
Lucia Snapped

George held his breath for a second. It was the first time somebody held a knife against his neck.

"What's this? I was only gone for a while and you're already slacking with your job." The woman named Kadita said in a condescending tone. "And you Marco, you said it was fine to leave them. Now look."

Marco shrugged. "I mean, it could be worse, you know?"

Kadita sighed and motioned Marco to bring the sacrifices back to the stone platform which the latter did accordingly.

"And you, Aurore—"

"I'm not Aurore. I'm Tifati this time."

Kadita rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Why don't you get the others? We're about to start and they aren't here yet. And please stop admiring yourself in the mirror every opportunity you get."

Tifati left without saying a word.

"Why are you doing this?" Asked George. Their efforts were useless and in the end, they couldn't do shit. They were caught in the act.

Kadita stared at him. She was young, around twenty two. She had wavy teal hair and ocean blue eyes. Pale white skin, not sickly pale, a healthy type of pale. Wearing the same robe Tifati and Marco wore. But except for a skeleton helmet, she's got seaweed on her head. And George honestly found her pretty. But it was always a turn off when the person you admire was out to kill you. And that's not pretty at all.

"Why?" Said Kadita. "Hmm. Why indeed?"

"Can—Can you not do this anymore? Look. We might even join you guys." George wanted to negotiate. "Right? Right guys?" He turned to Tina and Nico. Hoping they'd catch.

"R—Right! We'll join you!" They both said simultaneously.

Kadita chuckled and then she told him, "Nice try." Then she grinned. "But you see. Finding the right sacrifice has been harder lately. So you be good kids and just let us do our thing. Hmm?" Then she turned her back on them and she headed to the torture device.


"Hey, Lucia. And Owen too. Are we really going to sleep just like this?" Asked Diego. "But George—"

If you're wondering, they set up a tent in the middle of the road. They just had dinner but Diego couldn't sleep. "Why are you like this, guys?"

"You should catch some sleep too, McKenzie. We're leaving at midnight." Lucia told him as she made herself comfortable under the blanket.

"But what about George? You said he's your nephew. Aren't you a bit worried?"

"Don't get me wrong, McKenzie. I'm worried too. But you know what I'm worried about more? It's how much of a worrywart you are. Learn to relax sometimes."

What Lucia said made him a bit angry. His brows furrowed and his hands balled. He tried to stop his voice from rising but he failed miserably. "I worry because I care. And what about you? Do you even care about him? Do you even care about George? Wait. Do you ever take things seriously? Huh?"

Now, Lucia was usually playful. She doesn't get angry that easily. She doesn't snap that easily and usually replies with jokes and pranks. But not this time. She didn't really like Diego in the first place.

She yanked the blanket away from her and sat. Her playful grin disappeared as she glared at him. "Don't you ever question how much I care about my family. My youth was wasted for this damned thing. Besides, who are you anyway? You're just someone who was mentioned in my papa's prophecy who would influence George. I only let you come with us because I had to talk to the person who told you about him."

Diego felt his guts twist into knots. There was indeed that one person who told him. That was when his former companion brought the potion from a witch in the back alley and turned into a zombie as a result. He had almost forgotten about him.

"Besides, you're already dead. You had your chance. Let us, the living do our thing, McKenzie. You really think I didn't know what you're thinking every time you spoke to George about the treasure? I'm surprised you can still sleep because I could never. And I repeat, don't you ever, ever, question how much I care about my family. I am putting my damned life on the line here."

Diego found himself unable to retort. He felt tight in his chest and his throat constricted. He only realized he was holding his breath for quite some time when a single streak of tear fell from the corner of his eye. Lucia went to sleep while his mind was blanking out.

"I know that. I know I'm already dead, you dolt." He muttered lifelessly. "But must you really slap that in my face as if I didn't know any better? Of course, I know." He struggled to keep his tears from falling. "Stupid! Idiot! Moron!"