

People float into the sky, only to crash back down again. Panic ensues as the phenomenon becomes more frequent and widespread. The world watches in horror and fascination as gravity, the very force that keeps us grounded becomes our greatest enemy. As fear turns into chaos, will humanity find a way to adapt and survive in this new reality? Or will we fall... like gravity intended? Join us on this thrilling journey where every step could be a step into the abyss. Welcome to the world of Gravity Shutdown."

MegaDot · Urban
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10 Chs

Part 10... Continue.

The scene then cut to Kelvin's house moments later. Jonathan Robinson arrived and knocked on the door of a modest house.

"Who is it?" Kelvin's grandmother asked through the peephole.

"It's me, Jonathan. I'm here to pick up Kelvin," Jonathan replied.

"Kelvin? He's not going anywhere with you!" Kelvin's grandmother retorted from behind the door.

"Come on, Grandma. It's just for a few hours. We're going to visit an old friend," Jonathan tried to persuade her.

"An old friend? What kind of friend? Is he a good Christian?" she questioned suspiciously.

"Uh... sure, he is," Jonathan responded hesitantly.

"Don't lie to me, boy! I know you're up to no good!" she accused him sternly.

The door swung open to reveal Kelvin Bake, a black cop in his late forties clad in a T-shirt and shorts. His face was etched with annoyance as he addressed Jonathan. "Jonathan, my apologies. She's been on my tail all morning."

"No problem, man. Are you ready to go?" Jonathan asked him casually.

"Absolutely. Just need to snag my jacket," Kelvin replied before turning towards his grandmother who stood sternly with her cross necklace and Bible in hand.

"Grandma, I won't be long. No need for worry," he assured her.

Kelvin's grandmother was visibly upset. "Worry? How can I not when you're consorting with this heathen?" she exclaimed, brandishing her Bible at Jonathan. "Kelvin, he's leading you astray from the Lord! Astray from the path of righteousness!"

"Grandma, enough. Jonathan is my partner. He's one of the good ones," Kelvin tried to reassure her.

"Partner? What do you mean by partner? Are you two...?" she gasped audibly and made the sign of the cross. "Merciful heavens! You're not one of those homosexuals, are you?"

"What? No! Grandma, we're cops! We're partners on the force!" Kelvin clarified.

"Cops? More like crooks! You know what they say about cops. They're all corrupt, violent, and racist!" she retorted.

"Hey, that's not entirely true!" Jonathan defended.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! You're not welcome here! Out of my house!" she commanded, ushering Kelvin out of the door and slamming it shut.

Outside Kelvin's house, Jonathan and Kelvin ambled towards Jonathan's car parked on the street. They climbed in and drove off.

Inside Jonathan's car, they cruised down the road in silence for a moment. "Your grandma doing okay?" Jonathan asked.

"She's alright. Just a bit... traditional," Kelvin replied.

"Traditional? I'd say she's more eccentric," Jonathan commented.

"Don't be disrespectful. She took me in after my parents passed away. She cares about me," Kelvin defended.

"Yeah, I get it. My apologies," Jonathan conceded.

"So... where are we headed?" Kelvin asked.

"We're off to see Nick," Jonathan revealed.

"Nick? Who's Nick?" Kelvin questioned.

"You don't recall Nick? Our college buddy? The science geek." Jonathan reminded him.

"Oh... him," Kelvin remembered. 

"Yeah, him. What about it?" Jonathan asks.

"Nothing really." Kelvin spoke trying to make a less big deal out of it. "He was just..." but failed.

"Peculiar? How so?" Jonathan asked.

"Always engrossed in his gadgets and experiments. Couldn't stop talking about quantum physics, parallel universes, time travel...and whatnot," Kelvin explained.

"So what? He was intelligent and passionate about science," Jonathan defended.

"Sure, but he was also obsessed with it. Remember when he tried to build that rocket in the backyard?" Kelvin recalled.

"That was quite a spectacle," Jonathan agreed.

"Spectacle? It was hazardous! He nearly blew up the entire neighborhood! Poor Eric ended up bald because of the fire," Kelvin argued.

"Well, not completely. A few strands survived the ordeal. And Eric was fine afterwards," Jonathan countered with a grin. "Plus, we got to witness Marcus' true fear of rockets."

"And what about that time he hacked into the school's computer system and changed all the grades?" Kelvin brought up another incident.

"That was genius," Jonathan praised.

"That was illegal!" Kelvin retorted.

"But he never got caught," Jonathan pointed out. "Only because we covered for it."

"And we did because he was our friend. Still is. He's just... unique," Jonathan reasoned.

"Unique? More like unhinged," Kelvin disagreed.

"Don't say that. He's brilliant. And he might be able to assist us with our case," Jonathan defended Nick again.

"Our case? What does he have to do with our case?" Kelvin questioned further.

"You'll see. We're almost there," Jonathan assured him as they continued their journey towards Nick's place.

As they head to their destination, Kelvin turned to Jonathan, his voice laced with concern. "Jonathan, if anything goes wrong..." he began.

"Like what?" Jonathan asked, glancing at him.

"I don't know, but with Nick, there's always a sense of impending doom," Kelvin admitted.

"We're almost there. Be professional," Jonathan advised, his eyes back on the road.

"If something happens to you, don't expect me to file a missing person report," Kelvin warned him.

"Same here," Jonathan retorted nonchalantly.

Kelvin, known for his protective nature, felt his blood boil at Jonathan's nonchalant attitude. He stared out the window, the tension between them palpable in the confined space of the car.