
Gravity: A Naruto SI Fic

There were worse ways to die... but his death was pretty stupid. Yet thrown into Konoha years before canon, he was given a chance - preventing the tragedies, even if it meant defying the natural laws of this world. Changing the fates of future terrorists and corpses? At least this time, his death would be memorable. A Male Self-Insert Fic with no system or bloodlines. Disclaimer: I am not the original author of this fic. All credits go to okmangeez on the FFN and Ao3 websites. I am just posting for him on Webnovel. What to expect from this fic: -A realistic and serious MC who seeks to grow his shinobi abilities. - Utilizing every possible way to grow stronger, despite his non-clan background. - An MC that is unafraid to make changes. As the author stated, 'prevent the tragedies while the heroes do their thing.' - Good character development with a healthy mix of canon and original characters. - Friendship, and possible romance in the future (?) - Great fight scenes. - A lot of world-building that is weaved into the story. - Slow at first, but builds up and goes beyond after establishing the main characters.

kin123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A Gamble

If someone told him several years ago that he would be on the lookout for a man dressed in a tight green suit and a stereotypical bowl cut running about screaming "YOUTH!" he would've branded the person as insane.

Alas, it was just another day of his life in Konoha.

More than two years had passed since Kinjo arrived in this world, yet every day was eventful and unique. Today was no different, as his hunt for the Green Beast of Konoha continued. His hunt for a gunbai teacher was a failure, but he would not stop his search for Maito Gai,

"He should be back in the village," Kinjo mumbled as he looked around the village on top of a tall building in the business district. He put the cheap binoculars away and gazed up at the cloudy sky. "The war has been over for a while now."

The war in Kumo had ended a month after New Year's Day, with a divergent peace treaty that supported Konoha's strategic aims. Initially, the treaty declared the Land of Hot Water as a demilitarized zone, with Kumo and Konoha remaining out of its affairs. There were other clauses added to the treaty to smooth relations between the two great villages, but the section involving the demilitarized Land of Hot Water was the most crucial one.

However, after some "re-negotiations" after the initial celebrations, Yugakure was now an ally of Konoha, and Kumo was forced to make other undisclosed concessions. This unexpected revelation lightened the mood in Konoha, making many believe that the dead didn't die for nothing.

It was a significant change to the canon.

Not only that, but Hizashi was still alive, and with it, the members of the Hyuga Clan would be affected by the changes. Would Hiashi be a different father to Hinata? Would Hanabi be born? What would Neji be like in eight years when the main events unfolded?

If there was one thing that calmed his mind, it was that Yugakure would remain a shinobi village for the foreseeable future. This meant that Hidan, who defected because of Yugakure's turn to a pacifistic tourist village, would stay under Akatsuki's radar. Or at least he hoped. If his hopes were true, then he would have already saved dozens of people from being murdered, including Asuma.

The future was now in flux. He had to believe it was for the better.


"Ah, there he is."

Kinjo turned his head to the eastern parts of the village with his binos, spotting a young adult clad in a shudder-inducing green outfit sprinting around the perimeter of the village. His hair looked like an upside black bowl from a distance, which complemented his brush-like eyebrows.

He looked… handsome, in a peculiar way.

During his first few weeks in Konoha, he attempted to locate the famed taijutsu specialist for several hours per week. His searches were in vain as he couldn't find the shinobi, which he later concluded was due to the war with Kumo. Due to the war, many shinobi, including Gai, were out of the village for extended periods. Now that the war was over, Gai had returned.

After tracing his first lap, Kinjo hopped across the rooftops to intercept Gai on the outskirts of the village near his home. However, by the time he had arrived, Gai had blown past the interception point and was on his way toward the Hokage Monument.

"Holy shit," Kinjo uttered as he watched the dust clouds rising behind Gai. "He was this fast even when he was eighteen?"

It took less than ten minutes for Gai to round the entire village and arrive before him. Kinjo dived into his way and stretched out his arms, "Stop!"

Gai skidded to a halt, creating a long skid mark as he veered to avoid a collision. After he stopped, he made an exaggerated pose and grinned at Kinjo. "Ho? A daring youngster stopping me in the middle of my morning training? What do you need from this Might Gai?"

"I'm Kinjo. I was wondering if you would help me er… with my physical training regimen. I heard that you were the best for that."

"You came all the way here to ask me about… training?"

"Yes?" Kinjo answered while taking a step back.

Gai vibrated in place and pumped his fists into the air. "Truly the power of youth! Of course, this Noble Gentleman of Konoha will help you with your training!"

"Uh… Thank you."

"Now, let us run five laps around the village together before we begin!"

"Wait, that isn't part of the training?"

"Of course not!" Gai's voice boomed. "Running laps is merely the warm-up! It takes me less than an hour to run the laps!"

"You run over three hundred kilometers for warm-up?" Kinjo asked after he ran the math through his head.

He counted with his fingers as he processed the numbers."Only that much? I need to increase that number! We'll run ten laps!"

Kinjo's jaws dropped. "The most I've run at one time was twenty kilometers…."

"Everyone needs to start from somewhere! You will never be able to run twenty laps around the village if you don't believe. You may fail today, but you must believe you can! And one day, it will happen."

