
Granting You a Second Life

Li Xiuying is the youngest surgeon the world has ever seen. Once upon a time, her work had meaning; to save lives. But soon surgery lost all of its meaning to her, she became an operating machine. She didn’t even meet the patient until they were unconscious on her surgical table like a piece of meat waiting to be carved. She neglected love, friendship, beauty, her health all to work tirelessly like a dog and continue to make her family happy. Even when she had no more left to give; they made sure she gave. But betrayal came swiftly and suddenly and Li Xiuying met her untimely end at the hands of her most trusted and loves ones. All the world’s a stage and it seems it is not yet time for Li Xiuying to exit. She finds herself waking up in her bed, 8 years in the past. She is granted a second chance at life. ............................................................................................ This is a very slow romance novel The novel may have realistic elements but it is a Work of FICTION. Please allow for some artistic license. There will be medical cases and scenario's included due to the main character (Li Xiuying) being a doctor. I have tried my best to explain as much of the medical terminology as possible. I'll also try and put some sources in where possible. ...........................................................................................

Tranquil_Heart · General
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189 Chs

Little 4th To The Rescue

Zhou FengMian then turned to Qin Song and her attitude did a complete 180. Her voice changed from gentle and respectful to whiny and coquettish.

Zhou FengMian: "Songgggggggg Darling, please don't hate me for coming unannounced. I was really worried when I didn't get a call or message from you last night. I thought it was very unusual since we talk everyyy night. I came to check if everything was okay." She pouted at Qin Song.

Zhou FengMian looked at Li Xiuying from the corner of her eye. 'Hmph! This woman better understand that Qin Song is mine!'

Qin Song looked at Zhou FengMian indifferently. 'What was this woman talking about?'

He did usually message or call her every night because if he didn't she hounded him like some rogue debt collector on speed.

Everyone around the table ignored Zhou FengMian and went back to eating. Zhou FengMian showed up at least three times a week, just in case any of them possibly forgot she existed. The staff probably saw more of her than any of the actual Qin family members.

Qin Song finally spoke. His voice was cold: "FengMian what are you doing? If you're staying here then sit down and stop making a fuss."

Zhou FengMian pouted some more. She then walked over to Qin Jie and stared at him.

Qin Jie started feeling annoyed by Zhou FengMian hovering around him like a fly, so he eventually got up and sat on the other side of Qin Xian Jun.

Zhou FengMian happily sat down. A maid placed a bowl, plate, and chopsticks in front of her. She then started elegantly placing food on her plate.

She desperately wanted to put food on Qin Song's plate to show off the depths of their affection for one another. However, she knew this was one of Qin Song's taboos. He didn't even like it went Little 4th put food on his plate.

Zhou FengMian shuffled her chair closer to Qin Song instead. She looked over at Li Xiuying only to realize that the little so called doctor hadn't even once looked in her direction.

Li Xiuying was happily eating when she felt killing intent directed at her. She looked up from her plate and found a pair of malicious brown eyes staring at her.

Li Xiuying only spared the woman a glance before she put some vegetable dim sum on Little 4th's plate and resumed eating.

Zhou FengMian saw that the woman in front of her wasn't getting the hint. She decided to change tactics.

Zhou FengMian: "Songgggg darling who is this?"

Qin Song: "Dr Li Xiuying"

Zhou FengMian: "Oh so its Dr Li, I'm Song darling's fiancé Zhou FengMian." She emphasized the word fiancé, she also didn't forget to highlight her surname to this nobody.

Li Xiuying didn't even bother looking up from her bowl: "Okay"

Zhou FengMian was getting more and more irritated that this stupid small woman kept ignoring her.

She picked up a shrimp dumpling with her chopsticks, as she was bringing it towards her plate she suddenly screamed.

Zhou FengMian: "Aaaahhh" The steam dumpling went flying towards Li Xiuying's face.

Just as it was about to hit Li Xiuying's face; she moved to the right avoiding it. Li Xiuying righted herself and continued to eat as if nothing happened.

Zhou FengMian tried her best to sound sincere but some of her hatred slipped through: "I'm so sorry I thought I felt something touch my leg and the dumpling slipped from my chopsticks. Hehe."

She was fuming inside 'Was this woman part ninja?! How did she move so quickly just then?!'

Little 4th was annoyed: "Auntie did you not learn how to use chopsticks? Look this is how you use them. " The little bun showed Zhou FengMian his chopstick holding technique.

'Did this silly auntie with a face thicker than the Great Wall think that she could bully my big sister YingYing?!'

Little 4th promised his big sister he would defend her against the enemy.

Qin Jie was looking intently at his little brother. Usually, this little bun was reserved and only spoke to them and his little friends. He especially refused to speak in front of or to Zhou FengMian. Qin Jie then glanced at Li Xiuying and became lost in thought.

