


Gordon is observing the expression of Charon Perry. But he doesn't know what to say. His friend has asked him to come here. Before he could meet him. Charon Perry has greeted them.

So he couldn't help but wonder. His friend wants him to connect with the person who is none other than Charon Perry.

Don and Ema were nervous on the other end. Seeing their friend Gordon remaining quiet. They don't know what to do either.

"You guys can relax," Charon Perry said with a smile. He understood the reason behind their reactions.

"I was the one who contacted your friend to meet up with you guys," Charon revealed the truth.

Gordon felt instant relief. He then turned towards both of his friends and nodded his head at them. So that they can relax themselves.

They had escaped after accusing Vincent Carey wrongly. They don't want to do another blunder so soon.