"I was just looking to get some taijutsu and physical training…." Kinjo said as a trickle of sweat rolled down his neck.

"I see," Gai nodded. "That is why we will run twenty laps. Endurance is the cornerstone of every shinobi, and today, we will test yours to the very limit!"

"... Can we run just five laps?"

"Hmm… Very well, we will run five laps. Now forward! Let us burn our youthful energy and show the world our determination!"

If there was something he should've expected, it was this. Yet, Kinjo had hoped that young Gai was less intense than his adult self. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he was more fervent about his workouts.

Then again, he needed to shift gears and train harder. He planned to graduate in just over a year and needed to use that time wisely. His fundamental shinobi skills were set, but he always had room for improvement.

Which meant training with Gai, whose endurance, speed, and taijutsu skills were second to none.

Instead of complaining, Kinjo tightened his sandals and bolted ahead of his "teacher." His feet pounded the ground as he zoomed forward, his surroundings turning into colorful blurs and distorted sounds. He heard his heart hammering as he pushed to his limits, his hair spraying all over his face from the wind. Time flew by as fast as the buildings he passed, his senses distorted by his efforts.

"Looking good," Gai grinned as he pulled up next to him, making Kinjo slip during his run. Kinjo's tunnel vision cleared in an instant, and his eyes adjusted to the sudden clarity of his surroundings.

They were now near the Hokage Monument, kilometers away from where they were before. Kinjo looked over to Gai and noticed that he was jogging.

His best sprint was hardly a jog for Gai.

And for the first time since he had met Fugaku, Kinjo realized the severe difference in skill between himself and a jonin.

A frown formed on his face, which Gai called out with a shout. "Don't look so down! Ignore the distractions and focus on your goal!"

Kinjo gritted his teeth and ran a bit faster. Gai sped up to match his stride and flashed a blinding smile. "That's it! I can see the fire of youth burning inside you! Let us run even faster!"

Kinjo ran for his life for the next three hours as he sped around the village with Gai. After the fifth lap, his lungs felt like tanks filled with fire, and his legs swayed to the wind. His clothes were weighing him down from the amount of sweat they had absorbed, and every step he took felt like he was walking on a porcupine.

"I can keep going," Kinjo reassured Gai as he drifted to the side and heaved on top of the Hokage Monument. "Just… give me a minute."

"That is enough for today. You worked hard. That was all I was looking for." Gai patted him on the back.

"What about taijutsu training?"

"For next time."

"I can do it today," Kinjo wheezed.

"It is good to rest and recover after a tough session. If you train without rest, you will only injure yourself and reset your progress!"

"I need to learn as much as I can… I only have a year until I become a genin."

"I thought you were a genin already!" Gai said as he inspected him. "No protector… How old are you?"


"Only an eight-year-old Academy student, yet such determination and passion for improving…. Tell me, do you have someone that you want to surpass? Perhaps a classmate or a well-known shinobi?"

"Uchiha Itachi," Kinjo answered. "He's a natural genius, and he's a lot better than I am, even though we're almost the same age."

He swore that Gai's eyes glowed as he shouted."Yosh! I will take you on as my student."

Kinjo sucked in a breath of fresh air as his lungs finally settled. "Really?"

"Of course! You bravely jumped in my way to ask for training and persevered for hours even though you were exhausted. Not only that, but you asked for more training! You probably know this well, but I am quite a popular man! I have had many shinobi ask me to train them."

"Then why me?"

"Because you endured and even asked for more! Every shinobi that asked before you faltered and gave up after I made them run continuously. They claimed my training was too extreme! Yet, that training allowed me to come this far in the first place! They lacked the dedication, the will to continue forward!"

"So… you're allowing me to train with you because I survived your warm-up?"

"PERSEVERANCE!" Kinjo jumped when Gai shouted the word. "That is the key to success! You may think you are lacking because of that Uchiha youngster. But you are a genius as well, with your perseverance! You will beat your rival one day, and I will help you beat him!"

Gai gave him a thumbs-up with a wink. His antics made Kinjo smile, despite the sharp ache spreading in his legs."He's not my rival; he's a friend."

"Your greatest rival can be your closest friend! Ask my eternal rival Kakashi!"

"Who is Kakashi?"

"My best friend and rival! I am better than he is, but he is very close to me in terms of skill. We have numerous epic battles against each other every year, and I am in the lead with twenty-two wins to his twenty-one!" Gai boasted as he thumped out his chest. "Now, let me make myself clear. I am a busy man with my own training and missions. I am more than happy to guide a fiery youngster like yourself, but you must give me one hundred and ten percent each time I train with you."

"I'll give it all I got."

"And you must believe you can succeed, no matter what. You must believe you can beat the Uchiha youth and achieve your goals. If I can beat an elite genius like my friend Kakashi with only determination and effort, then you must believe you can do the same!"

Despite his opinion of Gai's antics, Kinjo bowed his head to his new mentor. Gai was indeed the epitome of positivity and hard work. Sure, Naruto was similar personality-wise and more powerful, but Gai wasn't a jinchuriki or the successor to various powerful and wise teachers. He was a shinobi that couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu and flunked the Academy's entrance screening.

Yet, he endured and trained zealously, eventually reaching a point where he could go toe to toe with Madara with just taijutsu. He was a true role model for any aspiring shinobi, especially for those from a non-clan background.

