
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

041 Dog men and women

The uniqueness of those thousand-layered fabric shoes lies in the layer of frost on top, frozen stiff, clearly indicating they have been left here for quite some time.

What concerns me more is the loam inside the shoe shells, trampled into mud pies. Only farmers toiling in the fields would turn loam into such a state, akin to the crust of a pot.

It may sound repulsive, but the reality is indeed quite similar.

The Western Development has enriched many, yet two years ago, this land was requisitioned, now being transformed into a concrete jungle, no longer tilled.

My memory is vivid; I recall how, while digging illicit tunnels, the Chen brothers had a ritual upon resurfacing: sitting down to remove their shoes, knocking the loam out from inside.

Contemplating this, I was startled; could there be tomb raiders at the Red Light Welfare Home?

Instantly, I tensed, scanning my surroundings, finding nothing. The distant clamor echoed in my ears, as if from another world.

Stealthily, I slipped behind the storeroom. The windows were obstructed by piled blankets, rendering the interior indiscernible. Just as I was about to depart, there came the sound of footsteps, "dadada," approaching. Following the sound, I saw Bai Ruoshui walking towards me, and we collided head-on.

Out of politeness, I offered a smile.

Bai Ruoshui looked at me with puzzlement, asking, "Who are you?"

"Du Ziteng."

I casually gave a name, prompting Bai Ruoshui to blink and chuckle.

"Stomachache, what an interesting name. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well, I have a stomachache and needed to use the restroom, but ended up here by mistake."

Bai Ruoshui suppressed a smile, shaking his head, pointing not far away. "It's over there, hurry."

Seizing the opportunity, I quickly made my escape, dragging Shi Jingxia back home.

Soon, night fell. Shi Jingxia sat cross-legged on the sofa, cracking melon seeds while watching the Lantern Festival Gala. The program's effects were decent then, amusing her to the point of slapping her thigh.

"Each year is worse than the last. There's nothing good to watch. It's better to go to the square and watch fireworks."

Without even glancing at me, Shi Jingxia waved towards the doorway.

"It's too cold outside; if you want to go, go by yourself. I'm staying in."

That suited me just fine. As soon as I left, I immediately returned to the Red Light Welfare Home.

During the day, the area had been somewhat trodden down. Outside the restroom was a backyard belonging to a household, with a low wall connecting to the toilet, providing direct access to the school grounds. The only thing to watch out for was falling into the cesspool.

Rolling up my trouser legs, I climbed over the wall.

From afar, I saw a light in the storeroom, indicating someone was inside. Stealthily, I approached. Upon careful listening, I heard a peculiar sound.

First, a cow mooed, followed by a sheep's bleat, then a dog's bark, chicken crows, and even the roar of tigers and lions. Various sounds mingled, creating a lively atmosphere.

Next to the window was a persimmon tree. Inspired, I climbed like a monkey, gaining a vantage point to observe everything.

Actually, from the beginning, I had thought of one person, but I wasn't certain. Now, seeing the true face of the other party, it confirmed my suspicions—it was indeed Liu Zuizi, accompanied by a woman around thirty.

The two lay in a quilt, with Liu Zuizi occasionally kissing the woman's face, wearing a lecherous grin.

Unaware, every time the woman was kissed, she remained expressionless, her face filled with disdain.

"Three years to train an arm, five years for a leg, but it takes decades to master the mouth. My oral skills are the result of decades of practice," boasted Liu Zuizi, with a smug air.

The woman snorted, sitting up, revealing her upper body, displaying all her "charms." Witnessing this scene, I almost fell from the tree.

"I don't even know which leg or which mouth you're talking about. Frankly, I don't find it all that impressive," the woman's disdainful yet teasing gaze provoked Liu Zuizi.

"Damn it, today I'll make sure you lean against the wall as you leave," Liu Zuizi lunged forward aggressively. The woman wriggled free, taking the opportunity to mention wanting a gold necklace. Liu Zuizi, possessed by lust, claimed money was not an issue, and the two began their charade again, creating quite a commotion.

Descending from the tree, I pulled out the handgun and approached the door.

This handgun was given to me by Wang Tiancai, and today it came in handy.

I didn't rush in immediately; after all, a moment is worth a thousand gold coins. At Liu Zuizi's age, such encounters were rare, and each enjoyable moment was precious.

Once it quieted down inside, I gently moved the door handle. That old fool was being shamelessly blatant, engaging in such activities without even closing the door.

The faint moonlight illuminated a bed pieced together with desks.

Approaching the bed, I hadn't expected the woman to speak.

"If it's not going to work, forget it."

"Damn it, whether I can or cannot is my business. First, let's see if you can handle it."

The woman giggled, then said at an inappropriate moment, "After you finish your business tomorrow and make money, don't forget about me."

"Darling, you can rest assured. As long as you take care of me well, you won't miss out on anything."

The lighting wasn't great, and I accidentally kicked the table leg with my toe. This time, Liu Zuizi couldn't continue; he immediately wriggled out from the covers. Trying to get up, I pressed the gun against his head, pushing him back down.

Liu Zuizi stared at me, pondering for a moment, then his eyes widened suddenly.

"Du Guangting, it's you!"

"That's right, it's me. Surprised to see me?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't move, or else I'll shoot you dead."

Trembling, the woman crawled out from under the covers, trembling as she spoke, "I have elders to support and children to care for, I'm just trying to make a living, please don't kill..."

Before she could finish, I slammed the butt of the gun down on her. She slumped unconscious.

"Liu Zuizi, did you orchestrate the attack?"

"What are you talking about? I don't play mahjong."

"Don't play dumb with me. Chen Laoda was caught; was it your White Gang meddling in it?"

"Oh, you're talking about Chen Tianfu. That's just his bad luck; it has nothing to do with us."

Indeed, he was a crafty one. I hinted at one thing, and he twisted it into another. It seemed I needed to assert dominance over this old fox.

"Hmph, is that so? Then what about Ding Laotou's tragic death and Zhang Ling almost meeting her end? You're definitely involved in that. Today, I'm going to avenge them."

Liu Zuizi glanced at me sideways, seemingly incredulous that I would actually pull the trigger. He was playing mind games with me; if I didn't shoot, I'd truly lose to him. If news of this got out, I'd have no face left.

Gathering my courage, I wrapped a bedsheet around the gun barrel, pulled the trigger, and Liu Zuizi instinctively used the blanket to shield himself. After a muffled gunshot, his teeth ground audibly.

"Du Guangting, you really dare to shoot, huh?"