
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · Realistic
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89 Chs

003 I can't

The elder seated himself beside me and began to recount a tale of the past.

His name was Lin Canghai, once a beggar. In a bitter winter, he was on the verge of death from cold and starvation until my grandfather rescued him. To repay this kindness, he became a follower of my grandfather.

After the collapse of the former group, Lin Canghai was also apprehended and sentenced to seven years in prison. Upon his release, he opened an antique shop in the western capital, naming it Bo Tong Tang.

Despite its rapid growth into the largest antique shop in the local area within a few short years, this was merely a facade. In secret, Lin Canghai reunited his former accomplices and resumed the tomb-robbing business, now operating with even greater secrecy and ruthlessness, sparing no one, not even resorting to murder to ensure absolute safety.

My accidental interference disrupted their transaction. Misunderstanding the reason, Lin Canghai believed someone had sabotaged it and ordered those three individuals to silence me.

After rendering me unconscious, they planned to dispose of my body in an ancient tomb, ensuring no one would know. However, while handling my belongings, they discovered the "Ten Thousand Tombs' Mysteries" and my identification card, revealing my identity, prompting them to bring me back to Bo Tong Tang.

"In the past, my grandfather often mentioned you. At that time, you were still a child. I never expected you to grow up so quickly."

As memories flooded back, tears welled up in my eyes.

"You've suffered over these years. From now on, Bo Tong Tang is your home, and its people are your family. Never hesitate to treat it as such."

With that, Lin Canghai patted my shoulder. I managed a bitter smile but remained silent.

"Guang Ting, come, I'll introduce you to a few people."

Lin Canghai led me to the banquet hall, where the table was already set with sumptuous dishes. The air was filled with a tantalizing aroma, stirring the appetite within me, causing me to salivate incessantly.

Around the table sat several individuals who rose to greet us as Lin Canghai took his seat at the head of the table, gesturing for the others to follow suit.

Taking a quick glance around, I counted seven other individuals present.

The woman was named Zhang Ling, the youngest among them. Everyone called her Lingzi. Lingzi was beautiful and mainly responsible for liaising with buyers and coordinating transactions.

The bespectacled elderly gentleman was named Zhang Wenjie, though he was not quite elderly, having just passed forty. However, due to his indulgence in carnal pleasures, he appeared more weathered.

Zhang Wenjie was responsible for acupuncture, determining the precise location for digging to uncover tomb entrances. This was a skilled task, and given his expertise, everyone respectfully addressed him as Mr. Zhang.

The man with the prominent mustache was named Duan Huairen. At the time, I found it peculiar, as the northwest region lacked water and had an undeveloped fishing industry. How could there be fishermen there?

Duan Huairen's van had its own hidden compartment. From the outside, it appeared to be used for selling fish, but inside, there was an extremely secretive space where looted artifacts were tightly wrapped in plastic wrap and concealed. Not only could this deceive the public, but the water on the outside also served as a means of preserving freshness, truly a win-win situation.

Apart from these three, the remaining four individuals shared a striking resemblance, as if they were mass-produced from an assembly line. They were clearly siblings.

The eldest was named Chen Tianfu, the second Chen Tiangui, and the third, with a name considered somewhat undesirable, was called Chen Duoyu.

The three brothers were adept at digging holes, often using digging wells for others as a cover. They covertly gathered various information about ancient tomb burials and swiftly dug out the tomb when the time came, much like rats digging holes.

The last individual had a broad face and thick neck, either a big shot or a henchman. He had only a few hairs on his head, earning him the nickname Uncle Ding. He was primarily responsible for logistical support during excavation operations.

After the introductions, Lin Canghai raised his glass, proposing a toast to welcome me and celebrate my arrival. Then, he picked up his chopsticks and took a symbolic bite, signaling the commencement of the feast.

Finally, the time for dining had arrived. I eagerly picked up my chopsticks and indulged in the feast, devouring the food as if I had just escaped starvation. After indulging in this gustatory delight, I wiped my mouth and let out a satisfied belch.

To my surprise, I noticed that everyone else had hardly touched their food, casting peculiar glances in my direction. Embarrassment washed over me as I blushed profusely, feeling awkward in the spotlight.

Clearing his throat, Lin Canghai drew everyone's attention and proceeded to share a piece of news that left everyone nearly speechless.

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to the rules of our association, without the lighting of the ceremonial fire and the commencement of the expedition, the reason I have gathered you all here today is likely known to you."

"Our revered ancestor has been gone for many years, and I have diligently overseen the affairs of our association during this time, but now, due to my advancing age and waning abilities, I find myself somewhat inadequate."

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Lin Canghai paused briefly, then continued, "We have all benefited from our ancestor's benevolence, and now, by the grace of the heavens, we have found Guang Ting. I propose that he takes over the leadership of our association. What say you all?"

Despite Lin Canghai's impassioned speech, it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears, with no one speaking up. The atmosphere grew increasingly tense as we exchanged uneasy glances.

Quickly, I shook my head and said, "Lin Lao, please reconsider. I am a newcomer and know little of our affairs. I am not worthy nor capable of shouldering such a heavy responsibility. Absolutely not."

My words prompted others to speak up, all expressing unanimous and firm opposition to Lin Canghai's proposal, effectively vetoing it.

"Since the founding of our association, it has always been overseen by successive ancestors. Over the years, you all have respectfully referred to me as Lin Lao, which has been more than satisfying. Now, with Guang Ting, a young talent among us, if I were to cling to power, wouldn't it invite criticism?"

With that, Lin Canghai stroked his beard and closed his eyes slowly.

Zhang Ling spoke up, "Lin Lao, I have a suggestion. Should I share it?"

Lin Canghai nodded and said, "Speak freely, Lingzi."

Zhang Ling proposed, "Why don't we have Lin Lao continue to oversee the association, while Guang Ting stays temporarily? When the time comes for him to mature and take on more responsibilities, we can reconsider the matter of our ancestor's legacy. What do you all think?"

The others present unanimously expressed their agreement with Zhang Ling's proposal, raising their hands in approval.

"In that case, I shall reluctantly agree," said Lin Canghai.

Months passed in the blink of an eye.

It was a scorching day in July when I found myself holed up in an air-conditioned room, engrossed in playing Snake on my phone. Just as I reached a crucial point in the game, there was a knock on the door. Startled, I opened it to find Zhang Wenjie standing there.

"Guang Ting, I hope you are well."

I hadn't seen any of them in months, so Zhang Wenjie's unexpected appearance caught me off guard.

I remembered Lin Canghai's words about refraining from expeditions. I wondered if they were planning one now.