"Of course. Thank you for taking me as a student, sensei."

"Then it is settled! Now let us do five hundred push-ups to begin your official training!"

"Wh… Yes, sensei."


"No, you are not allowed to leave the house for another week, Mika!"

"Mommy, please?"

"I said no!"

Makoto interjected and placed his hand on Mika's head. "Aya…"

"I said no, Mako! And that is final. She should learn sewing and cooking, not throwing knives or hitting people!" Kinjo's mother huffed as she placed her chopsticks down and glared at her family members. Only Satoshi was spared from the mother's gaze as his laugh echoed throughout the dining room.

Kinjo looked away as he munched on his dinner, still sore from his lessons with Gai. His body was still adjusting to the insane regimen that Gai had cooked up for him just a week ago. He had seen this conversation multiple times throughout the past two and a half years, and it escalated each time.

"She doesn't like cooking or sewing, and you know that."

"Then she can take up another hobby. Yumi is opening up an art school soon. She can attend some classes there…."

"Aya, she can't even draw stick figures, and you want her to draw?"

"Anything but that. One is enough."

"And look at our son! He's at the top of his class! Before he attended the Academy, he looked bored and stuck. Now, he's turning into a finer man than you and I could've ever dreamed of. Maybe she will be the same."

"She is six. Our daughter is hardly old enough to understand what it means to be that."

"Mommy, daddy, stop fighting," Mika cried as she shook her mother's arm. "I won't ask anymore."

"Of course, dear." Her mother cooed as she stroked her back. "Sorry, that mommy is acting like this. You see, we have something to tell the three of you."

"You're pregnant?" Kinjo guessed.

His father clutched his stomach and laughed. "See? Our son is brilliant."

"How did you know, Kin?" His mother whispered.

"A lucky guess?" And the fact that her appetite surged to the point where even he felt sick looking at her eat.

"Smart boy," She stroked his head and giggled. "Well, you'll have a new sibling in a few months! Aren't you excited?"

"Oooh! I hope it's a girl! I want a sister!" Mika declared as she waved her spoon. Her previous determination was replaced by excitement.

Even Satoshi joined the conversation. His younger brother was now four years old and a full-fledged child. "I want a sister too!"

"I don't mind either or," Kinjo added.

Counting his previous life, this was his fifth sibling. At this rate, he could field a basketball team consisting of his siblings.

"You'll have to stay home whenever you have the chance." His mother smiled at him.

He shivered at her sweet demeanor and fell silent. Only his father's understanding nod calmed his frayed nerves.


Itachi glanced at Kinjo, who was swinging his gunbai with deadly accuracy. It glowed briefly before slamming into the tree with a loud thwack, a storm of leaves raining down on them. He raised an eyebrow and turned his head to his friend with a questioning gaze. "What was that?"

"Something that I've been practicing with Gai sensei," Kinjo said as he pulled out the fan embedded an inch deep in the trunk. "It's his Leaf Hurricane combined with a fan… I'm calling it Leaf Tornado."

"Tornadoes spin. You weren't spinning."

"I suck at naming things, and I'm still working on the move."

He didn't reply, opting to look at the jostled tree branches with a smile. A comfortable silence overtook them as Kinjo continued his practice while Itachi enjoyed the stillness of the small park within his home district. The only sounds he heard were the swishing of the fan and the soft chirping of birds on the various trees that populated the park.

"What did you want to talk about?" Kinjo asked.

Itachi remained silent.

"The only times you call me out alone is if it's about something serious, like your missions."

"We train together, occasionally."

"If we were training, we would be at a training ground, not a park."

Itachi hummed as Kinjo sat down next to him, his gunbai strapped to his back in a blink of an eye. The weapon was large as he was, yet Kinjo wielded it without difficulty.

The younger boy had always been as sharp as him, and he appreciated his blunt attitude when they were alone. When they met for the first time, Itachi had been intrigued by the possibility of interacting with a fellow genius that was his age. He had been disappointed at Kinjo's seeming lack of skills, but he had made up for it with his maturity and intelligence. Itachi's first recollection of him was the surprising depth and thoughts in his eyes, something he had only seen in Shisui from their age group.

Kinjo's confession of wanting to help people and improve the world struck a chord in him. That was why Itachi jumped into a friendship with him; they were alike in many ways, and he held the same views as Itachi and Shisui.

His first and only friend outside of the Uchiha Clan.

Thankfully, his father approved of the friendship as Kinjo rapidly improved as a shinobi, surpassing other students in his class.

Admittedly, he couldn't tell Kinjo everything, especially about the discontent within his clan. Still, his conversations with him were refreshing. Itachi was grateful that he had someone to converse with, especially one he could confide in on complex and serious matters. He also spoke to Shisui whenever possible, but Shisui was also busy with his obligations as a shinobi.

Though, he sensed a thin wall separating the two of them. Every move Kinjo made was calculated; he could tell since he was the same. Yet, Kinjo was rather straightforward when it was just the two of them. Perhaps he saw Itachi the same way Itachi saw him, but he didn't need to ask. Their current friendship was enough.

"How is your training with Gai?" Itachi questioned.

