
Gray's Zodiac

Gray is a primitive werewolf omega who lives under the nickname Geisha. Her mate Zodiac is a modern werewolf alpha with trust and anger issues. Zodiac mistakenly assumes that Gray is a male and Gray would rather not want to have anything to do with a mate who is so blind that he can barely see past his own nose. Ridge, her brother becomes a new source of distrust for her mate but things spiral out of control when Gray has her first heat and their wolves Virgo and Capricorn decide to take matters into their own hands. Will this be a successful mating for Zodiac who thinks Gray is a whore and Gray who only wants a loving mate and not a temperamental one?

LJBleyk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Whxre I

Zodiac's pov



That is my name.

And I am a modern werewolf.

The car screeched loudly to a stop as I parked in front of the biggest club in these parts, Dynamite club. My one aim was searching for a person, the one they called Geisha.

I have information claiming that Geisha is my mate and I am here only to confirm how true that was. As I stepped into the club, my eyes darted around, taking in every bit of my surroundings. Smoke from cigarette butts was heavy in the air and the place seemed fully parked tonight.

Girls in skimpy clothes were also everywhere, and as to be expected, they were straddling the laps of men while others kissed strangers. I looked beyond that to find a couple of men with two girls, one on each arm groping and caressing each other.

The stench of alcohol was also very heavy that I could practically taste it on my tongue. Just ahead,

I saw someone, pressed against a wall and a man whose face was obscured by the blinding lights of the club. He was kissing down the person's neck while the other protested vehemently. Hands pinned behind her, I saw the helpless girl struggle in the muscular man's hold.

Normally, I wouldn't even bother to interfere because I just really didn't care about myself and my agendas but tonight was different. I was in a very bad mood because I had been searching for my mate for over 4 years. Then out of the blue, I get the information that my mate works in a club as a whore. All this while my mate had been right under my nose, doing whatever the hell she wanted. The thought of other men spending time with her and doing other "things" to her made me so annoyed.

Anger bubbled through me at the thought and I felt myself shake in fury. I immediately quickened my steps, watching the old drunk away and then punching him right on the nose.

Surprised eyes turned to me and I found myself staring at a pretty petite Asian girl.

She smiled softly and right then I decided I could use her.

"do you work here?", I asked her immediately.

She nodded briefly at me.

"I'm Xui Mei, and I work here as a waitress"

I nodded curtly. Not to be rude, but I wasn't interested in her life whatsoever.

All I wanted was to find my mate, Geisha.

I glanced at her and frowned suddenly noticing her cute features.

"How old are you Mei?".

Her cheeks flushed a deep pink and I wondered if I should be impressed by her cute nature.

"17", she replied, making my smile deepen. She's underage and working for a club?. I should consider sueing the club anonymously.

"Tell me, Mei, I'm looking for a person. Someone they call Geisha", I earnestly said to her.

Her face immediately paled and her eyes widened. I didn't miss that reaction as she suddenly gulped.

"Geisha?.....The-there's no-no one..."

I immediately cut her off, "I need to find her urgently Mei and you have to help me"

Her face instantly fell as she regarded me for a second.

She gave it a thought for a while longer before nervously biting her lower lip.

"You can find her t-there", she stuttered while pointing towards an old brown door. She seemed nervous and immediately scrambled away after that.

Guess my mate has made a notorious name for herself. I smiled at the thought of her instilling fear in others. Maybe she was a worthy mate after all.

Wait, she's still a whore.

A deep frown etched my forehead at the thought. I slowly inched towards the door. it was open halfway and had black curtains draping the entrance. Slowly, I pulled away from the curtain and made my way inside.

Smoke blinded me immediately and I had the sudden urge to cough but I held it in. The room was empty and yet I had the urge to proceed. I walked to the end of the room where another door was slightly open. I pushed the door slightly and it led me to the balcony.

The first thing that caught my attention was the silhouette standing there with a cigar in hand. Slowly I walked towards him?. He was in tight-fitting jeans that molded to his body and outlined the beautiful shape of his backside and his long legs.

I couldn't help but lick my lips while raking my eyes over him. So Geisha was a boy after all but my informant had told me Geisha was a female. Did I get the information wrong?. This is what happens when you threaten someone at gunpoint for information instead of paying for it. Gender wasn't even a problem right now.

I squinted at his profile which I could barely see because he was in a baseball cap and loose t-shirt.

He didn't seem to be bothered by my presence on the roof balcony and continued to enjoy his smoky "snack".

"Are you Geisha?", I asked in order to confirm my suspicions.

A firm nod from him and I turned to face the direction he was facing.

"Well good then, I have a beautiful proposal for you", I said. At that, he finally turned to glance at me and then back at the road where my car was parked.

"I see you're not one to talk a lot right?", he nodded again at my question.

Modern werewolves were different, we were not completely controlled by our primitive instincts and we could control most of our urges. Like how I'm calm and not immediately pouncing on my mate right now.

This is also why our senses have become very blunt, because of the excessive control we exert on ourselves.

"have you found your mate?", I tested him.

He let out a rather sweet feminine laugh that tugged at something within me.

"Are you not my mate?", he asked me boldly, " isn't that why you came?" with his eyes still on the road. He puffed his cigar and then let the smoke envelop us completely.

I smiled at that, the fact that he was smart and was not afraid to express his opinions either.

"if you already knew that I was coming, why didn't you run?",

He finally turned to glance at me once again and asked

"Why would I run mate?"