
Gravity Falls: A Summer Full Of Mysteries... FINALLY!!!

Our protagonist, who still hasn't decided the name, went to the world of Gravity Falls with 3 wishes what awaits him in this world where... nobody can be trusted... (And this is the synopsis, I was tired of looking for a gravity falls fic and I only find billdip, and other things I only found two good ones but they haven't updated in a while, I'm so frustrated that I created this ff, I'll start writing chapters if it goes well received, I'm using a translator since I'm not very proficient in English so forgive me for the lack of consistency between the sentences if it occurs, the cover is not mine, the love interest is already decided, I don't know how long it will take to leave the chapter but i would kick that with my laziness every 1 week. I hope this message reaches those who also want a gravity falls fic and don't have it.)

Arthur_Gameplay · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

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Another day for our protagonist has arrived with another day of intensive training, much more intensive than before... but he will be fine.

'Sigh* this workout will take me to the heights given enough time. With the same amount of time spent I achieved more than usual.' I thought as soon as I finished the exercises I did for faster strength improvement.

And what better way to do that than to put more pressure on your body? (Don't do this, joint wear and tear and muscle extension can ruin your body, this is fictional. Simply put, don't take on more weight than you can handle, I felt I had to warn you.)

So I did an exercise that puts all my muscles into action or better posture.

'And it hurts like h#ll I don't know if I felt more pain carrying the rhino's body alone or exercising with that posture.' I was washing in that healing lake that Iron and the rest of the guys made. (if I'm not mistaken it was a rhinoceros, my memories are not so good *laughs)

'But I can't deny the increase in strength I'm gaining, thank you very much high IQ.' I thought with a grateful tear and clenched my fists but the pain brought me back to reality.

'Well a little meat will solve the problem, the question is do I hunt myself or eat the meat that Ravi and the others bring?' After getting dressed in the same clothes as always but clean (obviously, I'll start to stop mentioning the obvious) I get ready to go out and possibly do something interesting today besides training.

'Do I visit my grandparents? But not a day has passed I don't have stories to tell them hmm...' Thinking about what to do and looking at every possible angle, it was decided.

"*Sigh* It's time to level up my haki and haoshoku if possible but I don't think I'll be able to unlock it today. I wanted to delay as much as possible but I have a lot to do during these 6 years and I have to take strength from one of the things to be taken away out of the way and make room for other things." Yes, Luffy is thinking about the hardening phase of busoshoku and the vision of the future of kenbunshoku.

(Yes, it sounds crazy to hear this I also thought while writing but he being blindfolded 24 hours a day plus his talent x10 or x20, I believe he would be able to unlock it. Even our protagonist's haki is different from the rest of one piece since he can see in detail everything in your reach and don't overload yourself because of your IQ, there are other explanations too but I'll leave it for later but know that his observation haki is much better than many in one piece minus Katakuri since he still doesn't see the future.)

'Of course, I won't relax in training even when I'm stronger but how am I going to level up the kenbunshoku? In the anime, he needed external pressure from the fight to do so, in addition to keeping calm...' Thinking about how to do this, I thought of 3 options to be able to advance the kenbunshoku.

'First and the slowest is to wait naturally with my talent and rely on haki all the time this is possible but I don't know the amount of time needed for this other than it could be at the beginning of the canon so it's a no.'

'Second option involves building a machine that will be shooting around me at great speeds something that will take a while to do but is not as long as the first option and the third option...*Sigh*'

'The third one is very hypothetical and I don't even know if it exists and if it does it has the same speed shown.'(You probably don't know who he's referring to. He's talking about a monster or creature that appears in the opening for a second frame if you're not aware it's almost imperceptible, it looks like bigfoot or something and for having appeared in a second frame as if he was running it looks like he's very fast but as it's never been shown it's not known.)

'The fastest to do now is the third but will he be fast enough to unlock my haki? In addition to all the other requirements to reach that level.' I started walking through the forest looking for this creature.

'I doubt I'll find him today *Sigh' I sighed as I continued my way randomly.

'Well let's get something to eat, for now, isn't my condition at its peak and I have time to find my bigfoot? No, even though he looks like the bigfoot he seems too fast for one... How about I make one up when I see him? If I see him, if I don't I have no choice but to go with the second option.' I started heading towards an animal that I could eat from and satiate my hunger.

'But that healing base of that waterworks miracles on my body with that training I would take 36 hours with meat to recover from the pressure my body took. I have to study it as soon as possible and why it works better on my body' I reached my goal which was a moose with a height... normal, yes normal.