"It's good," Kinjo replied. "I've learned a lot in a month. He's a good teacher."

"I heard he's a jonin now. Maybe he'll be your jonin instructor."

"Nah, he mentioned that he didn't want a full team yet because he wants to "enjoy his youth," whatever that means."

Itachi closed his eyes and leaned on the tree. "He seems… interesting."

"He's a character," Kinjo affirmed. "A Ryo for your thoughts?"

"My team has received another A-rank mission."

"Really?" Despite his question, he didn't sound surprised.

"I'm escorting the Fire Daimyo for his annual visit to Konoha next week."

"And you're worried about it?"

He nodded. "Somewhat."

"Are you worried about yourself or your teammates? Your teammate… Genma."


"Right, Tenma. He nearly died in your team's previous mission."

"That's part of the reason, but I'm also feeling somewhat… unnerved about being assigned two high-ranking missions in a short period. I was told that this mission would be easy, but considering my last mission… I'm not too sure.."

When Itachi opened his eyes, he saw Kinjo place his chin on his hand and stare at the golden sunset in the distance. He stilled, his expression blank as he scrunched his eyebrows together. Itachi felt a shift in the air as Kinjo pondered longer than he had anticipated, tranquility transforming into an unbearable stillness as his friend remained quiet.

Did Kinjo know something he didn't?


Kinjo's memories recalled the events of Itachi's novel with frightening clarity. The Fire Daimyo mission was one of the most critical events in the first book, an event that would shift the tone of the story.

Tenma would die at Tobi's hands during the mission, and Itachi would awaken his Sharingan shortly after.

If he warned Itachi, Tenma would most likely survive, and Itachi would not awaken his Sharingan, at least for some time.

If he didn't warn him, events would progress as per canon.

Kinjo chewed his lips as Itachi stared, a spark flicking out of his mouth as his chakra responded to his thoughts. He fiddled with the shoulder strap of his fan as his mind raced faster than his fingers.

For a moment, Kinjo leaned towards the latter option. There was no telling what would happen to Itachi if he didn't have his Sharingan. With the village seemingly testing his abilities through challenging missions, Itachi could lose his life if he didn't have the dojutsu. The books never detailed all his assignments, meaning the Sharingan was potentially necessary for him to survive.

And while Itachi was skilled, Kinjo wasn't sure if he was skilled enough to become a chunin without his Sharingan. Itachi became a chunin a year after unlocking them, blowing his peers out of the water by combining his genius and his Sharingan. Shortly after, he joined ANBU, and the Uchiha conspiracy began in earnest.

There were no guarantees that the conspiracy wouldn't start if Itachi wasn't a chunin, and Itachi would become weaker than his canon self. Kinjo didn't see any benefits in warning him about Tenma's impending demise...

He slammed the back of his head into the tree and sighed. Itachi cocked his head and glanced at Kinjo but waited for his reply wordlessly.

"Take caution during your mission," Kinjo finally said while massaging his temples. "No offense, but I'm not sure why they gave you and your team that mission. Genin guarding the Daimyo, even though that mission should be an A-rank? Something is off about this entire thing. Be on your guard, and make sure your teammate doesn't do anything stupid. Don't let him charge at an unknown enemy since he might actually die."

"You think someone would attack the Daimyo in broad daylight?"

Kinjo shrugged. "Konoha has plenty of enemies. A few probably heard that the Daimyo is being escorted by a genin team instead of a jonin one. Even with his bodyguards, he's a much easier target to assassinate now. If someone wants to create chaos in Konoha, cutting off its finances would be a good way to start."

"Makes sense," Itachi agreed. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Be careful."

"I will, thanks."

As they departed the park, Kinjo looked back at the tree with a frown. He shivered as he remembered his final thoughts before giving Itachi his answer. They were cold and calculating, detached from his usual confident and hopeful outlook. Compared to his eagerness to change the Hyuga Incident, his thoughts toward saving Tenma were lukewarm.

His growing friendship with Itachi clouded his judgment; he didn't want Itachi to die due to his intervention. Despite all his bravado to save people with his knowledge, he was hesitant to risk his friend in his schemes to save people.

Kinjo had to be confident in Itachi's abilities, whether he had the Sharingan or not.

Perhaps his "success" during the Hyuga Incident blinded him, but he believed he could make changes without severe consequences. Or at least consequences that he and others couldn't deal with. A small part of Kinjo clung to the hope that he could achieve his goals without answering a question brewing in the back of his mind.

Would his actions really save more people, or would they lead to something far graver than canon events?

If he was stronger, he would succeed. He just needed the determination to see it to the end.

For a brief moment, Kinjo swore he felt someone watching him from one of the trees nearby. Yet, when his eyes drifted over to an inconspicuous tree, it was empty.

Perhaps it was just the wind.


Red eyes glowered at Kinjo as he looked up from his lunch. They continued to peer into him, tracking him while he dug into his curry and sipped a can of orange juice. As he finished the can, the red disappeared, replaced with a familiar shade of dark grey.

Kinjo checked his watch and nodded. "A minute."

"Ugh," Izumi panted as she wiped some sweat from her forehead. "I thought it was longer this time."

