
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

the dirty king

The alchemist's level and his skill totally influence the success rate of potions and other things made by an alchemist, an F-level alchemist usually holds no authority and can only do a few pranks like playing with fire like old Rossart

To make F level potions being an F level alchemist needs a lot of knowledge and skill to use the authority of the profession, and even then the success rate would be at most 50% in the most talented ones.

Rossart is a great level A alchemist, besides having +50% success rate with his clothes, Rossart was creating that level D healing potion with ease, it looked like he was making soup for children

Rossart manipulated the colored flames, the green color being the most seen, as it was directly associated with healing ability.

30 minutes passed, the heat was extremely high but Rossart didn't even break a sweat


Rossart then took a glass vial and started to pour the potion, a sticky green liquid slowly fell into the vial.

Rossart observed his first potion, made to perfection and the best D-rank potion that could be made.

The ability to cure the mind of madness but slowly cause mental imbalance leading to extreme depression

"I'm sorry Aerys, but your character was very good before his madness, unfortunately you are destined to be listed in history as a mad king" Rossart said to himself

Rossart watched the potion and fell silent.

He was just a small business owner who never hurt anyone, but now he literally had something that was going to decide someone's future.

After a little more contemplation, Rossart's black eyes became steady.

"this is a sinister world, there is nothing wrong with guaranteeing my life, for that Aerys will suffer.....but don't worry old madman, in return I will guarantee your blood on the throne" Rossart took the potion and left with confidence

Rossart ordered Belis to continue looking for raw materials, in addition to the tons he still had left, he will soon have a lot of work to do to ensure the survival of this stinking city


red keep

iron throne room

in the last few months, no meetings were held in the small council room anymore, the old king spent the day sitting on the ugly throne of swords, even having his body cut, he still felt good

"Majesty, I have received ravens from the west..... soon Lord Tywin will arrive, with this we can fight the traitors" Grand Maester Pycelle

old Pycelle spoke slowly

"good, good, very good, send Tywin to take them all alive, I want them to burn here" Aerys said

Rossart looked at his king, Aerys looked terrible for a king, he even doubted if he had bathed this week due to the smell

Of the 3, only Jaime Lannister was around guarding the king.

Aerys noticed Rossart distracted

"Rossart, tell me how our stock of Wildfire is doing, do you have enough to burn the entire army of traitors?" aerys

"yes my king, enough to burn every traitor to the dust" Rossart spoke

"hahahaha well done, finally a hand of the king that does a good job" Aerys laughed

"my king i have something to talk about, something about the flames, can we talk alone" Rossart asked

Aerys was suspicious, after all he was the most suspicious madman in the world, but he accepted

"get out get out everyone" Aerys

Pycelle looked at Rossart curiously, but he still walked away slowly, pretending to

Jaime also left

"so what do you want to talk about" Aerys

Rossart took the potion from his cloak and showed it to Aerys.

"my king, I did it, I created the potion to command all flames!!" Rossart

Aerys, the madman, stared into the glass filled with an ominous green liquid, his mouth open.

suspicious as he is, mad Aerys loves fire, he raised his dirty hand with long nails

"give me.... give me hahahaha"