
Granny's Revenge

Losing everything she holds dear to a careless drunk driver. Realizing the law isn't doing anything to stop it, Granny decides to take matters into her own hands. Where Are All The Children Sergeant Larry Andrews and his crew are requested to assist in an arson case, but what they find brings tears to their eyes. Twelve naked girls sprawled out across the lawn. Each had been brutally beaten, raped, and starved to death. This is only the beginning of a heart-wrenching crime wave. A killing spree the town will never forget.

Mistydawn_Bratcher · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Caught in the Act

Lightning flashes across the sky; Granny scurries from the cameras' view. Thunder rumbles a short while after, making her jump. The uncertainty of the storm rouses her already frayed nerves.

"Hey, get back here," the vile man yells, struggling to get off the ground.

Granny glances back to see the lush stumbling towards her. Excitement coursed through her veins as she continues across the parking lot. That's it, buddy, follow me to the alley. She snickers picking up her pace. When she's a fair distance from the roadway, Granny stops and looks around. She sees lightning flash all around her, but there's not a camera in sight. Just the way I'd hoped. She lifts her cane up to her shoulder.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" He stumbles towards her.

"No, but this will." She squeezes her cane's handle; A bullet-shaped object lodged into the side of his neck. Tripping over his own two feet; the drunk plunges towards her grabbing her arms as he falls. Granny lands on her backside with such force that her cane slips out of her hand.


Chaos continues all around them. Business as usual, Joe thinks as he gazes around the station. The entire crew seems to be occupied with some sort of menial task. Some are taking statements, while others are working on a case. Joe glances over at the distraught detective at his desk. Laughs and says, "She got you good, Jerry. A pet skunk in your car, I never would've thought of that."

"That was pretty ingenious," Jeff agrees glancing up from his computer.

"Yeah, well laugh it up now, boss, but don't forget she's after you too."

"She'll play hell trying to get me." Joe straightens his shirt and then reaches for his phone. "Sergeant Bower... You have something for us?" he repeats as he looks at his detectives. "I'll be there in a minute." Hanging up, Joe turns toward his crew. "Sharon says she found the break we're looking for. Said she found it one of our victims."

Jeff sees Rachel still petting her skunk when he glances out the window." Are you sure it isn't one of Rachel's pranks, sir?"

Joe turns towards the window. Sharon wouldn't go along with her, would she? The sergeant recalls Sharon's threat after the last prank he pulled on her.

"One of these days, Joe, one of these days," Sharon warns, shaking her fist in the air.

Jerry glares at his partner.

Jeff shrugs and then silently mouths, "What?"

Jerry whispers back "That was my prank, doofus."

Jeff silently replies "Sorry, I didn't know."

Joe turns back around. "You're right, it could be."

Joe grabs his receiver and dials Sharon's extension. "Your fun is over, Sharon. I know what you and Rachel are up to." He puts his phone on speaker as he plops down at his desk.

"I'm not up to anything, Joe; I have evidence that will help solve your case."

"What is it then?" he questions. Smiling, he glances at his detectives.

"It'd be easier to show you than explain."

"Rachel put you up to this, didn't she?" Joe presses as he leans closer to the phone.

"I don't know what you're talking about Joe; I haven't seen or heard from Rachel all day."

Joe runs his fingers through his hair. Am I wrong about this? He looks towards the window. "You swear this isn't a prank?"

"You should know I'm more professional than that, getting caught up in a childish joke."

Maybe she isn't a part of this. "Ok, I'll be there in five." Joe gets an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach when he hangs up the phone. Why do I feel like she's lying? He cups his sick stomach. "I'm going to take the elevator instead of the stairs, do a surprise entry."

"Good idea, boss." Jerry smiles as he glances toward Jeff.

"My thinking ahead is why you guys will never get me." He chuckles.

"Never say never, sir." Jeff chimes in.

"Shut up," Jerry whispers smacking his arm

Joe turns around. "Whose side are you on, anyhow, rookie?"

"Yeah, who's side?" Jerry asks.

"I'm... I'm not on anyone's side, sir. I figure it's safer that way, keeps me out of trouble and you all's prank war."

"Good plan. I'll let you guys know what she's found." Joe heads down the hall.

The elevator door closes. Jerry chuckles and says, "Wait for it."

