
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

014 Lure

Shi Jingxia recounted how, at the age of fourteen, her father, Shi Dashan, brought home a jade beauty from somewhere, changing their once tranquil life.

Though Shi Dashan wasn't flawless before, he was diligent and lacked any vices. Their family life was ordinary but content.

However, since acquiring the jade beauty, Shi Dashan underwent a drastic change. He would often spend nights alone in the courtyard, holding the jade beauty, muttering incomprehensible words. It seemed like he had developed a mental issue, but after examination, doctors found no abnormalities.

One night, as Shi Jingxia slept, she felt someone standing by her bed. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see her father, Shi Dashan, standing there.

Shi Dashan held the jade beauty, his eyes emitting a chilling light, a sinister smile on his lips.

"Dad, what are you doing?"


Shi Dashan gestured for silence, then said, "Xiaojing, let me borrow your face."

Before she could react, Shi Dashan raised the jade beauty and viciously struck down. Shi Jingxia's left cheek was crushed.

A shiver ran down my spine. It was unfathomable.

Shi Dashan, this brute, turned against his own flesh and blood. How could he inflict such cruelty upon his own daughter?

"And then?"

"Later, my father became addicted to drugs, squandered the family fortune. My mother and I ran the Rujia Restaurant, but all the money went to him."

"Why didn't you report it to the police?"

"He's my father. This is my fate."

As for the jade beauty, Shi Jingxia said she never saw it again after Shi Dashan went mad.

Over the years, mother and daughter scrimped and saved, visiting numerous hospitals, but to no avail.

If it were now, with the rapid development of medical aesthetics, Shi Jingxia could likely recover through several skin graft surgeries. However, at the turn of the millennium, China's medical aesthetics industry was still in its infancy, with exorbitant prices beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I heard that South Korea's plastic surgery industry is very advanced. Many celebrities go there for procedures. It should be able to fix your face."

"How much would that cost? Let's forget about it."

In the distance, a few distant chimes rang, signaling the early hours of the morning. The weather had turned colder. I escorted Shi Jingxia back to the Rujia Restaurant.

Returning to Botong Hall, I coincidentally met Zhang Ling at the door. She was leaving as I entered, greeting her. She scrutinized me for a moment.

"Who turned you into a mess? Tell me, and I'll make them regret it."

"Lingzi, Guangting is a descendant of the ancestors. Don't target him."

Lin Canghai's voice rang out as Zhang Ling agreed and left in her car.

I greeted Lin Canghai.

With his hands behind his back, Lin Canghai spoke coldly, "Freshen up and come to the second-floor banquet hall."

After a quick wash, I headed to the second floor. Lin Canghai poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

"In our line of work, safety always comes first. A real man knows when to yield. If you encounter a situation like today again, don't fight head-on. Endure it and go directly to the Chen brothers."

"Got it, Mr. Lin."

"Guangting, you seem down. Are you still angry about that old man's affair?"

I glanced at him without speaking.

Lin Canghai continued, "You've just entered the business, perhaps unaware that sometimes decisive action is necessary. Our ancestor was always resolute, but due to an act of kindness towards a woman... Alas."

Lin Canghai's words immediately piqued my interest, reminding me of some events before my grandfather's death.

I vaguely recall, it was a cold winter morning, still dark, when my grandfather woke me up.

He said he would be gone for a while, instructing me to be obedient at home, study diligently, stay healthy, serve the country, and promised to escort me to school every day when he returned. 

In short, my grandfather, who was usually taciturn and solemn, was unusually talkative that day, his words as long and tedious as bandages. I was half asleep and somewhat impatient with him at the time.

Now, looking back, I regret my impatience. My grandfather may have foreseen something, which is why he acted out of character.

I have always harbored doubts. It seems there is more to my grandfather's death than meets the eye.

"Lin, can you tell me what really happened back then?"

Lin Canghai did not answer, rising to walk to the window. He drew the curtains aside, letting warm sunlight flood the room. Outside, birds on the branches faced the sun, singing joyfully.

"That's all in the past. Let it go. It's best not to dwell on it. One cannot always live in the past; we must look forward, face the sunlight, and embrace a new life."

"Though that may be, there's only one truth, and I want to know it."

"What good will it do to know? The past is gone, and nothing can be undone."

I was about to continue pressing him when Lin Canghai changed the subject, "Guangting, I promised our ancestor that this matter would remain undisclosed. Stop asking. Also, our guests from the South have arrived. Tomorrow night, you and Lingzi will attend to them."

With that said, Lin Canghai left without waiting for my response.

The next night, Zhang Ling drove me out. When we reached a secluded spot, she suddenly slowed down, flashed the high beams twice, then stepped on the gas and sped away.

Lights on the roadside also blinked twice; it was Duan Huairen's box truck.

Through the rearview mirror, I saw Duan Huairen following closely, about three hundred meters behind us.

Both vehicles got on the highway, one after the other, heading north.

Zhang Ling was very beautiful, emitting a faint scent of perfume. The fragrance filled the small space inside the car, enveloping my nostrils.

Unable to resist, I glanced sideways. Her fair skin and delicate profile, coupled with the seatbelt, accentuated her ample chest.

"Gulp," I inadvertently swallowed.

Zhang Ling glanced at me with her peripheral vision, gripping the steering wheel with her left hand and grabbing my left hand directly, then kneading it like a walnut.

"Guangting, do I look pretty?"

I stuttered, "Y-yes, very."

Zhang Ling smiled faintly, sighed, and said dejectedly, "Oh dear, your hands are so tender, the hair hasn't even receded yet, much better than those greasy men."

Upon hearing this, I quickly withdrew my hand.

Zhang Ling held on tightly, I pulled back forcefully, and the car jerked slightly. Fortunately, Zhang Ling's driving skills were good, and there were few cars on the road at night. It was alarming but safe.

I thought that would be the end of it, but Zhang Ling continued to tease me with words.

"After this job is done, I'll take you to Sanya for a honeymoon. How about that?"