'I'm surprised that a normal moose managed to get to this part of the forest, his luck must be very good or my presence interfered with the order and hierarchy of the forest which is most likely to occur after 1 month here. The big and strong animals must have gone deeper into the forest for fear of being eaten...' Picking up the moose's corpse, yes, corpse, he's already dead. (Yes you who expected a fight scene sorry to disappoint you but while he thought he already killed the moose with a good punch to the head.)

'Now just separate the pieces and bake... I can become a butcher with my experience in this... Ahh, who am I kidding with my IQ I can revolutionize the world for many years to come but I have no obligation hehe... But I'm going to focus on the medical field, people die every day for lack of money to pay for the medicine or an incurable disease...' With all the pieces ready and the stone ready, it's just a matter of waiting for the meat to be ready. (You know he's using the stone as a plate over the fire.)

"But I don't even know what the future will be and the present that daddy gave me that I have no idea what it is...*murmur*" I turned the meat while I was thinking about the future. (But I know what it is hehe. Smirk*)

'Speaking of which I need to start building a secret base like Stanford did to do all my experiments but if I try to build it myself I'll only finish when the canon starts or even later... Think how I'll have manpower without having to use money... OH~ Gnomes, they have enough people to turn into a giant monster and surround the entire mystery hut and suppress the Gideon with his army.' After finishing eating the meat, I start thinking about the place where I'm going to build.

'How about near gravity falls like Stanford's? Now the materials are missing... anything in the book that can help me? Let's see... anything... AH! I remembered~' I start running towards the lake near the gravity falls that has the lake monster.

'They should be able to help me with this problem- No, they are the only ones who can solve this problem.' (Some of you who are fans of Gravity Falls may have already guessed it, but those who haven't guessed will tell you later.




Arriving at the lake, I look for a boat if I don't have one I'll have to go swimming but luckily there's a wooden one that looks abandoned.

'Will serve.' Untying it I guide towards the waterfall and as we don't have oars and only a wooden board I break it in half.

(Gomu gomu no screw. He didn't think about it but to give you an idea of ​​what Luffy is doing I left the name Luffy used in the part of Foxy's crew.)

Propelling the boat forward as if it were a speedboat with a turbo.

I quickly crossed the waterfall with the boat almost sinking with the amount of water that came in and the boat might not take a turbo anymore *Laughs.

I run as far down the passage as I can, knowing their location.

'Finally found them.' I thought when I saw that they were watching me from afar.

Soon a little one approached me, I picked him up and started scratching between the crystals which he seemed to like quite a bit.

Geodite that I had picked up after being scratched started singing a little song and many other geodites came up and started dancing.

'Ford said in the diary that they inexplicably started dancing but I can tell they are welcoming a guest and they seem pretty happy about it.' They started dancing around me and the chirp they make creating a harmonious sound.

"Shishi, you are very good at having guests, thank you for having me here." I placed the Geodite that was in my hand on the floor and petted him, of course, it wasn't the most comfortable thing like petting a dog but I didn't mind that.

The geodite as if he had drunk an energy drink he was very happy and started to jump creating another rhythm in which the others were happy to follow.

'Who knew that simple crystals beating could create such harmonious and rhythmic music.' Before I could do anything else they started pushing and guiding me further into the cave.

I arrived what can be said of their home, a big place full of geodites.

Between crystals on the wall and I was momentarily disoriented with so many colors in this place.


A geodite that was stuck to the wall fell on top of me.

'I need more training, I don't want what happened to Gojo to happen to me too.' Holding the one that fell on top I see that this one had moss around it.

'The amount of time he was glued to the ceiling without moving is no joke.' Holding it in front of me, I notice the geodites standing around me are surprised.

'Why are they surprised? That one of them was glued to the ceiling?' Then they started chirping again and even collided with each other.

Some jumped on top of me and didn't hold back.

'Ah~ They thought I was fragile like other humans so they held back by making physical contact with me.' As they jumped on me I remembered yesterday when Ravi and the others jumped on me.

A smile formed on my lips and, "Hahaha, it's ok I have time for all of you."

A few minutes after a lot of partying and hugs...

"I need something from you, iron, and in large quantities is it possible?" I asked with the hope that they could solve this problem.

'They are much cuter, the Ford EQ must be missing when you talked about them, if they don't have iron I'll have to look for other materials for the base.' They looked at each other and seemed to be discussing something.


One of them has taken the lead and it looks like he wants me to follow him.

