
Granknights: Beyond Worlds

The title of the ever-mysterious 'Doctor' of Rhodes Island always carried significant power to those who have heard of him. But now, the world shook once more, as the destined 'Singularity' awakened his dormant power in the midst of horrifying chaos. While wandering blindly through the world because of his amnesia, 'Doctor' Gran finds himself to be pulled between two converging worlds. With both worlds shown two different versions of him, each claimed that the other is just a mere illusion. In the midst of the chaos, he finds out that he also must learn to control his newfound burst of power, while slowly unraveling the dark past that he will soon regret to discover. An epic story that collides the world of Arknights and Granblue Fantasy! Cover illustration exclusively made for this story by: @Rinnolatos

GaleSiege · Video Games
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4 Chs

Catastrophic Advent (1)

The world is ending.

With each passing second, a person dies. Some were mauled to death, some burned, some trampled, all suffered. Proverbial hell has descended on the glorified Ursus city of Chernoborg.

Screams of terror decorated the clashing riots throughout the entire city. What was once something that only struck the unfortunate few, has now pulled a switcheroo. The infected, finally launching their revenge for decades of persecution and injustice, are sowing death and chaos indiscriminately. All who do not bear the same scars as them shall be butchered, such was their vendetta.

No one in their right mind could imagine they could stage a revolt on such a scale. The vast Ursus government could always suppress them with its overwhelming enforcement institutions. And yet, the same force was being pushed to the corner, unable to dam the waves of riot flooding through the massive city.

Amidst the chaos, survival was left in the hands of fate. Nothing can be done but to run; scurrying through the alleys, hoping that the crevices of the city could conceal the steps of the prey from starving predators.

And under the cover of a dark alley, three souls were trying their best to flee.


A young woman stumbled on her swaying steps. An older woman hurriedly turned back and reached out.

"What are you doing?! Get up now!"

"I… I *huk* cant anymore.. *huk*"

"You have to! You must! We need to hurry or they'll-"

"There! Around the corner!"

Shadows of half a dozen men danced on the wall not too far from them and grew in size with terrifying speed.

"Kh-! Damn it!"

Another girl, way shorter than the two, spat our curses and snatched the young girl's hand.

"Are you fucking twats just gonna stand there??!! Fucking move it!"

The two women's consciousness snapped back in. With much struggle, they stand on their feet and continue their dash forward.

"I-I'm sorry! I.."

"Shut it! Save your fucking breath!"

The young girl flinched and hurriedly wiped her eyes with her sleeves. The small girl glanced sideways and clicked her tongue in frustration. Her eyes darted wildly in all directions.

"What the fuck is happening? What is this place!?"

The small girl turned left on a narrow junction, leaving a trail of flowing blonde hair dancing in the air. The two women followed the trails of the long golden strands disappearing around the corner without a sound but the heavy take of their breaths.

As they slither through the endless alley, the darkness covering them slowly lifted, losing the fight against the intense raging fire surrounding them. The more they run forward, the brighter the flames, and the louder the screams.

The small girl snapped her head back and shouted as they ran.

"Oi! Where the hell are we?! Where's the exit?!"

"I.. We���� We don't know!"

"Ha?!! Aren't you two locals of this town??"

"Y-Yes! B-But everything.. Everything is.."

The older woman pinned her sight to the side, beyond the wide street, amidst the ruins, the fire, and the dismembered bodies laying on the ground. A glint of disbelief streaked across her eyes, unable to find any trace of familiarity of the city she lived in.

"Tch! Fine! We'll just have to keep going east. Maybe we'll-"

"Huh? What's-"

"Damn it!"

"Hey, you! Stop!!"

Dead ahead, another group of men blocked the way. They shouted, swinging the ragtag weapons they have in hand, and rushed towards the girls.

"This way!"

The women made a sharp left turn, a rock throw away before crashing into the group.

"Get over here you Ursus fuckers!"



Something sharp struck the wall next to them, missing the intended target by a slight strand of hair.


"Keep running! Don't look back!"


The same sound, again and again. For each whistling wind, a blunt sound followed; on their left, right, behind - everywhere around them. Regardless of what they were, they know if just one of those struck them, they're a goner for sure.


The world shook - an explosion in the distance. Debris flying down from the rooftops, showering the alley relentlessly with death from above. Rocks of varying sizes raced to slam the swiveling heads.

"Watch out!!"


With their hands on their heads, they tried to force their way through the dust storm, hoping to discourage their pursuer with a risky venture. With only several meters of visibility ahead, navigating through the rocky rain is practically a suicide.

But the sound of heavy footsteps did not recede. Instead, it grew in number, and they could swear they heard manic cackling and laughter. Did they actually feel thrilled from such a life-threatening chase?


