
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

082 Detonate a hand grenade

The adobe wall fears inundation.

This was inspired by the sheep thief, I recall in my childhood, the village often had sheep stolen, the cunning sheep thief could break through a 1-foot thick adobe wall overnight, relying on water.

While digging the soil, water was poured, several people cooperated uninterruptedly, doubling the efficiency.

Of course, it must be emphasized that the sturdiness of rural self-built adobe walls is not on the same level as the rammed earth walls we encountered.

Huang Erhei brought some supplies, but did not anticipate that there would be so many people. Just now, everyone supplemented a little water and food, and there was not much left.

Having escaped death, everyone deeply understands the importance of water, especially Bai Ruoxue. She secretly glanced at me, her lips moved slightly, and my fingers seemed to be responsive, involuntarily moving a few times, that wonderful sensation of being sucked came again.

Feeling guilty, I glanced at Shi Jingxia, as if I had done something wrong to her.

Just as I was about to act, Huang Erhei pinched my wrist with two fingers.

"This is life-saving water, do not move."

Ignoring him, I used force suddenly, Huang Erhei disregarded fair play, came to deceive, came to ambush a younger generation like me, and with a twist of his wrist, he twisted my arm behind my back.

"Ouch, it hurts, let go, oh, it's broken."

Bai Ruoxue quickly said, "Uncle Huang, let go quickly."

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized she had said the wrong thing, blushing, she murmured under her breath, "Let go, let go."

Although Shi Jingxia did not speak, her face was extremely ugly, her eyes burst with burning gazes, as if she wanted to devour me and Bai Ruoxue alive.

The walnut tray moved, "clatter, clatter," Huang Erhei let go suddenly, and I staggered immediately.

Huang Erhei said lightly, "You overestimate yourself."

I shook my sore arm and said, "Then use urine, I'll go first."

As I said this, I was about to take off my pants and pull out my "Italian cannon," astonishing everyone present.

Bai Lao Tai coughed, frowning, "Hold on."

I turned around and said, "There's a distinction between men and women, so in this case, ladies should step aside and let the gentlemen go first."


Bai Lao Tai suddenly became angry, her body trembling, a halo of white hair flashing on her head.

She spoke with a stern face, "Guangting, don't speak like that, even if it's a young junior from the Association of Comrades, when they see me, they should address me respectfully as Sister, it's not your turn to act recklessly here, what propriety is this?"

Bai Lao Tai had a powerful aura, to be honest, I felt a little intimidated.

Bidaipao leaned over to my ear and said, "Brother, you really are something, she's at such an old age, she's seen and eaten everything, and you mention Italian cannons. You are like a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, isn't it the same in the Pacific Ocean?"

"Get the hell out of here, you know too much."

But thinking about it, with just a few of us, men and women combined, it's just a drop in the bucket, for a one-meter-thick rammed earth wall, it's as insignificant as a drop of water in a pail.

This seems to be a dead end.

Shi Jingxia murmured a few words to Bidaipao, Bidaipao listened with wide eyes, nodding continuously, and the two of them left successively.

"Xiao Jing, where are you going?"

"Bidaipao, take care of your sister-in-law, don't go too far."

Shi Jingxia ignored me, and Bidaipao did not turn his head, raising his hand to give me a thumbs-up gesture.

In no time, they both returned.

Bidaipao seemed a little malnourished, wearing loose military uniform, like San Mao. He wrapped something in his clothes and made a clanging noise as he walked.

"What did you bring?"

Bidaipao said mysteriously, "Good stuff."

With a clatter, he poured out the contents, and everyone stepped back in shock, estimating that if there were no walls blocking them, they would all go home and mind their own business.

"How about this, are there enough hand grenades?"

Even Huang Erhei was frightened by the scene before him.

Bai Ruoxue, holding her chest, cursed, "Are you lacking in sense? Can't you be more careful? If something unexpected happens, we'll all be finished."

Bidaipao moved his lips, as if saying the word "demoness."

Suddenly, Shi Jingxia asked me, "Guangting, are you afraid of death?"

This was a question that went beyond mere wine-drinking intentions. What the hell could I say? I didn't even dare to lift my head.

Sun Tiedan deepened the pit in the adobe wall, Liu Yuanbao broke out in a cold sweat, carefully placing all the grenades inside.

Bidaipao held the grenades, adopting a stance, "Everyone stand back, be careful not to blow yourselves up."

Bai Lao Tai said coldly, "In this line of work, the most taboo word is 'accident'."

Bidaipao thought for a moment, "Pah, pah, pah, everyone stand back, be careful not to end up dead."

I was speechless. Didn't this guy think about blood splattering all over the place?

A loud bang.

Bidaipao knocked the grenade against his head, the iron lump hitting flesh. He let out an "ouch," his whole body swaying, quickly covering his head and squatting on the ground.

"Ouch, damn it, my head's ripe for the picking, it feels like it's going to split open."

I picked up the grenade and handed it to Huang Erhei, "Big Yellow, since you have the skills, I'll leave the grenade throwing to you."

Huang Erhei glanced at me, seeming dissatisfied with the title.

He pulled the safety pin and quickly threw it out, hitting the bullseye with a clang.

Bidaipao grinned, "Nice, turns out it was the pin, didn't hit my head for nothing."

Later, I learned that the smoke from the wood handle grenades was ours, hitting your head was for the sake of fun, and pulling the pin was what the beautiful country provided to the principal.

One emphasis: the latter two don't emit smoke. Don't be misled by movies and TV shows. As for bun grenades, carrot grenades, cucumber grenades, etc., they are all just insane.

Everyone stared at the adobe wall, but after a dozen seconds, there was no movement.

Huang Erhei muttered, "The delayed timing of the fun grenades is long, but it's only about 4 or 5 seconds. This shouldn't be."

I asked, "Could it be that after decades, they've gone bad?"

Bai Ruoxue looked around, "Whoever goes to check, I'll give them a hundred thousand."

Having a way to earn money but risking one's life, no one was stupid.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the top dropped soil, covering the adobe wall in a cloud of smoke.

Song Haizhu, like an old hen, opened his arms to protect Bai Lao Tai.

"Mom, don't be afraid, son will protect you."

Alas, I've become "son" again.

Before the smoke had even settled, everyone ran over.

"Cough, it didn't blow through," Bai Ruoxue fanned with her hand.

On the adobe wall, cracks were everywhere. Although it didn't blow through, the wall's structure had been severely damaged, and it was leaning at a steep angle.

Several of us exerted force together, Song Haizhu lifted three, and with a push, the adobe wall collapsed with a roar.

The flashlight beams all shone inside, sticks swinging wildly. In the flying smoke, a stone coffin came into view. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

The most disappointed was undoubtedly Bai Ruoxue. She had imagined a seaside villa, but it turned out to be a thatched hut.

Bai Ruoxue was stunned, "Could it be that my intuition was wrong?"

No one spoke. Firstly, no one wanted to pay attention to her, and secondly, we were all here to make money, and this result left everyone feeling a bit disheartened.

Bai Lao Tai's face showed no change, calmly saying, "Seeking fortune is like gambling, anything can happen. Since we're already here, everyone search carefully and see if anything has been overlooked."