
Chapter 16 More than I bargained for!

I was really worried and not without cause, as even though I was getting nicer with each passing day others remained absolutely stinking rotten.

The same night I would receive a totally unwanted visit from Fabrizio, Biazzo, Grasso and Bruto, the ruthless mobsters.

When I saw them getting inside my garden for the first time, I felt really scared. They had guns and they seemed determined not to leave without their money. Some of you may think that I deserved it after having scared so many people for such a long time and, for all I know, it may be true. What I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that at the thought that these murderous reptiles would enter the house in which harmless granny Henrietta slept peacefully, I got really terrified. Her life was in danger and, as crazy as it may sound, I was her only protection.

My monsters had gathered in the basement and naturally felt that something was wrong. When I told them what was about to happen they got really upset.