
Great Ancestral Heavenly Demonly God Emperor

I am the king, I shall right my own destiny, those who stands in my way shall turn in to ashes, I m the heavens, I am god, I am demon, I am human I am omnipotent, People who betray I shall curse them turn them to rats!!! come journey with me, You shall call me Ju Men

luckyman · Eastern
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23 Chs

Chapter : 9 Registration

It was really important to consolidate the foundation, if the foundation is unstable it can cause hidden injuries. In some cases, very rare injuries could be formed that can't be healed until higher realm people are willing to waste some precious treasures to cure which is less likely happening.

JU Men was waiting just like everybody, nobody dared to use their family name or influence except for some people with very powerful backgrounds, JU Men was also patiently waiting in line to register for sect examination af6ter all that is what he was after.

JU Men has already thought of his plan to consolidate his cultivation, of course, if you are in the central part of west calm tiger and don't know about the fighting arena then everyone would look you down in disdain and call them country bumkins,

When Ju Men was thinking about his plans about commotion he heard something very interesting that 2 Sects are going on all-out war, of course, there would be sects fights and sects getting utterly defeated but mostly it's complete annihilation. There is a saying in cultivation when cutting branches cut its roots as well, so gotta get rid of the weed, who knows what encounter they might possibly land on and they would destroy them later on.

But Ju Men heard that the First class rate sects are going to war, Of course, the information about why they were going on war was still vague. Everyone was just guessing and rumours were everywhere but the thing was they were going on war but nobody knows for what? Some are even saying they are faking it because they were friends just a week ago, so people came with that reason so that they could catch other sects off guard and attack them because even for a first-rate sect to face 2 First-rate sects would be a nightmare. Of course, if they attack another first-rate sect would try to stop it to maintain balance but if it's a sudden attack then the outcome would be unpredictable and that 2 sects would grow and even be close to the most 5 Powerful sects in the West Continent.

Of course, Ju Men had heaven-defying martial technique, that as long as he kills observes the Qi but if he did that they won't be able to enter samsara that would be too cruel Ju Men really wasn't cruel, If he was then he would have ascended but he as a bit righteous but now he has been reborn, If the 2 sects were going to fight he might as well use that martial technique to further increase, but the requirement quite harsh and also he needs to be on soul tempering realm, He was thinking how to advance fast with a solid foundation and effectively he heard, an old man asking his name, he frowned and got out of his trance,

Sorry Elder I was thinking about something,

The elder didn't care about it, and Just asked nonchalantly Name??

JU Men he said,



Of course, an elder would ask age if he was over 20 then he wouldn't be eligible for the test, and another requirement was to be a Late-stage Mortal body before the age of 20, lots of people weren't eligible because it was too hard for them to advance that they could only curse their fate.

The old man didn't question his cultivation as he could perceive it, the elder was on soul tempering and as still doing this lowly work, it showed how powerful the five powerful sects were but he was only average but still, he could advance was still a great feat. Of course, Ju Men could predict this because he has a strong soul and he can sense other people's aura and tell this strength because the elder wasn't even trying to hide it.

The elder man had a stamp on his wrist, Of course, it wasn't a normal stamp but with magical inscriptions on it, that was the proof of registered participants.

Then the old man said all the information would be available through stamp before last day of sect so don't go to far off the town he said,

Thank you elder JU Men said and cupped his fist then took off to the fighting arena to consolidate his cultivation and of course he was brimming with excitement because he wanted to check his battle power before practising Heaven defying martial arts he had made, he wants to feel everything and get maximum benefits maybe he could leave a legacy on simper version to his subordinates before he ascends, That is for later, Ha ha ha finally journey to real cultivation is starting he is prepared to face anything on his way as a Might Dragon he is,

Authors thought,

Be Humble, Be polite but never be too arrogant it can be your doom