Zhou FengMian seemed to recover quickly from the Little Bun's humiliation. She set about marking her territory i.e. Qin Song yet again.

Zhou FengMian: "Song and I have been engaged for a year. We're childhood sweethearts. Our wedding date is set for January the 15th."

Li Xiuying finally stopped eating, she was completely stuffed.

She usually just muted out anything that she didn't want to hear, but this woman's voice was particularly whiny and irritating. She felt like a bee was buzzing around her skull constantly jabbing at her mind. Li Xiuying dared to say that Zhou FengMian's voice was even worse than Li Yu Yan's.

Li Xiuying stared at Zhou FengMian.

Zhou FengMian was finally satisfied. She gloated to herself: 'This Dr Li was probably stunned into silence by my beauty. Finally, she realizes that she is not even worthy to compete with me.'

Li Xiuying emotionlessly mumbled: "Double eyelid surgery, collagen lip fillers, Botox for frown lines and crows feet."

Qin Jie and Qin Xian Jun spat out soup: "Ppffftttt."

Everyone around the table tried to contain their laughter. Elder Qin pretended to cough whilst patting his chest. Madame Qin giggled outright as she patted her husband on the back. Even Qin Song couldn't hide his lip twitching.

Zhou FengMian was outraged, she slapped her hands down on the table.

Zhou FengMian angrily spoke: "Li Xiuying what did you say?! I demand you say it again! I'm 100% natural. What double eyelid? What fillers?! Botox your head! Song are you going to let her speak to me this way."

Li Xiuying continued: "You probably went to Dr Chi a few days ago for Botox, your facial expressions look slightly stiff. She's the one that usually does cosmetic procedures for the upper echelons of society. She's very good. I could barely tell you've had work done. It's just your face is a little too symmetrical and your features are too prominent to be natural.  Dr Chi likes to make people look as natural as possible so you probably refused her advice and went ahead with your own ideas."

Madame Qin: "Mmmmm and certain people have been going around saying that they're 100% natural for years. So would Dr. Chi be the person all the socialites go to?"

Li Xiuying nodded: "Yes her work is very good. She always recommends a minimal amount of manipulation to achieve the best possible results. That is unless someone adamantly insists that they want a specific look or a specific procedure carried out."

Madame Qin nodded and gave Zhou FengMian a meaningful look.

Zhou FengMian was fuming inside. She kept looking over to Qin Song waiting for him to defend her but he never even spared her a glance.

Little 4th concentrated on Zhou FengMian's face: "Big Sister YingYing, so this auntie changed her face?"

Zhou FengMian almost fainted at being called auntie again. 'Who Is this little brat calling auntie? Auntie your head!'

Zhou FengMian tried to force a gentle smile on her face: "Little 4th I'm going to marry your elder brother so I'll be your sister-in-law, but you can call me big sister if you like. I haven't changed my face, this is how big sister's face naturally looks."

Little 4th: "Auntie, you can't call me Little 4th because we're not that familiar. You can call me Qin Zhen or Little Master. You haven't married big brother yet, so we can discuss Auntie's title later. I only have ONE big sister, and that's big sister YingYing. " He held one tiny chubby finger in front of him to show Zhou FengMian.

Little 4th parroted what Li Xiuying said earlier but added his own little flair: "Your facial expressions look a bit stiff, like dried play-doh."

Zhou FengMian's smile faltered. 'Why was the little brat speaking so much today?' Usually, he wouldn't even utter a word in front of her let alone berate her.

Zhou FengMian whined: "Song baby, why aren't you defending me?! Even you're little brother is being influenced by this crude woman. We're meant to be getting married next year. What does it say about our relationship if my own fiance doesn't defend me?! Baby, say something to them." She pouted trying to look cute and clutched Qin Song's sleeve shaking it slightly as she talked.

Elder Qin sternly reprimanded: "Okay that's enough Zhou FengMian Dr Li is our guest and Little 4th's savior please show her some respect. If you can't stand to see little 4th's behavior then you can leave. This is the Qin residence!" Elder Qin was annoyed 'How dare this woman say anything about Little 4th?!'

Zhou FengMian: "Elder Qin I didn't mean to say anything against Little 4th. I just meant that he's usually so well behaved but today he doesn't seem like himself." She realized she had made a big mistake, she should have never mentioned Little 4th.

Zhou FengMian: "I'm sorry everyone for how I have behaved. I don't know what came over me today." Her face was full of hurt and there were glistening unshed tears in her eyes.

Elder Qin ignored Zhou FengMian's crocodile tears and turned to Li Xiuying: "Dr.Li as you've heard yesterday we are completely restructuring Unity Hospital. We need capable and qualified staff to help implement the changes we want to put in place. Dr Li, would you be interested in helping us treat the deeply rooted poison which has penetrated the very bones of Unity Hospital?"