They were sitting in the cafeteria of the Academy, a large sprawling room filled with tables, chairs, and food. Its white walls were adorned with various posters with pictures of famous shinobi and inspirational captions. It sat on the edge of the campus, providing a clear view of the neighboring Hokage Tower. Since lunch was free for students, Kinjo spent most of his lunchtime at the cafeteria, stuffing himself with food.

Izumi usually joined him; today, she practiced using her Sharingan while eating.

"It's still better than a few months ago. Remember when you first started to train it? You could barely use it for five seconds."

"Still, I only have one tomoe," Izumi pouted. "And I can't use the Sharingan in a fight if I can only use it for a minute."

"You can still use it to tip a fight in your favor," Kinjo said with a shrug.

"I guess…"

"You'll improve over time, don't worry too much."

"I can't practice at home since my mom gets angry… The last time I used it at home, I passed out while taking a bath, and she yelled at me about my dad or something. She was complaining about how I was pushing myself too much and I was being reckless."

"Maybe you should take it easy when you're at home."

"I will. I don't want to get yelled at again. But you're going help me with ninjutsu training again today, right?"

"Of course. We still need to work on your Great Fireball Jutsu. You made a fireball, but now you need to make it bigger."

She beamed. "It's nice that we both have the Fire affinity. You can teach me cool jutsu, and I can help you with other stuff! By the way, what did you do with Itachi yesterday?"

"We talked about his new mission." He looked around before leaning in. Itachi told him he could tell Izumi about his mission since she was also his friend, and despite her outgoing personality, she was good at keeping secrets. "He's going to escort the Fire Daimyo when he visits next week."

"Really?!" She shouted. Several nearby students turned toward her with questioning gazes, causing her to sink into her seat and hide behind her food. "That's awesome."

"He'll probably be a chunin before we become genin," Kinjo mused as he finished his lunch. "Do you have enough energy to try using your Sharingan one more time?"

"Maybe for like ten seconds. Are we doing that exercise?"


"Ok, go!"

Izumi's eyes transformed and narrowed in on Kinjo's hands. He ran through a series of hand signs before pulling them away. "What jutsu?"

"Oh! I know this one…." She tapped her forehead and clapped. "Water Bullet! It's the one that Itachi likes to use."

"Got it in one."

"Why am I doing this again?"

"Because if you know what jutsu your opponent is using, you can counter it before they even finish their hand signs."

"That's why you're making me memorize a bunch of hand signs for jutsu and making me study harder," Izumi whined. "Having the Sharingan is like a chore sometimes."

Kinjo rolled his eyes at her comments. Her antics made it easy to forget that she was a Uchiha. "If Itachi's dad heard you, he would kick you out of the compound."

"He can't since the elders are nagging me about training again."

"You've improved quite a lot over the past two years."

"I bet I'm still not good enough for them. By the way, I drew something last night; want to see it?"


While he watched over his siblings and worked at the store in his free time, Izumi enjoyed drawing. She showed him her drawings every now and then, and he had to admit they were pretty damn good.

Except for her drawings of Itachi. They made Itachi seem like a pretty boy, even more so than he already was.

She pulled out her sketchbook and flipped the pages before setting it down on the table. "Isn't this neat?"

It was a picture of the two of them. She was posing in the front with a kunai in each hand while he stood behind her.

"It looks good, but why is my forehead protector strapped on my arm?" Kinjo asked.

"I dunno. I just think you would look weird with it on your forehead."

That sparked an argument over his forehead until the end of lunch. Discussing the finer points of facial symmetry with a nine-year-old was… entertaining, to say the least.

When lunch ended, he shuffled back to class with the rest of the fifth-year students and slumped into his seat. A few of his classmates looked at him warily, but he ignored them as he pulled out his textbooks.

Shin was already sitting, giggling while reading his adventure novels and munching on a bag of corn chips.

"How's the novel?"

Shin grinned as he waved the cover in front of Kinjo. "It's great! I still have to read the sixth volume, but I bet it'll be amazing like this one."


"Got any more of the jerky?"

"None for today. Dad has to restock."

"Aww," Shin turned his attention back to the novel.

The classes droned on for the next several hours, his attention dwindling until the class reached the fuinjutsu lessons. He widened his eyes and jotted down notes from the blackboard as Taku scrawled down the sealing patterns of the explosive tag. After comparing the notes in his notebook to the blackboard, he leaned back in his chair.


He blinked as Taku folded his arms and gestured to him. "Yes?"

"What are the patterns around the "explode" kanji for?"

"They exist to prevent the seal from receiving damage in harsh environments. The patterns are distorted kanji for words like "water" and "resistance." Also, they allow you to bleed some of your chakra into the seal so that the explosive tag only resonates with your command."

"Excellent, but you also forgot another crucial reason for the patterns: preventing the explosive tags from misfiring. After being infused with chakra, the "explode" kanji is volatile, and the entire seal is needed to contain its power."

Taku slammed the podium with his hands, creating a stir within the classroom. "Remember that, not only for the sake of the exams next month but also to not blow up after becoming an official shinobi! You must learn how explosive tags work and how to draw their seals. Otherwise, you cannot spot fatal damages that may trigger the explosive tags. Even the slightest alteration to the seal can have devastating consequences."

While Taku was usually intense and disciplined, Kinjo noticed a more noticeable grimace on the instructor's face as he spoke. He underlined the functions of the seal in his notebook and closed it shut.

