
Grave borne Revenant

The story takes place in the age of steam and machinery, most people go about their days worrying about money and their lifes but some dont know that there a hidden world. This world has mysterious people and abilities some can do strange things some can even curse you Elijah a newly college guratuee gets involved with this world how will he escape this world alive? Will he lose himself? ----- @gravebrone -tiktok ----- chapter realse one chapter a day if you want that to increase then send gifts if I don't realises a chapter then that means I'm busy or I'm making more or my computer broke and it deleted half my work and I'm crying in the corner. ------ I'm still new to writing novels, so don't expect there to be perfect grammar. also, in some parts, I don't think I can describe an object well enough for you to understand, so I apologize. Since I'm still kinda new don't expect some perfect writing ----- artist name: Myunghee Woo the art is not owned by me if the artist wishes to take this down then contact me on my tick tok above because I am always active on that or contact me on discord thekingofrvelution or Demon of Revolution see which one works

Alan_Grimlord · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Escape From Fate

The Black Knight's blade glowed a faint blue, and a strange sensation oozed out of the great sword. A blue mist enveloped the black knight; the blade changed from a great sword to a rapier. Elijah's gaze met the knight's helmet; it revealed a man in his late 30s. He had deep blue eyes, a stubble beard, and a long nose bridge.The man's eyes had a sorrowful look etched onto them like that of a marbled statue its hair was short yet slightly wavey. Elijah's heart slowly wavered (This person in front of me looks like a human being….but at the same time, it's not…h how can I kill a man?).Elijah thought his hands were shaking he was about to let go of the blade in his hands when he heard a voice yell in his head 'Elijah!, drop that sword and all of us are dead. we have spent months in here fighting against monsters and madness; you have survived this long because of your strength and conviction to return to the church.'if you drop that sword now then all of the pain of surfing that you've been through has been for nothing!. Elijah, you can escape; this chance might never come up again. use it, Elijah!' Otto screamed.Elijah gripped his weapon; his fingers still held fear in them, but he didn't want to die here nor did he wanna be stuck here for the rest of his life (but do I need to take its life?) ELijah asked himself.He already knew the answer. The black knight dashed forward, it swung the blade a few seconds late. Elijah twisted his body, dodging out of the sword's reach, but the knight trusted the rapier on.Elijah pushed into a corner and used his blade as a shield; the rapier colluded with it the blade reverberated in his hands. This filled him with a sense of life, and then a sudden yet apparent thought came into Elijah's head (I alive, I can breath eat and die this thing is not alive, it might have the face of a human but its not human).[Blade of wind] Elijah ordered in an almost imaginary ethereal voice; the black knight was pushed back a few meters the blade in its hand was gone yet still in reach.Clank clankthe chest piece slowly fell off; it revealed a blood-red gem it had a fist-like shape it almost looked like a human heart. Elijah stood in place, stunned at the sight. His mind was about to cave in, but he pushed through and dashed forward, screaming.[Ball of fire] Elijah traced the blade with fire; the blade glowed a faint orange as the blade came to life with beautiful flames. The knight reached out for its rapier, but Eliajh was already close to the knight. While the blade was a few more steps away Elijah stabbed the knight through the heart-shaped gem.The marble-like face slowly crumbled. The Black Knight was dying. Fallen Dynasty couldn't hold up either; the blade slowly crumbled, the ground slowly collapsed beneath him. The Knights armor had already faded away. What was left of it was a pocket watch.the den around Elijah slowly crumbled; he tasted fresh air, yet he was in a black void; the world around him made no sense, yet it did, "You've done well on your own…even though I had to help you somewhat," a voice said.Elijah looked around but he couldn't detect where the voice was coming from "Your body isn't in a great state right now so I have to ….seal it for a while…more or less your memories, not all of them but the ones that are dangerous to you".a sigh escaped Elijah. "It's fine" Elijah answered; his demeanor was very relaxed and carefree he was just happy.The black void around Elijah crumbled. "You should need this for a while, but it won't last long," said the mysterious voice. Elijah opened his eyes to see himself in a ruined city the buildings filled with greens of different varitys.one thing stuck out to him, "…..Elijah!" a voice yelled. Elijah's mind slowly shook, the voice was very far, yet it felt so close to him. A young man with a well-toned body with striking features his eyes were a beautiful pair of green entered his vision.Elijah looked in his hand, and he held a rusted blade; it was covered in black blood his arm was madly injured, and his chest was burning in pain. he had almost forgotten about his injuries.*Cough coughhurried footsteps rushed over to Elijah, he could hear yelling and crying but couldn't tell who.


