

Tae dropped the phone, his face showing a cute, innocent smile. He really missed his hyung, he had so much to tell him about the previous night, but at the same time he didin't want to leave his Kookie, he wanted the two of them to spent the day together.

"Baby, hyung would like me to have lunch with him, I know that this was supposed to be our day,, but I really miss him, can I please go?"

"My love, you don't have to ask me to see your hyung. It's completely okay, I don't own you and in fact I can keep myself busy with some work I have due tomorrow so I have my plate full, I won't be lonely. Now you go on and enjoy yourself you deserve it after being such a good boy and making daddy very proud, I'll ask the driver to drop you off. I want you to relax...by the way, are you able to walk well?"

"I'm still slightly limping and there is a bit of pain in my back, but I can move around. Don't worry I'll be okay".

"Okay then baby, don't stay out too long or i'll be worried and come look for and you know I can't be apart from you. We are now one, you now own half of my body, half of my heart is yours and you know that no human being can survive with half a heart".

"Yes daddy I won't be gone for so long, I promise".

"I love you".

"Love you too daddy".

They shared a passionate kiss sucking on each others tongue, tasting each other before Jungkook phoned his driver, giving him the location details of the restuarant that Hoseok sent Tae. As Tae was leaving the penthouse, Jungkook felt an uneasy feeling that something just wasn't right. he didn't know why, but he was certain that nothing would happen to his Tae as long as he was meeting his hyung.

When Tae stepped into the car, he was happy to see that it was the same driver who took him home a few weeks ago. He was happy, because it was the same man that made he rethink his life, who showed him that there was always light at the end of the tunnel. He always wanted to express his gratitude for what he did for him, but he never had the chance to.

"Its you.....sir you have no idea how grateful I am to you". Tae said as he looked the man from the rare mirror of the white Jeep Cherokee.

"Wow Tae I didn't expect that from you, but thanks I really appreciate it, I didn't know that you were paying attention to what I was saying that day, I just saw how down you were and I wanted to cheer you up".

Tae was shocked, how did he know his name, when they first met, Tae remembers not telling him his name.

"Uhm sir, I'm confused how did you know my name? I don't remember telling you what my name was".

"You see Tae, you have no idea how much your uncle talks about you. Everytime I go and see him, he tells me such wonderful stories about you, by the way Hoseok is my GP, I go to him for my regular check-ups and then you see master Jungkook who won't stop talking about you, he even spends most of his journeys staring at a picture he has of you. He speaks about how you changed his life and brought him out of his broken shell, the one his ex-girlfriend kept him in for so long. Master Jungkook didn't want to accept who he was because he feared society and the way his family would see him, that was the main reason why he brought Rose back with him that year. He didn't want anyone to know about his sexuality. I know that you may be shocked at how I know so much, well Jungkook has always been my favourite of Jeon siblings so he tells me most of the things going on his life. Then you came along and its the least to say that the entire Jeon family is mesmerized by everything about you. you are such a good boy, so innocent and loving, but Tae I want you to know that they will be people against you, they will want to destroy your image so just keep your eyes open, there will be many threats because of your relationship. I see the love you too have for each other, and I couldn't ask for anything else for Jungkook, you too deserve each other."

"Thank you sir".

"Please call me Jung Un".

"Okay s..sir..I mean Jung Un. Thank you so much for the wise words, they really helped me at such a tough stage of my life".

"Its no problem Tae, I wish you and Master Jungkook the atmost luck in your relationship".

Tae felt very happy about their trip, he learnt so much about his Kookie and he was glad that he did. this only made him love him more.

Soon they arrived at the restuarant, Tae saw his hyung sitting outside on the patio, he was sipping on a glass of water. he looked so smart, Tae never noticed how handsome his hyung was,but now that he was seeing him from afar, he was trully stunning. Sharp jawline, perfectly styled hair, perfect pointed nose, in fact everything about him was just amazing. It made him remember his Kookie, now he missed him too.

He bid farewell to Jung Un before going in and with luck he succesfully found his hyung without a hustle.


"Ah Taehyung, how are you?"

"I'm perfect hyung, sorry for not calling you earlier, I....I was..".

"You were busy with Jungkook, right?"

"Well yes, but it was not intentional though".

"So tell me how was it? Did you enjoy it? Did he hurt you in anyway?"

"Calm down hyung, firstly it was amazing, Jungkook made me feel alive, I was basically floating on clouds, he was so gentle and loving, I really enjoyed my time there and no he didn't hurt me, in fact he was a bit insecure about it, he thought everything he was doing was wrong. He would always ask me, if I was okay. I love him so much hyung, we are now one, no one could seperate us. I am his and he is mine... Thanks hyung for giving us this opportunity to grow together".

"I'm glad you are okay, and I guess its my pleasure".

They giggled and had such a wonderful lunch, they dinned on a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup or stew, and some side dishes. The meal was delicious and it was a good time for them to catch up on the day they spent apart.

Tae realized how difficult it was for him to be apart from his hyung, but he was still willing to grow himself, he was 20 years after all, so he had to act his age.

"That was a very nice meal hyung, thanks for the invite".

"No problem Tae. Do you need me to drop you off at the penthouse?"

"No hyung its fine, I saw a park nearby on my way here and I would like to take a walk there, when I'm done I will call Jung Un to come pick me up, but thanks hyung for the gesture".

"Okay thats fine Tae, but make sure that you go back to Jungkook before it gets dark".

"Hyung I'm not a kid anymore, I know how to protect myself".

"Fine if you say so".

They hugged each other before Tae watched as Hoseok's car disappear in a distance with a soft smile on his face.

As he walked towards the park, he was suprised to find very few people in the park, espercially since it was Sunday. The place was practically enpty. He didn't put much thought to it, just enjoying the walk, enjoying the beautiful scenery and watching the birds fly across the sky, he felt at peace, it was things like this that calmed him down and made him relax, just being surrounded by nature.


He felt an arm wrapped around his waist and another hand on his face, blocking his respiration. Forcing him to inhale a substance, similar to paint thinners.

The scent was strong making him feel drowsy and the grip around his body was strong, even with his contant struggles for freedom, it still wouldn't burge and time was running out for him. The person holding him was strong, crushing Tae's body against his. Tae was helpless, he couldn't do anything but continue to fight his way out, but to no avail.

It was only a matter of moment before he blanked out, The last thing he saw was someone coming towards his face, knocking him out with a rod, while the other person continued trying to suffocate him.

His lifeless body fell to the ground.

He was unconcious, lifeless and numb. The dirt of the floor became his friend.

Soon a car stopped nearby and the two males carried Tae's body, throwing him into the boot, not caring where his head landed, before speeding away.

At that instant Tae's fate and life hanged at a balance...

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Feel the suspence....

JeonGinacreators' thoughts