
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

037 Was married

In the early morning of the next day, the vendors' cries echoed through the streets and the joyful chorus of birds perched on branches intertwined, while I woke up alone at home.

Last night, I noticed an old-fashioned photo frame hanging on the wall, about 40 centimeters wide and 60 centimeters long, suspended by a rope.

Inside were many photos, all of which had turned yellow, indicating that no new photos had been added for a long time.

One young girl caught my attention, bearing a resemblance to Shi Jingxia in her features. It must be her.

Unexpectedly, in the photo, she looked exquisite, though dressed plainly, she was remarkably beautiful, with a sweet smile at the corner of her mouth, appearing very sunny and confident.

However, all of this was frozen in time when Shi Jingxia was fourteen years old; the frame had accumulated a thin layer of dust, but this particular photo remained pristine.

A scene flashed through my mind, imagining Shi Jingxia staring at her own photo in a daze, imagining how difficult it must have been for her.

My heart suddenly ached at the thought of such a beautiful girl being cruelly disfigured by her own father, turned into a grotesque creature.

Suddenly, a selfish thought emerged: to quietly take that photo out while no one was around.

Although I, Du Guangting, have not performed any earth-shattering feats, I have also walked back and forth through the gates of hell a few times. But at that moment, my heart pounded and I was extremely nervous.

Just then, a piercing voice rang out, nearly scaring me out of my wits.

"Quick, someone! Catch the thief!"

I was unsuccessful. Turning around, I saw a girl with a white veil covering her face. Shi Jingxia had returned. Enduring the severe pain in my leg, I quickly ran over to close the front door, muffling her mouth with my hand as I whispered, "Don't shout, it's me."

Shi Jingxia widened her eyes in astonishment and asked, "Du Guangting, what are you doing in my house?"

Of course, I couldn't say that I was smashing pots when the pot broke. I had previously told her that I worked at a grain and oil store in the Western Capital, mainly delivering goods to people, including rice, flour, oil, and so on.

During that era, grain and oil stores were booming, with stores owned by outsiders everywhere. So, Shi Jingxia was deeply convinced of this explanation and had never doubted me.

This time, I employed the same old trick, concocting a reason: I said that since the New Year was approaching, the boss had asked me to collect debts nearby. However, I encountered bandits on the way who robbed me of the money and a Haojue 125 motorcycle, and even injured me. It was thanks to Shi's mother's timely discovery of me; otherwise, I might have frozen to death on the street.

After a night's rest, the wound on my leg gradually began to scab over, but it still hurt. When I rushed to the door just now, I exerted too much force, causing the wound to tear, and the severe pain struck again.

Shi Jingxia helped me into the house and fetched a vinegar dish, pouring a little vegetable oil into it. Squatting on the ground, she carefully applied it to the wound with a cotton swab. Although it hurt, seeing her serious expression, I gritted my teeth and remained silent.

"In the past, I was quite clumsy and often got injured working at the Rujia Restaurant. I'm practically half an expert in treating burns. Vegetable oil can prevent scabbing and hardening, and it's even better than burn ointment."

As she spoke, Shi Jingxia slowly rolled down my pant leg and tucked it into my sock.

"Alright, burns are not easy to heal. If you're okay, don't run around recklessly, and the wound will heal faster."

Suddenly, I remembered something. I remembered that when I disinfected Yellow Hair, she refused adamantly, but now she willingly sacrificed for me. A warm feeling surged in my heart.

She walked into the bedroom, took a few changes of clothes, and went into the bathroom. With a "click," she locked the door. Soon, the sound of running water came.

After a while, the sound of water stopped, and Shi Jingxia called out, "Guangting, come here for a moment."

I was watching TV at the time. When I heard her call me, I immediately became nervous, quickly turned off the TV, and shouted back, turning my ear to listen.

"Xiao Jing, did you call me?"

"Yes, come over here."

My head buzzed instantly. What did she want me to come over for? This was too sudden.

"Um, well, what is it? You, please tell me; I'm all ears."

"Could you do me a favor, please? I've run out of shampoo. I just bought a bottle, it's on top of the cabinet in my room. Could you please get it for me?"

Upon hearing this, I slapped myself on the ear.

"Well, Xiao Jing, it's by the door for you to get. You can get it yourself."

"Got it. A gentleman is discreet; no peeking, okay?"

The door cracked open, and a wave of warmth wafted out through the opening. Then, a pristine white arm extended out, retrieving the shampoo. I couldn't help but swallow nervously.

About ten minutes later, she emerged, drying her damp hair.

The room was filled with a faint fragrance. I kept my eyes fixed on the TV, feigning composure, my mind blank, but a nameless resentment kindled within me.

Suddenly, the front door was pushed open, and three people walked in, one of them being a police officer.

Feeling guilty as a thief, I became nervous at the sight of the police.

"Brother Dashan, there were some unpleasant incidents during the last investigation, so this time I specially asked Officer Li from the police station to accompany me. Don't take offense." One person, carrying a thick notebook under his armpit, spoke.

Hearing this name and observing his appearance—emaciated, with sores on his face and a vacant gaze—I could tell he was a drug addict.

I recalled that Shi Jingxia had mentioned before by the riverside that her father, Shi Dashan, had a history of drug abuse. So, I had already guessed that this person was none other than Shi Jingxia's father, Shi Dashan.

"Village Head, it's alright, I understand. You're doing it for everyone's good."

Shi Dashan handed a cigarette to Officer Li. "Thank you, take a smoke."

Officer Li pushed Shi Dashan's hand back. "Thank you, no need. This is my job, it's what I should do."

Before entering the house, Shi Dashan shouted from the yard, "Xiao Jing, boil some water and make tea."

The Village Head declined, saying, "Brother Dashan, no need to trouble yourself. We won't stay long. We'll just finish registering the household register and leave."

As they conversed, the three individuals entered one after another.

Shi Dashan invited them to have tea again, but the Village Head waved it off. "No need, no need. Brother Dashan, bring out the household register."

Shi Jingxia signaled me with her eyes, and we went to her room together.

"Why are you sweating so much? What are you nervous about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. My leg hurts."

Although separated by a door, the voices outside were crystal clear.

The village was about to be demolished. The policy was to demolish one and compensate one, with 800 yuan per square meter per person. Their main purpose in coming this time was to register the number of people according to the household register.

Previously, after multiple negotiations, everything had been settled. All that was needed was confirmation and signatures. However, no one had expected that Shi Dashan would back out at the crucial moment.

"Village Head, my family isn't a family of three; we're a family of four."

"Shi Dashan, you're lying through your teeth. The household register clearly states three people. How did it become four?"

"Village Head, hear me out. Xiao Jing got married. The guy just now is her husband."