The small girl listened to her instinct and ducked down to slide on the ground, almost failed to save her head from a diagonal steel beam blocking the path. She twisted and jumped, going back to the beam to place both of her hands on it.

"Hurry! Over here!"

She could see the two women losing their breath were only several seconds away from their pursuer. She needs to do something to lose them.


With everything her small frame can muster, she pushed the steel beam forward. While it barely budged, the rubbles leaning on top of it for support started to rumble.


Something struck the other side of the beam. The girl's eyes shot wide open, welcoming the sight of half a dozen men fixing their crossbow aim on her - ready to fire. One breath away and the sounds of air being split could be heard. Numbers of black streaks entered her view, triggering her instinct to take cover.


Somehow, there's no burning sensation on her body. Miraculously, none of it struck her. She raised her head up again and saw the two women still running, only a few breaths away. Lady luck smiled.

The small girl pushed the steel again. This time, it budged. Small pebbles and dust showered her head with each push. She might be able to collapse it this time, but she can't. Not yet.

"Guhhh!! Hurry the fuck up, damnit!!"

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, the two women finally slid past the hurdle with a couple dozens of men following a few meters behind them. The girl can practically see the twisted countenance and the cries of her pursuer. Crazed with lust, of blood or carnal desire; perhaps both at the same time.

She will not wait to see what kind of debauched act such emotions could manifest. She has to lose them, now or never.

With one final push, the steel beam collapsed, along with the massive rubbles on top of it. The girl jumped back just in time before she was buried alive, unlike the ragtag bunch on the other side. The cacophony of the man-made avalanche was evenly rivaled by the agonized screaming. Some died down instantly; most of them, however, were tenaciously clinging to the world. Something worse than a swift death must've embraced them.

The two women were in shock by the scene, but not for long. The small girl quickly snatched their hands and ran once again.

There's no time to sigh a breath of relief. That group was just a drop in the ocean. If they don't escape soon, they will be surrounded by another group several times larger than before. They need to find somewhere safe, or someone who can help them.

Just then...

"I-Is that?"

At the far end of the alley, a wide opening that leads to the main road can be seen. Standing there, dozens of men clad with imposing riot gear stands firm in a tight formation.

"Ursus guards! We're saved!"

The older woman screamed with overjoy. Her steps suddenly hastened, no longer being led by the small girl.

"Hurry! We just have to go there and they'll protect-"




"Fall back! Fall back!"

"It burns! It burns!! Gaaaaah!"

It happened in the blink of an eye.

A storm of fire, if that's the best way to describe it, swept through the mass.

The formation instantly crumbled, and the menacing men standing firm just now were replaced by a group of what looked like burnt, wriggling worms. The surge of hope disappeared as fast as it came, and the steps of the running women quickly came to a complete stop with laboring breaths.

"N-No way…"

The older woman trembled. Her hand covered her mouth as streams of tears rained down her face.

"Even.. Even the royal guards? There's… There's no way… We'll survive this…"

The small girl gritted her teeth. She turned her head towards the older woman and shouted.

"Oi! There's no time to stop! We have to-"

Suddenly, something black entered her view. Before she could recognize what it was, the world spun backward.


She's laying on the ground. Her whole body ached. Her eyes shot open while being unable to move a single muscle. Involuntary groans escaped her mouth and nothing else. Nothing but a high pitched ring was playing in her ears.

Time mysteriously slowed down.

And she can't do anything but to witness their biggest fear.

One, two, three men grabbed the other women. With laughs and their tongues sticking out, they ripped their victim's clothes slowly. A patch of skin exposed, one by one until there's hardly any cover left. Their screams and pleads of mercy only incited more vigor in the lusted beasts.

"Oh..? This one's still awake after a clear hit to the head? This will be interesting."

A man with disgusting features entered the small girl's view. The foul stench escaping from his grinning mouth forced her to flinch.

"Shame. I want to eat that plump one, but she looks busy. She got half a dozen dicks on her already, heh. Can't be helped."

A massive fist clamped on the girl's neck and lifted her up. Her tightened throat struggled for air.

"I bet you will be tight as hell at least. Hmph!!"

The man shoved his hand, along with the girl, to the wall next to them.



"That's it. That's the sound. Now.."

The man brought his mouth closer to her ear.

"Moan some more."

The fist tightened, blocking the rest of the meager airflow left in her throat. She squirmed, flailing her limp arms at the massive hand. Like a chunk of steel, it won't budge. The vain struggle only added more fuel to his lust.

"O.. Ouro.. Boros…"

With her laboring breath, she called out a name.


But nothing happened.

'Figures. My alchemy doesn't work. Why would Ouroboros come out now?'

"You done?"

The man's grin widened and placed his hand on her side, tracing each and every curve.

'Fuck. No substitute body as well. Is this it? Am I going to die here?'