Following him with the other Geodites following behind in some channels that they seem to have created, I come across a wall that looks like it was dug a long time ago.


The Geodite who was guiding me and looked like the oldest looked in my direction and then bit the wall and threw the piece he had bitten into my hand.

Analyzing it with my haki, it looked like a more crystalline stone...


Scanning the entire wall in front of me, there was a path full of iron in front of me.

'It wouldn't be wrong to say that this wall is made entirely of iron...' I touched the wall in front of me.

I turned to the geodites and thanked them humbly.

They were very happy to help and the one who guided me here was proud to have helped which I laughed a little at his actions.

'They're not bad at all, the way they react to the lamp's fire is because of the light or heat?' Looking back at them I decided to let it go.

"Well now that I have a supply of iron to build my base is there anything you need my help with? I can help with whatever you want." I asked them wanting to repay the huge favor they did me.

Looking at each other they ran and I ran along, they were going to a certain place.

Getting there with more geodites than I had before.

'Did they call more geodites for this? What will they need?'

Moving forward the geodites are jumping up indicating what I should do.

"So you want this crystal on the ceiling?" You can't even say that this is crystal, it looks like the ceiling is made of colored glass.

They nodded excitedly.

Ok right, I don't know the hardness of the crystal but the problem must be that they don't reach the crystal.

'One attack shouldn't be enough to take everything out in this case...'

I inhaled a large amount of air and started to twist my body.

The Geodites walked away to see what came next and for safety.

I let all the air out on the floor, throwing myself towards the ceiling.

'Gomu gomu no storm' Several punches went towards the ceiling breaking the crystal on the ceiling.

A shower of crystals fell on the floor, the giodites were impressed with the way Luffy got the crystal and the crystal that fell like rain.

The punches didn't stop and I kept raining crystals until the crystals on the ceiling ended and Luffy fell with the law of gravity. (For now haha...)

"Alright guys, that was all the crystal that was on the ceiling with some stones too." I looked at them who had stars in their eyes with the mountain of crystals behind me.

They jumped on the crystals and started to eat, they didn't eat everything after all it was enough.

Turning to me they jumped on me and covered me all over looking like I was buried in the rubble.

"Don't need this guys, get off me please?" They didn't listen to me and were on top of me for a minute and a half;

In that time I could see their changes after eating, their crystal looked like they had fireflies in my kenbunshoku.

Making room for me everyone stood around me as we walked back to their house, arriving at the entrance where I had first come.

And the Geodites looking a little sad, time to say goodbye...

"What are these sad faces? I'll come regularly to get the iron I won't be able to get everything now and I won't use it now so~... Would you welcome me next time I come?" I crouched down to their level and asked them.

As if it was night and it turned day their expressions improved and they jumped on top of me again with some even biting me but nothing malicious just expressing their feelings through these actions.

"Okay, looks like you guys are ready for the next time I come again hahaha~!" Standing up and petting everyone I prepare to go out and meet them the next time.

"Well, I'll go, guys, see if you don't eat all the crystals at once and adjust the amount for each one." I smiled and played with them by waving my hands.

As soon as I took 3 steps forward one of them jumped causing a screeching sound on the fall.

Causing a chain reaction the others started jumping and colliding with each other and the surrounding crystals.

What started with a screeching sound of crystal hitting the floor ended up with a beautiful sound that sounds like bells ringing. (Too bad that the MC can't see any of those beautiful scenes... and neither can we._.)

I smiled with the goodbye they did.

'You don't even know me well but...'

"Until next time guys..." D. (I'll just write D. I think or would you prefer me to say D. smile?)

'I hardly know you either but I already consider you friends.'

The sound seemed more animated as if it responded to my 'until next time' with a 'see you soon'.

So I kept walking out of the cave with the piece of iron that one of the older geodites gave me. (The piece the geodite bit off.)

But even after being under the waterfall, their sound was still audible.

'You sure make a 'squeaky noise' as Stanford wrote.' I laughed at that remark.

After some time sailing slowly with the boat to the coast where I found it, because the boat will not be able to turn into a speedboat with a turbo and also why not take advantage of this calm?

Sound of fish swimming and jumping on top of the water, taking advantage of the fact that it's not fishing day.

The freshness of the wind with the water and the sun gently warming the body.

'How good this is, now I understand why most go out to sea turning into a pirate or sailor to a merchant but in this calm, there's always something lurking in one piece they are pirates and king of the seas.' I thought with the monster at the bottom of the lake that was sleeping.

