
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

012 Shamat who deserves a beating

The old man sensed the impending approach of death, sitting on the ground, hands grasping the earth, feet kicking the ground incessantly.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me."

This reminded me of the scene when my grandfather was executed by a firing squad. I was young at the time, but the scene left a profound psychological scar on me.

My grandfather had a black cloth bag placed over his head, and the scene felt hauntingly familiar. In that moment, summoning courage I didn't know I had, I rushed forward when Zhang Wenjie extended his dagger toward the old man's neck and grabbed his hand, regardless of consequences.

"Guangting, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Zhang, please don't kill him."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you know what you're saying?"

"I, I..."

In the distance, several women's voices could be heard. They were here to sell goat milk. The old man, however, remained restless, thrashing about in the woven bag, creating a commotion.

On the sidelines, Duan Huaijin urged, "Indecision breeds chaos. Hurry, the carriage for collecting goat milk will be here soon. We're running out of time."

With a forceful shake, Zhang Wenjie shrugged off my hand and, with determination, made a swift cut across the old man's neck through the woven bag. Hot blood gushed out, splattering my face.

A lively life was cruelly snuffed out by these tomb raiders.

At that moment, I was dumbfounded. In a world tinged with crimson, I heard the sound of the old man's blood spraying into the woven bag, like raindrops falling on an umbrella.

Zhang Wenjie urgently said, "Quickly, throw the body into the furnace, and let's leave this place."

Chen Laoda and Chen Laoer lifted the old man, who was still drawing his last breaths, and tossed him into the tunnel.

Chen Duyu glanced at the grazing nanny goat, then approached, grabbed one of its horns, and lifted its head. With a swift, forceful motion, he twisted the goat's head around.

Both man and beast were thrown into the tunnel. After cleaning up the scene, everyone got into the car.

Upon returning, the gang leader followed the usual procedure and disbanded on the spot. For the next month or so, I didn't see any of them.

Zhang Ling visited Botong Hall a few times, always when there were no other visitors. Sometimes she stayed for a long time, and other times she left within half an hour.

I had encountered her twice. She showed excessive enthusiasm toward me, seductively inviting me to her house at night to check the water meter.

This woman once wanted to kill me. I dare not provoke her.

Although I didn't kill the old man, I became an accomplice. During that time, my mood was poor, and with no one to talk to, I often went to Ru Jia Restaurant for noodles, almost vomiting from overeating.

One night, around nine o'clock, I went to Ru Jia Restaurant again. It was already late, and Shifu was tidying up the tables and chairs, preparing to close.

Shi Jingxia came out, placed two garbage bags next to the drain, and clapped her hands.

"Dou Guangting, why don't you come in?"

Shi Jingxia waved to me and then rummaged through the freezer. Turning back, she said, "Only cat's ear noodles are left, is that okay?"

"That's fine, cat's ear noodles with soup will warm me up."

"You sit first, I'll make it for you. Oh, by the way, there are beers and drinks in the fridge. Help yourself."

Soon, a large bowl of steaming cat's ear noodles was placed in front of me, adorned with a fried egg and a smiley face drawn with tomato sauce.

I turned my head and watched Shi Jingxia busy herself. In that brief moment of eye contact, she smiled slightly, her eyes lifting at the corners. She wore a white veil, but I imagined her smile must be beautiful.

"Hope you're happy every day, don't always look so gloomy. Today, I'll treat you."

At that moment, I was unexpectedly overcome with emotion, my nose tingling with the onset of tears.

Fearful of revealing my vulnerability, I quickly turned away, picking up the fried egg and devouring it voraciously.

While dining, the outside suddenly erupted in clamor. It turned out that three unruly youths from the Zang'ai family also wanted to dine in. However, due to the late hour, Shifu kept them outside, leading to a heated argument at the door.

One of them with blonde hair pointed at me, "Isn't there anyone inside? How come there's discrimination? Who do you look down upon?"

Shi Jingxia replied, "That person is my friend."

With a sarcastic tone, the blonde-haired youth retorted, "Friend? I wasn't aware. Is he your boyfriend?"


The two accomplices chuckled evilly.

"The key items are all sold out, there's hardly anything left."

"No worries, whatever that person inside eats, we'll eat the same."

The three youths entered, dragged out chairs with a screech, and sat down, each lighting a cigarette.

It was already November, and the night was chilly at four or five degrees Celsius. Many people had already donned thin down jackets, yet they were clad in thin attire.

They wore crew-neck shirts under jackets, tight-fitting pants, exposed ankles, and dirty canvas shoes.

The bitter cold left their faces bruised and purple, hands thrust into pockets, shivering uncontrollably, resembling three large shrimp.

Shi Jingxia approached with a bowl, but the blonde-haired youth suddenly extended his foot, tripping her. Losing balance, she spilled a bowl of hot soup noodles on the ground, shattering it. Splinters flew, scratching the blonde-haired youth's ankle, drawing blood. He exclaimed in pain, jumping up.

"Don't you have eyes? Ouch, it's scalding!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Sorry? What's the use of apologies? How about I carve a gash on you and say sorry? Would that work?"

The Zang'ai family exchanged glances and began to get physical. Shi Jingxia dodged and retreated repeatedly.

Shifu fetched iodine and band-aids to treat the blonde-haired youth, but he recoiled, leering at Shi Jingxia.

"The one who caused it should come."

"Xiaojing is still a young lady, if this gets out, it won't be good for her."

"Then let her remove her veil, so we can see the true face of this fair maiden. Let's call it off. Otherwise, we'll smash Ru Jia Restaurant today."

Seeing Shi Jingxia's silence, the blonde-haired youth kicked a chair to the ground, while the other two smashed bowls, overturned tables, and threw utensils.

These mongrels were too audacious. Just as I was about to intervene, Shi Jingxia's voice drowned out everything.

"Stop it, I agree."

"Xiaojing, don't." Shifu choked back tears.

"Mom, Ru Jia Restaurant is your blood and sweat. I can't bear to see it destroyed."

Shifu shook her head, "We can go far away, let that damned father of yours never find us."

"Where can we go? Fate is fate, Mom, I'll be fine."

Shi Jingxia crouched at the feet of the blonde-haired youth.