
Great Academy System

A legendary academy has been established, practicing perfect exercises that make the heavens and the earth tremble. The indomitable dean leads a group of teachers and students unafraid of the sky and earth to create a myth together!

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The Nine Layers of Revolving

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night. What happened outside the dancer's mansion was seen by countless pairs of eyes. It's a pity that only the person involved knows the inside story. However, even so, this matter still caused quite a commotion. , will definitely become people's talk after dinner.

  After talking with Wu Chen, Zhang Yu returned to Cang Qiong Academy. The burlap bags and wooden boxes containing tens of thousands of exercises and martial arts were sent by Wu Chen to Cang Qiong Academy.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yu stood in the library of Cangqiong Academy, looking at the exercises and martial arts that had been re-filled on the bookshelves, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

"Dean Zhang, look, is there anything else we need to do?" Wang Tao, the dancer and butler, asked respectfully.

Wang Tao didn't know about Zhang Yu's strength, nor did he know that Wu Chen had become a student of the Sky Academy, but he was smart and knew that Wu Chen attached great importance to Zhang Yu. Before leaving, Wu Chen personally confessed that he must obey Zhang Yu's orders. Order, so his attitude towards Zhang Yu was very respectful.

Zhang Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, I'm troubling you today. You can go back."

"Well, goodbye, Dean Zhang." Wang Tao nodded, then turned around and said to the dancers' guards: "Let's go."

 After a while, Wang Tao and his guards left one after another, leaving Zhang Yu alone in the entire library.

After watching Wang Tao and his party leave, Zhang Yu looked at the Library Pavilion again, looking at the rows of bookshelves filled with exercises and martial arts, the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, as if the lights of the Library Pavilion were covered by the room. Zi's martial arts and martial arts are even more brilliant.

Zhang Yu has already counted the kung fu and martial arts stolen this time. Among them, there are 11,000 copies of low-level kung fu methods and 15,000 copies of martial arts; There are one thousand and one hundred books; three hundred and six books of ordinary-level high-level exercises and six hundred and ninety-six books of martial arts; ten books of low-level spiritual exercises and twenty-two books of martial arts; one book of middle-level spiritual exercises and one book of martial arts Book.

  More than half of the martial arts and martial arts belonged to Cang Qiong Academy, and the remaining half of the martial arts and martial arts belonged to Chenguang Academy and Yunshan Academy.

After a long time, Zhang Yu took a breath, turned around, and walked up the stone stairs to the second floor.

Stopping in front of a row of bookshelves, Zhang Yu carefully took down a kung fu, his eyes flickering: "With so many mortal-level high-level kung fu, I should be able to modify the first nine levels of the 'Ji Wu Jue' kung fu." Come out." The 'Jiwu Jue' on the sixth floor is very terrifying, and it is unimaginable how terrifying the 'Jiwu Jue' on the ninth floor is.

With excitement, Zhang Yu gently opened a skill and activated the Insight Technique at the same time!

 [Withered Pine Moistening Rain Technique: Superior ordinary level, nine levels in total, the highest level can be practiced to the ninth level, with an average of 36 errors per level]

Except for the "Extreme Martial Arts" that Zhang Yu once practiced, this technique can be said to be the first technique that Zhang Yu has seen that goes beyond the ordinary level!

Zhang Yu's eyes lit up: "36 mistakes, fewer mistakes than the 'Jiwu Dao' I practiced before!"

It is indeed a top-level exercise. If you pick it up at any time, there are so few mistakes!

Seeing the power of the mortal-level superior exercises, Zhang Yu became more confident. The fewer mistakes he made, the more correct places. In this way, it would be easier for him to master the first nine levels of "Extreme Martial Art" exercises. Modify it out.


While Zhang Yu was busy modifying his exercises, Wu Chen was not idle either.

  At this time, Wu Chen was standing alone outside a solemn mansion. He quietly looked at the stone plaque at the entrance of the mansion. On the stone plaque were engraved two characters: Deng's Mansion.

  Different from the dancers, the Deng family has been rooted in the deserted city for hundreds of years. It has experienced countless winds and frosts, and has a rich heritage. In comparison, although the Wu family is the number one family in Huangcheng, it lacks the foundation, has a small population, and its mansion is far inferior to the Deng family's mansion. One house and one mansion, the slightest difference can make a thousand miles difference.

In the night wind, Wu Chen stood outside the door of the mansion with a complex expression on his face, with both nostalgia and sadness.

Wu Chen didn't wait long before the head of the Deng family, Deng Beixiao, hurried over and greeted him grandly!

"I didn't know that the leader of the Wu Clan is here, and I'm sorry for missing the welcome." Deng Beixiao said politely, his voice was very hoarse.

  Although the Deng family and the dancers are fighting fiercely in many industries, Deng Beixiao is very polite to Wu Chen, and there is no trace of anger in his words, but a trace of fear is hidden.

Looking at Deng Beixiao's white-haired, weathered appearance, Wu Chen felt an indescribable emotion in his heart: "Time is ruthless!"

How high-spirited Deng Beixiao was back then, and his confidence and vigor in guiding the country are still unforgettable to Wu Chen. However, more than twenty years have passed, and Deng Beixiao has matured and aged, and he no longer has that kind of confidence.

Wu Chen sighed lightly, calmed down, and then smiled and said: "Clan Chief Deng, long time no see, how are you?"

