
One shot

Warning this will contain morbid content and other stuff you may not like to read exquestion advice.

So when Dipper and shoes and Wendy went into Mabel's space bubble that she was locked into and when they saw all the mystical stuff Mabel made in the bubble dipper after seen the clone of him that was all what Mabel wanted him to act like, and when Mabel said no to getting out of the bubble.

After Dipper went to the fake lake and saw windy walk up to him and say how much she like him Dipper was so happy that he didn't notice that there was a another windy because of the space bubble warped time to make it feel like they well in there for 2 days but a 6 week past.

So when Gideon went to Bill ciphers Leo and tried to fight bill after Bill captured him he asked will Dipper was, and when Gideon told Bill that they went to Mabel's space bubble Bill waited for them to try to sneak into his Leo to free uncle Ford.

after, Bill waited he went to Mabel's bubble to see if it was still there and to his surprise it was, and when he saw that he locked it up again without Mabel, Depper, shoes, and Wendy know that the life force thay hav was being taken slowly over the 6 weeks they died.

After Uncle Ford hold from Bill that depper ,Mabel and Wendy and shoes was stuck in the bubble for 6 weeks and Uncle Ford thought they will stay alive so he told Bill if he let them go he would tell him how to break the burial that stopping him from taking over the world show Bill said he would free thim and thay shook on it so win Ford told Bill how to break the burial Bill told them that they were already dead when he heard about them being stuck in the bubble for 6 weeks when Uncle Stan Hood about it he broke down and became crazy.

I'm kind of scary.

alfonso_Florescreators' thoughts