'Here is a Loch Ness monster that doesn't even come close to the danger that a pirate crew or a sea king represents in one piece but is it a drawing what was expected?' I shrugged my shoulders at this observation but then remembered Bill who has a very varied power scale in the drawing.

'One moment he is so fast that he appears almost instantly in front of Dipper but then chasing Dipper and Mabel besides not catching them immediately he was still bent.' Leaning the boat that is in tatters with its appearance saying that if it passes under the waterfall again it will sink.

'Besides, after I level my kenbunshoku I have to improve it in my way, making it show all the elements so I would have even found iron under my foot and it would be very useful in my analysis and maybe in fights.' I thought of a possible new chain for kenbunshoku but left that for another time.

'How much fighting time would I need to unlock the vision of the future? Maybe it's not just a necessary fight...' I start walking slowly towards my temporary home.




Walking leisurely and arriving home after my mind wandered to various things even complaining about his 6-year-old body not allowing him to learn rokushiki.

Ravi, Iron, and others were around a prey they had recently taken.

"It took you a long time to get a bear but considering your growth, good job." I patted Ravi's head affectionately as he snuggled and his tail became a fan.

"*laughs* Iron is helping less so you guys can learn right?" I asked for confirmation and they agreed.

Iron seemed proud to be a veteran compared to the others.

'You are 10 years older than them Iron! But let's not spoil his happiness after all because he's 10 years older he can teach a thing or another when they're hunting.' I began to prepare to dismantle the bear.

"What nostalgia… isn't it Ravi?" I turned to Ravi who was beside me.

"Remember the first time we met? There was a bear back then too." I turned my head towards the sky that even without seeing I know it is clear and blue. (Ambient humidity and the wind speed that takes the clouds)

Ravi looked up at the sky also lightly passing the flashback since he met Luffy.

Him being found starving, Luffy beating the bear, and his smile back then.

Then the panic that ran when Luffy arrived carrying a much larger rhino with its small body and passed out from the stress.

"I remember you thought I was going to die for a bear that was only twice my size, hahaha!! Luffy laughed heartily remembering that time.

Ravi pouted, he was worried that Luffy was in danger at the time.

"You are now much healthier, nourished, and strong. And you still have a long way to go." I started to open the bear and separate the meat.

Ravi approached me and licked my cheek slowly.

I turned to Ravi a little confused but still catching his feelings.

"Yes...you're right, we still have a long way to go together, Shishishi." I smiled at Ravi's remark.

Ravi was glad his father understood and howled.

Everyone understanding why Ravi was howling joined in the howling marking that we all have a long way to go.

"Shishi, you guys are still the same, let's roast this meat you must be hungry after all you've done today." I started to prepare with the help of Ravi who was begging me to help in some way.

I let him cut the pieces and then everyone else wanted to help in some way too.

I smiled at everyone wanting to do something to help and I gave everyone tasks no matter how tiny they all went along with defiantly no matter how small it was.

So the meat was already on the fire in less than 5 minutes.

"It was fast thanks to everyone our meat will come much sooner than usual." Everyone was in a row as if they wanted a medal for their actions.

"Thank you all." Everyone had a satisfied smile with their tails wagging.

What a comical scene.

As soon as the meat was ready everyone was served and Ravi and the former alpha seemed to be competing to see who ate the most.

'Did the two develop a sense of rivalry? Maybe I should give him a name... I'll give it to him as a gift on another occasion, let them enjoy it as this is the only time they rest.' Eating the salted meat in front of me.

'Salt!' Thank you so much for existing I solemnly thank you for what made this meal so much more delicious besides eating together with what you can say your family.

With the rest of the day spent having fun and playing with each other they slept.

Our protagonist who looks like he passed out and fell to the ground all sprawled out is sleeping with Ravi on top of him and Iron sleeping next to him.


End of the chapter I will say that many of the scenes of this chapter I would like to be watching took 2 days to make this chapter yesterday I only wrote for 3 or 4 hours because I needed to help my father wash the house and today I wrote most of the time, I almost slept 3 hours ago but remembering that I didn't launch the chapter or take a shower, I did both waking up and starting to write again that it didn't work since I was quite sleepy at the end. It took me a while to release a chapter and y'all forgive me I don't like it of course but I only had 4 hours to myself on a weekday plus I have to use that time to do my homework but~... here comes the good news, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday don't have classes so I'll be able to write to you launching this chapter and the next one if I don't have a block on the order of things but then I launch Wednesday. Once again forgive me for the delay and I had to sleep 17 hours to have the energy to spend 5 hours at school, thanks for waiting for the chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.