Several hours later, he was packing after the last lecture when Taku called him over. A black-haired girl was also there, and Kinjo noted that she was from the other fifth-year class.

"I'm sure you both know each other," Taku said as he motioned for the pair to sit.

"I know who he is," She replied.

He stared at her face for a few seconds before opening his mouth. "Chiaka, the Nara."

Chiaka glared back. "Do you have a problem with the Nara clan?"

"No, why?"

"Settle down, you two," Taku growled. "Forget about the incident in last year's final exams. You are both aspiring shinobi for Konoha. I will not tolerate any discourse in the ranks."

"Yes, sensei." They both responded.

"I called the two of you over here because the head instructor has decided to allow you to take the graduation exam next month."

"Finally!" Chiaka cheered. "I'll take it!"

"I expect you to double your efforts, Chiaka. To make up for what you did."

She quieted down shortly after. Kinjo remained silent and rubbed his chin.

"What about you, Kinjo? Will you take it?" Taku inquired.

"No. I'll take the exam next year."

He had barely started training with Gai, and he still had a few things he wanted to work on before making the final leap to becoming a shinobi. A jonin instructor would be helpful, but he had his taijutsu and ninjutsu training already covered. A stable source of income would be useful, but he could hold out for a year.

"I suspected as much. Very well. Chiaka, you will take the graduation exam next month. Kinjo, you are slated to take it next year. I hope you do not refuse then."

Chiaka looked at him incredulously, but they both nodded and dismissed themselves from the classroom. As he made his way to the exit, she grabbed his shoulders. "Why aren't you taking the exam?"

"Personal reasons."

"You're the best in our year."

"That doesn't matter."

"It does! Do you want to be stuck in the Academy for another year?"

"Not really, but as I said, I have reasons," Kinjo repeated. "Why do you care?"

She scratched her head and sighed. "Whatever… Also, I'm sorry."

"You mean you using the Shadow Possession Jutsu on me?"

"Don't mention it again, but yes."

Kinjo waved her off. "As sensei said, it's water under the bridge now. In fact, it didn't even cross my mind until he mentioned it earlier. I need to go now, so see ya."

As he walked away, he saw her face reddening and her feet stomping the ground in frustration.

Did he say something wrong?


Itachi spun his head to a sound in the forest, clutching his kunai tighter. His shoulders slacked as a deer ran before the Fire Daimyo's convoy and disappeared into the cluster of trees.

"Are you ok?" Shinko, his female teammate, asked as she noticed the kunai in his hand. "You've been jumpy the entire day."

"I'm fine… You can never be too careful."

Nearby, Tenma snorted. "You're just being paranoid."

Several of the Daimyo's bodyguards looked at him with concern, but Itachi glanced away and scanned his surroundings. The Daimyo was in the carriage, out of sight and ignorant of the outside. The two Guardians accompanying the convoy stuck close to the carriage while Itachi's jonin instructor, Minazuki Yuki, followed behind his students.

They were several hours away from the gates of Konoha and only encountered merchants and traveling civilians, yet Itachi couldn't let down his guard even for a moment.

Several minutes passed uneventfully, with only the chatter between the bodyguards and the chirping of birds disrupting his senses. Tenma and Shinko strolled carelessly, ignoring Itachi as he remained a step ahead of them.

He tensed as a masked man stumbled onto the highway, a sword strapped to his back. The Guardians and the other bodyguards followed suit and pulled out their weapons, stopping the convoy. Itachi whipped out his kunai and waited for an attack.

However, the stranger sauntered toward them with a skip in his step. His voice was springy and friendly, similar to how Izumi spoke. "What's going on? Is there a parade? A celebration?"

"Back up and make way for the Daimyo!" The tall, brown-haired Guardian named Kitane proclaimed.

"Oh, the Daimyo! I apologize; I had no idea! Do you know where Tokai is? I'm visiting my family there."

"Tokai is down the way we came from. It's only a fifteen-minute walk from here," Kitane answered. Itachi noticed his hand was still on his kunai holster, but his grip had loosened.

The Fire Daimyo peeked his head out from his carriage, "Why did we stop?"

"Just a traveler asking for directions, Daimyo-dono."

"I'll be on my way then!" The masked man's sole eye peeking out of the mask glowed as his sword materialized in his hand in a blink.

Itachi jerked his head away and threw a kunai at the man, who side-stepped to dodge. While looking at the others, he witnessed everyone's eyes glossing over and slumping in place. Tenma, who broke free instantly, was the only other person unaffected by the sudden genjutsu attack.

If there was one thing Tenma was good at, it was his genjutsu abilities, aided by his flawless chakra control.

"He's after the Daimyo!" Tenma yelled as he rushed forward before Itachi could act.

Be on your guard, and make sure your teammate doesn't do anything stupid. Don't let him charge at an unknown enemy since he might actually die.

As Tenma neared the masked man, Itachi tackled him and sent him flying off the road. Itachi's eyes missed the gleaming metal by inches as it swished over him.

When he looked up, Itachi felt a surge of power rising from the masked man. The air stirred as his demeanor changed, his voice lacking the jaunty tone from before. "Risking your life to save your teammate? How foolish. Do you think your sacrifice will mean anything in the end?"

