTHIL · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Bright morning light illuminated the room. I woke up from my sleep and saw the clock showed 8:05, it was still morning.

Walking into the bathroom while yawning, I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Downstairs I saw my father sitting in front of the TV, and I also heard my mother from the kitchen.

Seeing this I was confused why my father and mother did not work, but after I saw the calendar today was Sunday, oh shit it seems I never saw the calendar.

I walked closer to my father who was watching TV and greeted him "Good morning Dad".


My father's response was very flat and he also didn't look at me like he was concentrating on the TV shows, when I looked at TV it seemed like it was a financial or business program, I didn't understand the nonsense analysis on TV.

Walking out of the kitchen Julia wears a pink shirt and she also wears an apron. Seeing her son and husband who get along, Julia was very happy and called them to the dining table for breakfast.

Looking at a table full of delicious food, there is a fried chicken soup sandwich then there's milk and tea.

Maybe for rich people it is ordinary food but for me who has a scavenger soul is a luxurious meal.

Sitting in a chair I began to enjoy this very delicious meal, my father and mother also enjoyed each other's dishes.

Today I am determined to get funds from my father, actually I intend to ask at night but because today he is off then it would be better.

When the meal was finished, dad walked to the front of the TV and continued watching TV.

I walked over and sat next to my father.

My heart was a little nervous, I had also prepared a reason and a detailed plan.

I opened my mouth and said to my father, "Can I ask for money?".

When he heard my request my father was shocked and ignored the TV program he was watching.

Alan felt strange because of his son's request and in fact he had also felt the change of his son over the past few days, since he returned from Los Angles he was very different.

Ignoring some of his thoughts, Alan answered "why don't you ask your mother ?, if it's only $ 1000, your mother will definitely give it to you".

I was a little hesitant and said "Father $ 1000 is not enough, I need $ 10 million".


When he heard my request my father was very surprised and he even shouted that made my mother run from the kitchen.

My father seemed angry because he thought that this money must be used for fun.

"Ohh, are you crazy? $ 10 million can buy a house, do you want to buy a Hollywood star and ask him to sleep !!!!" My father said angrily.

My mother was also surprised by what my father said, because usually I only asked a few thousand dollars from my mother.

Taking a deep breath I said calmly "My father has a plan, I want to set up a company, I will not use the funds to grow my business".

"Ohh the company, even your father's office you never visited, you want to do business, what business? Hah do you want to be a Pimp".

Listening to my father's words I said calmly "Dad I want to set up an internet company".

"Internet? Are you kidding, you haven't even learned programming".

"Father come with me".


I walked into my room, father followed me and even my mother was curious to follow.

Entering my room, I delivered my notes and also turned on my computer.

Holding notes Alan began to read.

After a while Alan began to get serious and read the note, and he breathed out.

This note is a very interesting plan and may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, although this plan is still rough and not detailed but very good.

After a while Alan took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"Son who are you, this plan is amazing, I feel like you're not my son."

Hearing that, I remained calm and began to tell stories.

"The story begins when I had fun in Hollywood. Then I went home and in the family villa in Los Angles, there I was very stressed and I fell in the pool.

When I fall I feel like I'm going to die and suddenly see white light ".

I stopped talking and picked up a cigarette and lit it then started to continue with some nonsense.

Even though this is just a nonsense story but half of the story is the truth.

Julia, who heard my story, shed tears and approached me and hugged me.

My father also seems to be very interested in my plans.

Then my father asked "if you want this plan to work, you need a professional programmer."

"Of course dad, I also need to be a manager to register and operate my company."

"Okay, tomorrow I will ask Luis to help you, he is a professional and very talented person to be a manager, then the problem of money my father will send later".

Hearing that I was very happy and breathed a sigh of relief.

The problem with funds has been solved, and even got something unexpected that is a professional manager, this saves you a lot of time.

As soon as I got everything I needed, I started doing the routine.

Exercise in the morning is very refreshing, the body has improved, the skin is bright and not withered anymore.

All my efforts for several days gave very good results.

Even though my body is still thin but it can still be changed, with good nutrition my body will definitely be very good.

Jogging in the morning while enjoying the lively atmosphere of New York, even though today is Sunday but New York is still busy.