
Gravity Falls: Levitation Rises

JoeMama20500 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Jay

It was during summer break. This may sound familiar but bear with me. Jay had just arrived in a sleepy town named Gravity Falls.

He had heard strange stories but he was 18 and wanted to move out. The first thing he noticed was tiny men about in the forest. He recently got a job at a fat man's attraction called the Mystery Shack. "Soos, or whatever your name is, have you noticed tiny men in the forest?" Jay asked.

"Uhh definitely not Dude." He replied

"Okay." Jay said awkwardly. The next day Jay decided to go out in the forest but he found something peculiar. "A statue of a dorito? Man, this town IS weird." The statue's hand was sticking out as if to shake to someone. "A part of me wants to shake but I also feel I shouldn't." He said to himself.

A week later he noticed two twin about his age that everyone seemed to like, there were even statues of them but younger, about 12 or 13. He always wondered why the statues said "heros" on it. Another statues he found was at the Mystery Shack. He found a creepy statue of a old man the said founder on it. That night he had nightmares. It seemed like he was the only one noticing anything about this town. The next day everything changed, some kid shook the hand of the dorito and the statue came to life, shooting nightmares out of the sky.