
Grave of infatuations: The odyssey of an autumn rose

"In the Tapestry of Heavens and Earth, a Song of Fate Begins... In a realm of gods and mortals, fate weaves a tale defying even the heavens. Tan Ju, a celestial ruler, faces uncertainty when a prophetic dream hints at his downfall by a boy born in a fateful year. Against the odds, a child emerges, destined to challenge Tan Ju. Raised by gods, Jiang Xicheng's path crosses with an enigmatic woman, and love ignites. But injustice imprisons him, while Wei's siblings rise into the realm of the dead. Lineages shift, secrets emerge, and a celestial mission awaits Jiang Xicheng after captivity. With Wei's siblings, he seeks scattered Dragon Chess Set pieces, harbouring unimaginable power. As fate converges, a symphony of destiny unfolds, testing bonds and reshaping intertwined fates. ------------------------ "I long to cherish you eternally, to remain by your side through endless ages. Even when mountains crumble and rivers cease to flow, when winter roars with thunder and summer yields to snow, and even if heaven and earth themselves unite as one... not until those unfathomable moments transpire, will I ever find the strength to bid you farewell."

jungkooks_luna · Eastern
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157 Chs

A trip to the capital city

Jiang Guangyi leaned back, his intrigue transforming into genuine admiration.

"You remind me of my uncle Jiang Yao Shan. He, too, possesses a sharp intellect and a keen sense of strategy. He often says that life itself is a game of chess and only those who can anticipate their opponents' moves can emerge victorious."

Meng Yao's eyes lit up at the mention of Jiang Yao Shan. 

Master Jiang Shufen cleared his throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. "Since our purpose here is not only to discuss matters of martial arts and trade but also to extend an invitation of great significance. It's Jiang Guangyi's wedding and bring this little girl along."

As they exchanged their farewells, Jiang Guangyi warmly expressed to Wei Liuxian the invitation to visit their sect frequently. With genuine enthusiasm, he suggested that Wei Liuxian consider engaging in studies and practice under his guidance within the embrace of their sect.