Itachi bolted backward as he stared at the blade arcing in the air. The masked man's sole eye narrowed as he raced forward in pursuit, the sword's momentum shifting into a honed thrust. He twisted his torso to avoid the edge hurling toward him, but it stabbed his chest and showered the air with blood.

He bit down a muffled scream as he jumped back, a scalding sensation burning his wound. Tenma shouted in the background, but all he could hear was the steady dripping of his blood. Each drop was louder than the last, dying the earth in a deep crimson.

"Disappointing," The masked man said. "I thought you would amount to something more."

For the first time in his life, Itachi felt a particular emotion thumping against his chest.


He had no equals among his peers and was always praised for his genius. Yet, none of that mattered in the face of an adversary far beyond him. The mask on his face was much like Itachi's, only physical. It was as if he was facing his older, future self: a faceless phantom fighting with cold, ruthless efficiency.

His eyes glared at the masked man as he pulled out a kunai and went through a series of hand seals. "Water Bullet Jutsu!"

The jutsu was one of his most powerful ones, a powerful jet of water that could destroy even the sturdiest of structures. Yet, the jutsu passed through the masked man as if the water was an illusion. Within a blink of an eye, he was on top of Itachi once more and swung his sword at an impossible speed.

The masked man disappeared for a moment as a pair of kunai sailed through his head, allowing Itachi to jump back in time to avoid the blade. Tenma screamed at Itachi while pulling out a pair of kunai, "Run!"

Itachi groaned as he steadied his feet. The pressure on his shoulder was like a burning branding iron pressed against the gaping wound. He immediately fired several shurikens and breathed out fire. The burning shurikens whizzed towards his target with impeccable accuracy, boring down on the masked man even as he moved.

Unwilling to wait, Itachi rushed forward with a kunai drawn as he contemplated the strange ability of his opponent. He felt a taste of iron in his mouth, making him wince.

"You fool." The masked man batted the shurikens hidden within the flames and teleported behind Tenma. "In the end, it is futile to resist. You will be next."

Itachi's eyes widened, fear morphing into desperation. His limbs screamed as he poured everything into advancing to his teammate, his legs splashed by the pool of his own blood. Still, he pressed forward, his will remaining unfettered.

He couldn't let his teammate die, not while he watched helplessly. He was better than this.

Suddenly, time slowed as the sword pummeled toward his teammate, who only realized his doom a second too late. His vision sharpened, and he saw every twitch of his teammate and enemy. Somehow, he knew the precise trajectory of the masked man's actions, slowing as if he were struggling in quicksand.

The Sharingan. He had awakened it.

He steadied his feet and threw another spread of kunai at his opponent. The masked man faded, the projectiles flying harmlessly through him. But Itachi noticed a moment of hesitation and aimed a Water Bullet at the blade with the remaining ounce of his strength.

Itachi theorized that he could only hit the masked man when he attacked, like when he stabbed him. It was a desperate gamble, one he prayed would work.

The jutsu rammed into the sword a second before it reached its target, giving Tenma a chance to scurry toward him. Itachi finally collapsed, his legs refusing his commands as he released a wet cough. Tenma gazed at Itachi's wound and paled at the blood dripping from his mouth and chest.

While the Water Bullet deflected the attack, the masked man remained upright and loomed over them. Tenma jumped back as the blade pressed into Itachi's wound, sending a jolt of electricity throughout his strengthless body. "You could've lived if you didn't try to save your reckless teammate. In the end, your sacrifice was for nothing."

Water from the sword dripped, diluting the pool of red surrounding him. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a stream flowing from Tenma and smelled the stale smell of urine. The sight sapped the last of his strength as he battled for his consciousness from the darkness threatening to vanquish him.

"I'm sorry…." Tenma whispered.

The last thing Itachi saw was the sunlight deflected from the blade and the empty gaze of the masked man. His defiant stare never looked away from the eye hidden behind the mask.

Just before he lost consciousness, he felt the blade pulling out of his chest as the sound of footsteps thundered toward him.


"Itachi!" Kinjo shouted as he banged open the hospital room's door and bolted inside.


He blinked as he saw Izumi fumbling with an apple next to Itachi, lying in his bed in a hospital gown.

"Are you alright?"

Itachi leaned into his soft pillow and groaned, "No."

Kinjo sighed in relief as he sat next to Izumi and placed a box of coffee jelly, Itachi's favorite sweet, on the nearby table. He caught a glimpse of the bandages wrapped around his chest and grimaced at his pale complexion. "What happened? Your dad only told me that you were in the hospital."

"He said there was an accident while his team was guarding the Daimyo," Izumi said. "He got trampled on by the Daimyo's horses. They had really sharp horseshoes and hurt him badly."

"Horses… Really?" Kinjo raised an eyebrow at Itachi, who coughed and looked away.

She handed Itachi an apple as she scolded Kinjo. "You should let him rest; he can't talk a lot since his chest hurts when he talks."

"He's not going to… die or anything, right?"

"He almost did, but he had a medic as a teammate, and she patched him up before things could get worse. He lost a lot of blood, so his sensei rushed him back to Konoha to save him and arrived just in time. He woke up a few hours ago."

"I thought you said he couldn't talk much?"