Inquisitor headquartersElijah awoke in a bed that was not his; he's head was filled with questions, yet he didn't want answers; he was just too tired. He pulled the sheets over his body again, then slumbered.a few more minutes passed by, a soft knock was heard. the door was opened, at this time Elijah was still asleep. the figure came close to Elijah's bed, the figure reached its hand toward Elijah.before the figure met contact with Elijah's skin, Elijah grabbed the figure's finger out of the air and then asked, "Who are you?! answer me before you lose a finger" Elijah's eyes were half open he could nearly see who he was talking to.the figure yanked its figure away faster than Elijah could react. "You have a long way to go if you think you can threaten me" a familiar voice said.Elijah rubbed his eyes and then answered in an unsure tone, "Bar…. bargi?"Bargi had a wide grin etched onto his face, yet there was a hint of sadness etched in, "How was your first time in a den?" he asked, his voice relaxed.Elijah thought back to the moments he had died and the moments where he was in pain, he managed to let out a sound but it was muffled by slight tears "It was ...it was pure hell!" Elijah yelled."I almost died to a group of rabbits. I had to hide inside a dam cave. I had to kill things that I never thought I could...it was pure agony," Elijah stated. Bargi furrowed his brow and spoke softly while he sat beside Elijah, facing a white wall."yes, I see that it was pure hell that's what all dens are. they are a portal to pure hell and agony….how much time did you think passed inside?" he asked softly; he said it in a way that seemed like he was guiding Elijah through a field of mess.Elijah was In thought for a few moments, then answered in a painful voice, "I was stuck there for eight months...ho….how much time passed out here." he asked, his voice trembling.Bargi sighed heavily and then whispered, "In the outside world...." he paused then looked at Elijah with a sorrow-filled expression, "you were only gone for two months …..".the air in the room became thick with tension. Elijah was stunned; His breaths became erratic, his heart pounding faster. He felt an overwhelming sense of disorientation, his eyes welling up with tears and his back aching with an intensity that mirrored the pain he had endured in the den.Elijah let out hurried cries as he realized that he had only been gone for two months in the outside world while in the den he had been through a living hell for eight months; he spent that time dying over and over just so that he could survive reality had finally hit him, the truth that he had been through soo much in just 8 months.He cried raspy. "8 months…. I've been gone for 8…." Elijah didn't finish his sentence as Bargi hugged him. In that moment, he felt a warm tingling sensation coursing through his body......….this is a feeling that he hasn't felt since he has been at the church he was feeling happy.other people came in. They were Amala,Elliot, Cassian, Selina and Edmund. They all came closer to hug Elijah; even though he was in his 20s, he still somewhat felt like a kid (… do i even remember what being a kid feels like?…..).Cassian stood at the door watching them indifferently, but a somewhat slight smile etched on the man's face (good job) Cassian thought to himself.night slowly rolled around, Elijah was placed into an office where the inquiztors asked him about what he went through. he recounted everything but nothing about dying. "you did a very good job surviving in the den; most people would have died, " a bushy-haired man said; his voice was deep, and he had a pair of brown eyes.Elijah nodded, and the man responded, "But, under regulations, we must keep you in that room for two weeks. during those two weeks, you are allowed to read books and other basic needs, but one thing you can't do during those weeks is interact with any type of oath."This might awaken something that we have not counted on; after the two weeks are up, its recommended that you gain an oath so that this doesn't happen to you again, " the man said; he placed some papers on the desk and then asked, "questions?"Elijah chuckled, then answered, "Yes, quite a few." The man smiled and said, "Wait, I will brew some tea".after a few minutes, the man returned to an office with a white teapot and marbled tea cups, carefully pouring the rich blue tea. "its called blossoming eve; its a type of flower that rejuvenates your spirituality; drink up".

wanted to realise this a little earlier also I started doing edits on my tik tok

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