   "Thank you, Patriarch Wu for your concern. Patriarch Wu, please!" Deng Beixiao didn't know why Wu Chen suddenly visited Deng's house, but since Wu Chen came, of course he had to be careful.

Wuchen glanced at the wary-eyed guards on both sides, then smiled lightly and walked into the Deng family's mansion calmly.


It is late at night, and most of the lights in the deserted city have been extinguished. Under the dim moonlight, this lively city seems to have returned to nature, silent and silent.

The library of Cangqiong Academy is still lit, and a shadow is reflected on the window.

  Zhang Yu flipped through the exercises tirelessly, completely unaware of the passage of time, his mind was immersed in modifying the exercises, and he knew nothing about the outside world.

Time passed quietly. On the other side of the deserted city, the sun rose slowly, illuminating the earth with a ray of dawn.

In the library, Zhang Yu didn't look tired at all, his eyes were bright: "The modification was successful!"

 The first nine levels of the "Ji Wu Jue" skills were finally completed through his hard work and sleepless nights.

Zhang Yu clenched his fists vigorously, and an unconcealable excitement welled up in his heart. He had a premonition that after he had practiced the seventh to ninth layers of "Extreme Martial Arts", his strength would rise again by one level. steps!

   After a while, Zhang Yu calmed down. When the sound of "grunt" came from his stomach, he realized the change of time: "Before I knew it, it was already morning."

However, despite being busy all night, Zhang Yu gained a lot and it was worth it!

Shaking his head, Zhang Yu casually poured out a few Qixuan Pills from the gray cloth bag he carried with him, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed them in small bites. Although these things can't be eaten as food, they can be eaten when you're hungry. Yes, it still works.

  After swallowing a few Qixuan pills, Zhang Yu stretched his waist, and then put the exercises he had read back to the original place. After doing all this, he walked slowly downstairs and returned to the Xiangxie Xiaoju.

"Woof." As soon as 'Xiao Qiang' saw Zhang Yu, he barked excitedly, his slender tail wagging non-stop.

 Zhang Yu casually threw a few Qixuan Pills to it, then walked into the bedroom and sat cross-legged on the bed.

The seventh level of "Extreme Martial Art" is obviously more complicated than the first six levels. It took Zhang Yu a long time to guide the mysterious power in his body to run for a week. Fortunately, after running for a week, That mysterious force started to operate on its own according to the seventh-level exercise route, without the need for Zhang Yu to actively guide it.

 In an instant, Zhang Yu's body was like a giant magnet, pulling the surrounding spiritual energy towards him!

A large amount of spiritual energy was sucked into Zhang Yu's body, and then refined, becoming part of the mysterious power in his body. During this process, his bones and muscles were also tempered, and his physical body became stronger and stronger. .

In a breath, Zhang Yu successfully broke through the peak of the sixth level of Qixuan and reached the early stage of the seventh level of Qixuan. However, his cultivation base did not stop at the early stage of the seventh level of Qixuan, but skyrocketed at an incredible speed. , Qixuan Seventh Level Late Stage, Qixuan Seventh Level Peak...

When his cultivation reached the peak of the seventh level of Qi Xuan, Zhang Yu not only did not stop practicing, but instead activated the eighth level of "Ji Wu Jue".


The torrent of spiritual energy surged towards Zhang Yu, and a storm blew up around the entire Champs Elysees residence!

 This storm is more violent than the last time Zhang Yu practiced! Just like the stormy waves in the sea, a little residual power can sink a huge ship!

However, Zhang Yu, who was in the center of the storm, remained motionless. The terrifying storm had no impact on him at all.

When the storm retreated, Zhang Yu's cultivation finally reached the peak of the ninth level!

Zhang Yu opened his eyes, a bright light flickered, and then disappeared. He took a deep breath, and there was a hint of excitement on his face: "Qixuan Ninth Layer Peak!" The heavy peak suddenly increased to the ninth level of Qixuan. Such a terrifying speed, I am afraid no one in the past has been able to achieve it.

  Others practice, persevere every day, and work hard every day. If they are talented, they may be able to do it in three to five years. If they are not talented, they may not be able to do it in 30 to 50 years. Even the top genius in the Wilderness Continent is unlikely to be able to cultivate from the peak of the sixth level of Qixuan to the peak of the ninth level of Qixuan in just a short period of time like Zhang Yu.

This kind of cultivation speed is simply abnormal!

 "If you look at my cultivation alone, I am already among the top in Huangcheng!"

There are many cultivators in Huangcheng, but the one with the highest cultivation level is Qixuan Ninth Level Peak. Whether it is Wu Chen, Lin Haiya, or Luo Yueshan, they can only reach the peak of the ninth level.

The barrier between the peak of the ninth level of Qixuan and the lower realm of the vortex is like a chasm, blocking everyone's way forward!

 For this reason, Zhang Yu's current cultivation level alone is comparable to those of the old guys who have been practicing for decades.

"However, my strength..." Zhang Yu was happy and depressed at the same time, "I also don't understand my own strength."

When his cultivation base was still at the peak of the sixth level of Qixuan, he could easily kill the strong at the peak of the ninth level of Qixuan, and his combat power was definitely no less than that of the strong in the vortex realm. I can't figure out my own strength either.