"I asked the nurse," Izumi responded, munching on a misshapen apple slice and handing one over to Itachi.

There was no way a horse could injure Itachi enough for him to require bed rest. Konoha wanted to avoid rumors of weakness or an assassination attempt by pretending Tobi's ambush never happened.

The basic gist of the situation through the cover story was understandable. The Daimyo's convoy was attacked by Tobi, and Itachi was injured trying to stop Tenma from being killed. Since Tobi used a sword to kill Tenma in canon, it was likely that Itachi was stabbed and barely adverted death.

A crushing weight dropped his shoulders, forcing him to look away from Itachi. He looked out the window and gazed upon the peaceful village. "Are your teammates ok?"

"Both of them are fine," Itachi mumbled.

"Even Tenma?"

He nodded.

"That's good."

Tenma was alive; he had succeeded and helped save a life. Yet, a sinking coldness seeped into his blood.

It had almost cost his friend, a powerful shinobi who would rock the fate of this world. If Tenma had lived, but Itachi had died…

A life for a life...

Kinjo ignored the question and clamped down on his thoughts. His information prevented a death. Itachi was the one that suffered, but both of them knew the risks of their actions.

It was the right thing to do.

At the same time... this incident was a wake-up call. He had gambled, and that gamble had nearly led Itachi to an early grave. He was unwilling to play god over the lives of his friends and loved ones due to his own desires. If he was going to utilize his knowledge to save people, then he was only going to risk himself.

There were enough assholes and egotistical bastards that played with the lives of others in this world. He was unwilling to throw himself onto that pile.

Kinjo fiddled with the bloody coin his father had given him in his pocket. The only life he was going to risk was his own, which meant he needed to get stronger.

"Itachi also got his Sharingan!" Izumi cheered. "He and I can finally train that together!"

"He did?" Kinjo perked up at the news.

"Yep! He's already got two tomoe too!"

Maybe there was another silver lining to this situation. "Great. If you're ok with it, I want to see it after you recover."

"Naturally," Itachi answered. "Izumi, can you get me a coffee jelly?"

As she fetched his snack, Kinjo looked at Itachi grimace at the slightest movements while coughing.

He wanted to apologize but knew it was idiotic to admit his true background. If there was one secret he would take to the grave, it would be that. The last thing he wanted was to be locked up in a cell and interrogated for eternity. He shuddered as he imagined Danzo or some other unsavory individuals gleefully extracting information from him and using it to further their own selfish agenda.

At the very least, he owed Itachi something. Kinjo didn't know what he would need to pay, but if the time came when Itachi needed something from him, he would repay the favor.

It was the least he could do.

In a small family home near the Academy, Tenma entered his room and locked the door behind him. He collapsed onto his bed and stared at the ceiling, sighing as he recalled the Fire Daimyo mission.

He was grateful for Itachi's help, but at the same time, lambasted himself for freezing up twice and even pissing himself.

Itachi received praise and commendations from the Daimyo and even the Hokage for risking his life to protect the Daimyo. The mission was classified, but those who knew about the mission held Itachi up on a pedestal.

A pang of jealousy echoed in Tenma's chest as his cheeks reddened further. Even though he had broken the genjutsu and tried to fight the masked man, all he received was a stern talk from his sensei and snickers from the Daimyo's bodyguards due to his soiled clothes.

This happened after every mission his team went on. Itachi would be praised as a genius and glorified while he was left behind to pick up the pieces.

If only he were stronger…

"If you were stronger, you wouldn't be treated as a disposable piece."

Tenma jumped out of his bed and reached for his kunai, but a hand locked his arms in place. He turned to see a man in a sheep mask and ANBU attire stare back at him. "Who are you?"

"A friend," The man answered in a high-pitched voice. "I heard about your mission and came here to help you."

"Help me with what?"

"To get stronger. Isn't it unfair that your teammate has all the spotlight, yet your efforts and skills go unrecognized? I've read the briefing for your Iwa spy mission; it only praises Itachi. Your name was only mentioned at the end: how you nearly died trying to arrest the spy. I'm sure a promising genin like you did much more than that."

He gripped his fists as his cheeks heated up in anger. "I can get stronger on my own and become better than Itachi."

"I'm sure you will, but some help wouldn't hurt, would it? I read that you are excellent with genjutsu…I can teach you some advanced techniques. We are both Leaf shinobi, after all."

A voice in the back of Tenma's head screamed for him to refuse the offer. His chest tightened from the atmosphere surrounding the man, and his legs shook from looking at him.

Even so, the offer was tempting. His sensei was laid-back and inattentive, only teaching a few things here and there while leaving most of the training up to his students. He also didn't know much about genjutsu, leaving Tenma to fumble in the dark.

He would become much more powerful if he could learn things from this ANBU member, who offered him advanced genjutsu techniques. Perhaps even allowing him to take the upcoming chunin exams…

Besides, this man was on his side. There wasn't anything wrong with accepting his help.

"Sure," Tenma finally said.

"Excellent, we'll start tomorrow then. Find me at Training Ground Forty-Nine, just outside the village walls."

"What do I call you?"

"Call me Sheep."

Unbeknownst to Tenma, the man smirked behind his mask as his lone Sharingan flashed.