

"Alvis has always felt like an outcast, abandoned and cast out by the king. With a curse that prevents him from accessing magic, he has struggled to survive on his own. But when he finds a mysterious case in a garbage dump filled with books about runes that grant unimaginable strength, he sees a chance to prove himself and make a name for himself. Determined to master the ancient art of rune magic and become one of the greatest conjurers in the land, Alvis embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he must grapple with the dangers and responsibilities that come with such power. Can Alvis overcome his curse and rise to the challenge, or will the weight of his newfound abilities be his downfall?"

SignusCypher · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Curse Prince

Janks had a eidetic memory, which meant that he was able to recall everything he saw with perfect clarity. From the moment he was born, he was taking in every detail of his surroundings and storing it in his mind. It was a rare and coveted gift, and Janks knew that it would serve him well in the years to come.

His mother, Regina Kaiser was very ambitious and only cared about achieving power and making her husband the king. She would do whatever it took to get what she wanted, even if it meant hurting others. She was skilled at manipulation and used her charms and intelligence to get ahead. Despite her flaws, she was a powerful woman who should not be underestimated.

Janks Father, The prince of Holden was kind and loving father, but not a strong candidate for the position of king. He was kind but indecisive and often let others make decisions for him. This made it hard for him to gain respect and support as a ruler.

As the days passed and Janks grew smarter and more alert, it became clear to everyone that he was no ordinary child. He seemed to know things that he couldn't possibly have learned, and he had an understanding of magic that was beyond his years. But as Janks reached the age of one, everything changed. A Seer rushed to the kings room, it was revealed that Janks had been cursed at birth, unable to wield magic like every other member of the royal family.

The king of Holden was furious when he learned that Janks could not wield magic. He saw it as a weakness and wanted Janks to be killed immediately. However, Joust, loved his son and objected to this. He pleaded with the king to spare Janks life, even though it meant putting his own life at risk. In the end, Joust's love for his son proved stronger than his fear of the king.

Joust knew that he couldn't confide in his wife about his plan to escape, as he knew that she didn't truly love Janks and only cared about using him to gain power. So, Joust kept his plan a secret and hoped that Gibson would be able to help him and Janks escape to safety. Despite the danger and uncertainty that lay ahead, Joust was determined to do whatever it took to protect his son and give him a chance at a better life.

Joust paced nervously in the dark alley, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save his son, Janks, who had been discovered as a blight and was in danger. He couldn't trust anyone in the kingdom, not even his own wife.

Finally, he saw a shadow approaching. It was Gibson, slipping silently through the darkness. Joust let out a sigh of relief.

"Gibson, thank goodness you're here," Joust said, trying to keep his voice low. "I need your help. I have to get Janks out of the kingdom. It's not safe for him here."

Gibson nodded gravely. "I understand, Your Highness. What do you need me to do?"

Joust explained his plan to escape to Mullock, where prisoners, garbage, and some monsters were exiled. It was a dumping ground for everything society didn't want or need, and the runes that created it kept it in a state of perpetual darkness. It was a desperate plan, but it was their only hope.

Gibson listened intently, his face grim. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you and Janks," he said firmly. "But are you sure this is the right choice? No one ever comes back from Mullock."

Joust nodded, his heart heavy. "I know it's risky, but it's the only way. I can't let Janks stay here and be in danger. I'll do whatever it takes to protect him, even if it means leaving everything I know behind."

Gibson nodded, his expression resolute. "I understand, Your Highness. I'll do everything in my power to help you and Janks escape safely."

As they fled through the streets, they were discovered by the king's guards. They were chased through the streets as they tried to flee with Janks. Joust knew they couldn't outrun the guards forever, and he had to come up with a plan fast. Gibson ran beside him, determined to escape. The guards' footsteps grew louder as they chased the trio. Joust knew they were running out of time.

He knew he had to do something drastic to escape the king's guards chasing them. His plan is to be separated from Gibson and Janks, hoping it would divide their pursuers and allow them to flee faster. It was a risky move, but Joust hoped it would keep Janks safe.

Gibson crossed his arms, frowning. "I don't understand. Why are you separating from us? We're stronger together, and we stand a better chance of escaping if we stick together."

Joust sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know it seems counterintuitive, but trust me on this. If we split up, it will divide the people chasing us and give us a better chance of escaping. You and Janks will be able to flee much faster without me."

Gibson's face fell. "But what about you? How will you escape on your own? We both know you'll be captured if you stay behind."

Joust's expression was grim. "I know the risks, Gibson. But I have to keep Janks safe, no matter what. It's the only way. I know this isn't an ideal solution, but it's the best one we have right now."

Gibson's voice was heavy with sadness. "I understand. I'll do everything I can to help Janks escape safely. But please, be careful, Joust."

Joust clapped a hand on Gibson's shoulder, a small smile on his face. "I will. And thank you, Gibson. I knew I could count on you."

Joust knelt down beside Janks, his eyes filled with love and concern. "Janks, my son, I have something important to tell you."

Janks looked up at his father, his eyes wide and curious.

Joust took a deep breath before continuing. "I have to leave you and Gibson for a while. It's the only way to keep you safe and ensure that you can escape the kingdom."

Janks felt a pain in his chest unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't seem to shed a tear. As he listened to his father's words, Janks knew that everything was about to change. He would never see his father again, and the thought was unbearable. Janks closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to hold back his tears. He had to be strong, for his father and for himself.

Joust leaned in closer to Janks, his voice breaking with emotion. "I love you, Janks. You may not be able to speak yet, but I know you can understand me, I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. Please take care of yourself, okay? I'll see you again soon, I promise."

Joust stood at the edge of the forest, watching as Gibson carefully picked up Janks and cradled him in his arms. "I'll take good care of him, Joust," Gibson said, his voice filled with determination. "I promise."

Joust nodded, his heart heavy with sadness. "I know you will," he said. "Janks is lucky to have you by his side."

As Gibson turned to leave, Joust reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately-carved wooden box. "Gibson, I want you to have this," he said, holding out the box. "It's a gift for Isaac Darkbane. You'll find him in Mullock. When you get there, give him this box. It's important."

Gibson took the box, a look of confusion on his face. "What is it, Joust?" he asked.

Joust shook his head. "I can't explain it now. Just trust me, Gibson. It's something that Isaac will know what to do with. He'll let you and Janks into Mullock as soon as you give it to him."

Gibson nodded, tucking the box into his pocket. "I'll make sure he gets it, Joust. You can count on me."

Joust smiled, a sad look in his eyes. "I know I can, Gibson. You're a good man, and I'm grateful to have you by my side."

With that, Gibson turned and began to make his way through the forest, Janks cradled in his arms. Joust watched them go, a smile on his face even as tears streamed down his cheeks. He knew that this was the last time he would see his son and his trusted guard, at least for a while. But he had to be strong, for their sake. He took a deep breath and turned, running in the opposite direction, determined to put as much distance between himself and the kingdom as possible.