Joe screams a few seconds later. "Never say never, boss." Jerry laughs as he walks out the door.


I'll be so happy to get back home, Matilda thinks as she puts the last of her knickknacks in a box. Her room was small, bland with its neutral-colored decor. Tan wallpaper with brown drapes doesn't do a lot for a person's spirit. Matilda starts to climb into bed when Liz storms into her room. Aggravated, she spins around. "I'd appreciate it if you'd have a little common courtesy and knock next time," she huffs.

"Why did you file a complaint against me, huh, why? I've been nothing but nice to you from the moment you stepped through those doors, catered to your every whim."

They weren't supposed to say anything until I left. Well, what's done is done, I suppose. "I wouldn't have if you'd do your job instead of making Nancy do all your work."

"You don't know half of what I do in a day's time. Besides, it's none of your business how I run the floor." Liz states, crossing the room.

"Somebody should be concerned since you don't run it right, not the way the other nurses do."

"Well, unlike my colleagues, I run a tight ship, make sure everything is done right."

"How, by running the girls ragged? The poor dears barely have enough energy to make it to their cars on the nights you work."

"They shouldn't be in this line of business if they can't handle the work, now should they?"

"Maybe you should take your own advice and call it quits. Now if you don't mind, I need to get some sleep. I have a big day tomorrow." She climbs into bed. Take the hint and leave.

"Are you having tea time with the girls?"She sarcastically asks.

Of course, you wouldn't. Sighing, Matilda turns around. "I'm moving back home."

"You're not strong enough to be on your own."

"I didn't realize you cared," Matilda puts her hand on her heart. "I'm touched."

Liz storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

I won't see her the rest of the night. Matilda smiles, pulling the covers up by her head.


Jackie watches her last customer walk out the door. I have a few minutes of peace and quiet before the drunks come in, she thinks, gazing around the empty dinner. With its faded red curtains and matching booths, you can tell the restaurant has stood the test of time. I remember when they had mini jukeboxes on the tables. Smiling, she walks toward the hostess "I'm going out for a quick smoke before we get busy." She grabs her cigarette case from her purse.

"Have one for me." the hostess says, unwrapping her nicotine gum.

"You're more determined than I was."

"You can always try again; you know, we could be the other's supporter." She hands the gum to her.

Jackie pushes it away. "Last time I tried to quit I gained thirty pounds." She pats her rounded belly.

"I feel you there, girl." The hostess laughs as she waddles from behind the podium. "Jenny Craig here I come."

"I'm right behind you," Jackie chuckles as she walks down the hall. She sees someone scuffling in the dirt when she steps through the door. "You better knock it off before I call the cops," she warns. Looking closer she sees Granny on the ground; a rude customer is on top of her. Oh no, you don't, you're not hurting that sweet old lady, if I can help it. Throwing her cigarette case down, she runs towards them.

Granny reaches up and grabs her cane. In one swift movement, she whacks him in the side of his neck. Copious amounts of bright red blood gush from his wound. She starts to smack him again when she hears footsteps coming toward them. Granny tilts her head and sees the waitress headed their way. Not now, she thinks; she reluctantly lowers her weapon.

"She tried to..." He takes his final breath and then collapses on top of Granny.

"Get him off, get him off." Granny cries, trying to push the man away.

Jackie grabs a fistful of hair and pulls the drunk off her.

Granny recalls the chain of events earlier in the day. I'll do like I did before. "He tried to attack me, he tried to attack" Granny cries. Tears stream down her wrinkled face as she struggles to get up.

Jackie looks over to see Granny's dress is covered in blood. "Oh my God, you're hurt." She pulls her phone out of her pocket. "Stay put until the paramedics arrive, OK?"

"I'm... I'm alright, really; just a little shaken up is all." Thunder sounds in the near distance; Granny jumps.

"You're... You're covered in blood, honey" Jackie exclaims, pointing toward her dress.

Granny glances down at her clothes."That's his blood, not mine, see." She points toward the lifeless body on the ground.

Jackie sees a large puddle of blood encompass the repulsive man. "He needs help."

"It's too late, he's already gone," she solemnly replies, trying not to smile.

"Well, we have to tell somebody." Jackie starts to dial a number.

Granny knocks the device out of her hands. "You're not calling anyone," Granny warns, lifting her cane.