
Grave borne Revenant

The story takes place in the age of steam and machinery, most people go about their days worrying about money and their lifes but some dont know that there a hidden world. This world has mysterious people and abilities some can do strange things some can even curse you Elijah a newly college guratuee gets involved with this world how will he escape this world alive? Will he lose himself? ----- @gravebrone -tiktok ----- chapter realse one chapter a day if you want that to increase then send gifts if I don't realises a chapter then that means I'm busy or I'm making more or my computer broke and it deleted half my work and I'm crying in the corner. ------ I'm still new to writing novels, so don't expect there to be perfect grammar. also, in some parts, I don't think I can describe an object well enough for you to understand, so I apologize. Since I'm still kinda new don't expect some perfect writing ----- artist name: Myunghee Woo the art is not owned by me if the artist wishes to take this down then contact me on my tick tok above because I am always active on that or contact me on discord thekingofrvelution or Demon of Revolution see which one works

Alan_Grimlord · Fantasy
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118 Chs

My Regret

Elijah summoned a ball of fire in his hands as he entered the dark room. He entered the living room. The floor was filled with countless papers that had a name etched unto "Alvin." Elijah kneeled and picked up one of the papers

(Who is Alvin? and why isn't Leopold here? he did say he would be gone in a few days but what was with that shadow and why is it so dark in here?).

ELijah dropped the paper and then searched the rest of the apparent, he checked the bathroom, but he found nothing. The bathroom was filled with a lot of weird herbs (He has a herb problem….or its just for mysticism purposes…you know what I should leave).

ELijah sighed then, cleaned up the papers off the floor, and said softly, "I must have been seeing things.." After he was finished, he left the room then headed downstairs, making his way to the church
