
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

006 Dilemma

The demolition tool resembled a bicycle pump, yet its power was immense, capable of compressing air to create tremendous pressure, then releasing it instantaneously, driving the diamond drill inside to penetrate five thick steel plates.

Chen Duoyu couldn't help but ask, "Elder brother, how is it going?"

Chen Lao Da, gasping for breath, replied, "Damn it, it's too hard. The demolition tool is too hot to hold. I'll take a break and try again later."

"Elder brother, come up. Let me go down instead."

"No need, I can manage."

After a while, there was suddenly a loud rumble, and the loose earth at the entrance kept falling, causing the climbing rope to instantly straighten. Chen Lao Da's urgent voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"It's collapsing! Quickly pull the rope!"

Lao Er and Lao San immediately wound the climbing rope around their hands, leaned backward, heels digging into the ground, and gritted their teeth as they pulled with all their might. I and Old Ding joined in as well.

It was a race against death. The climbing rope embedded deeply into the yellow soil like a saw. Fortunately, with many hands, Chen Lao Da was finally pulled up, though he had lost consciousness.

"Elder brother, wake up."

"Elder brother, don't scare me. Open your eyes quickly."

Lao Er and Lao San were in a panic, calling Chen Lao Da's name incessantly, almost in tears.

Chen Lao Da's face was as purple as an eggplant, his nose and mouth full of mud and sand, his airway blocked. I checked his carotid artery, but there was no pulse.

"I need you to step aside. I can save him."

In those days, hardly anyone knew about cardiopulmonary resuscitation. I had only seen it once at the scene of an electric shock incident, when a beautiful nurse saved someone. At the time, I envied the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I often practiced in front of a poster of a Hong Kong actress on the wall, unsure if it would be effective. Now, I could only try my luck.

I cleared the mud and sand from Chen Lao Da's mouth and nose, then performed CPR on him. After about five cycles, Chen Lao Da's body shuddered, and he woke up, gasping for air.

"Oh my goodness, I thought I was going to suffocate."

Zhang Wenjie asked Chen Lao Da, "What happened just now?"

Chen Lao Da coughed twice and said, "It's indeed the entrance to the tomb below. I successfully broke through, but..."

"But it turned out to be a quicksand tomb. As soon as I entered, I heard a rustling sound, and when I looked up, the quicksand surged in like a flood. Luckily, you all acted quickly; otherwise, I would have been done for by now."

"Damn it, I didn't expect this. The tomb entrance is probably already filled with quicksand. We've failed this time. Let's ask Lin Lao for his opinion."

Zhang Wenjie slapped his thigh, took out his phone, and went aside to call Lin Canghai.

Quicksand tombs have an insane level of anti-theft measures, making them a nightmare for tomb raiders. Over the years, countless tomb raiders have been swallowed by quicksand, and a foolproof method of cracking it has yet to be found. Therefore, tomb raiders generally avoid quicksand tombs.

The "Ten Thousand Tombs' Enigma" also records quicksand tombs, but these are only notes from previous generations. It is said that in a hundred years, only the founder of the school, Yin Yangzi, has dared to touch a quicksand tomb. As for my grandfather, he probably never touched a quicksand tomb.

However, the "Ten Thousand Tombs' Enigma" records two methods of cracking quicksand tombs, one involving a bamboo pole and the other a kite somersault.

Let's start with the bamboo pole method, which, as the name suggests, involves using sections of tubing to support the tomb passage, preventing quicksand from entering. It's akin to installing pipes when digging a well.

However, the bamboo pole method has a prerequisite: one must know in advance that the tomb belongs to a quicksand tomb in order to purposefully install the tubing. In a situation like today's, where the lower part is completely blocked by quicksand, digging further would only lead to more collapses, making it impossible to use the bamboo pole method.

As for the kite somersault method, sometimes referred to as the "Taigong Fishing," it involves digging a thief hole from the side, bypassing the tomb chamber, reaching the bottom directly, and then digging upwards to enter the tomb chamber from the bottom.

However, the kite somersault method requires a considerable amount of work and time, ranging from ten days to several months, and since we only have ten days, it's indeed challenging.

After Zhang Wenjie finished his call with Lin Canghai, he walked over with a despondent look, shaking his head at us.

"Lin Lao said, 'As long as the green hills remain, there will be firewood to burn.' We can't shoulder this responsibility anymore. Let's pack up and leave."

Chen Lao Er said, "Elder brother almost lost his life. Let's just leave it at that. I can't accept it."

Chen Duoyu added, "Damn it, we can smell a pot of fat meat, but we can't taste it. It's truly unlucky."

Old Ding had already started burying the thief hole, and the others began packing up. I stood aside, feeling an itch in my heart for some reason, a sense of eagerness to try something.

I voiced my thoughts clearly, but everyone looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds.

Zhang Wenjie, deep in thought, said, "Even if the kite somersault method works, as you said, it will take at least ten days to half a month. We don't have enough time."

Chen Duoyu assured with a pat on his chest, "You can rest assured about this. The three of us brothers will definitely break through the thief hole within three days."

Chen Lao Da coughed twice and said, "Brother, none of us has encountered such a situation before today. Don't speak too confidently."

"United we stand, divided we fall. I agree with Lao San's suggestion," said Chen Lao Er.

In recent years, tomb raiding activities have been rampant, and using the phrase "nine out of ten tombs are empty" is not an exaggeration. In some places, as long as there's a tombstone, regardless of its age, none have been spared.

Though life with the Huoye Society has been decent, it's been several years since we've come across such a big opportunity.

After discussing for a while, we reached a consensus. Since it's a quicksand tomb, it's almost certain that the lid has never been opened, and there must be a pot of fat meat inside. We felt it was necessary to take a risk this time.

We couldn't act on our own in this matter; ultimately, it would be Lin Canghai who would make the decision.

A burst of radio waves sounded, and Duan Huairen's voice came through.

"It's five o'clock. Once the sheep milk collection truck arrives, more people will come. Hurry up and seal the furnace; don't let the fire go out."

The furnace refers to the thief hole. Not letting the fire go out means not blocking the thief hole completely.

The nearest village to Yongling is called Dazhong Village, originally named Dazong Village, before it was changed later. The villagers of Dazhong Village are descendants of the tomb guardians of Yongling. They have a special sense of mission and responsibility towards Yongling.

The area is famous for its goat milk production, and there is even a slogan: "World goat milk looks at China, Chinese goat milk looks at Shaanxi, Shaanxi goat milk looks at Fuping."

Here, every household raises dairy goats, and they almost all send out people to sell goat milk before dawn. Once our whereabouts are exposed, the consequences can be imagined. We'll probably be chopped up and fed to the dogs.

Old Ding quickly sealed the furnace and covered it with straw, leaving almost no trace from the outside.

After returning to the tent, I immediately called Lin Canghai.