The hand stopped right under her mini skirt; locked on a thin piece of fabric hidden from sight.

'On this weird, messed up world? Me? The world's cutest genius alchemist?'

And slowly, ever slowly, the fabric slides down her thigh.

'... Damnit.'

What's left of her consciousness starts to leave her body along with her breath.

'... Save... Me…'

The world faded to black, with the sensation of a piece of fabric taken down from her legs.

'... Gran!'


A loud sound, followed by a cacophony of explosions, confused screaming and shouting.

After a short falling sensation, the girl felt her body land on the hard ground - with the absence of disgusting hands on her.

She wheezed, coughing hard for air. Confused and relieved, she tried to pry open her eyelids with great difficulty.

But it won't move. The world stays dark, with only a mess of sound guiding her senses.

"Over here! Medic!"

A sweet, young girl's voice filled with urgent worry.

Then, a warm sensation touched her chest and spread through her whole body. She felt lighter, and with no stiffened muscles, she can finally open her eyes - slowly.

The tender expression of a long-haired girl, with a couple of bunny ears on her head, welcomed her sight. Her face warps from that of worry, to a smile of relief.

"Are you okay? I'm glad we made it in time."

"Vital signs are stable, Amiya. She's not hurt that bad, thankfully. She'll be fine after a short rest."

Another girl from the side of the small girl's view chimed in.

"Are you sure? Run another check on her."

"Y-Yes I'm sure. She's-"

"Do it. Please, medic."


The medic girl studied the small girl from the top to bottom, and when she reached out to touch the small girl's chest, a trembling, small hand stopped her.

"I-I'm fine. P-Please.. Take.. Care.. Of the.. Other.. Two.."

The small girl spoke with great difficulty.

After a moment of worry and deliberation, the girl called Amiya finally nodded at the Medic. She nodded back and rushed away.

"W-Who.. Are.."

"Ah- Don't worry. We are from Rhodes Island. We're not going to hurt you."

The girl was unable to digest any of the information. But somehow, she released a sigh of relief.

"Y-You?! Y-You're one of the infected too?"

The young woman shouted with a trembling voice.

"P-Please! No! S-Spare us! I-It was them! We didn't do anything! We didn't! I swear!"

"W-Wait, we're not from Reunion. We're-"

"No!!! Please!!! Stay back!! I'm sorry! Please!!"

The woman shrunk at the sight of Amiya approaching her, with clear terror overwhelming her eyes. Still without any strand of clothes on her, she clutched the younger woman in her embrace.

Amiya sighed and nodded at the man with a full tactical gear next to her. The man nodded back, took his jacket off, and wrapped it on the woman's body. Another man followed suit and did the same to the younger woman.

"We will leave you alone, you have my word."

"Hi- Hiiii!!"

The two women scurried off immediately, leaving the group of people that just saved them without a second thought. The small girl, seeing the whole fiasco, could only chuckle faintly under her breath.

"... Amiya."

"It's fine."


Amiya turned around and approached the small girl.

"Are you feeling a little better now? Can you stand?���

"Y-Yeah… Thank you."

The small girl took Amiya's stretched out hand and stood up.

"Did they just call you an infected?"

"... Yes. Can't you tell?"

Amiya raised her hand and showed the back of her palm. Azure rings nestled on each of her fingers, with faint streaks of black 'veins' spreading out from under the sleeves of her jacket to the back of her hand.

"Don't worry though. We're not like the ones chasing you. You can trust me."

She opened her mouth slightly before closing it again and nodded once instead. Thousands of questions went through the little girl's head, but her gut told her that the mysterious group is trustworthy enough.

"Thank you. You don't look like you're from around here. You have anywhere to go?"

"I.. Don't know. This world is-"

She gave a sidelong glance and gritted her teeth, seemingly frustrated with her own nescience.

"It's okay. If you have nowhere to go, would you like to come with us? We're planning to get out of this city. You can figure out what to do later."

Amiya smiled with warm kindness radiating from her eyes. An unexpected sight to see in this alien world. To survive, the girl felt that this stranger was her best bet.

"Very well. I'll go with you until we're out of this city."


Amiya's smile widened even more as she presented her hand forward.

"I'm Amiya, and you?"

After a quick glance at Amiya's hand, the girl accepted the handshake.


"Cagliostro, is it? Nice to meet you."

Amiya stood up after the handshake and turned her head back.

"That's the situation, doctor. Is it fine?"

"Well, you've decided already, haven't you?"


A young man's voice entered the fray. Soon, a figure draped in a black coat emerged from the shadows. After a few steps, he took off his mask.

"No choice but to go on with it then."

'N-No way…'

A familiar face, the only one in the whole wide world that she trusted right after her own self, appeared right in front of her.

"... Gran?"


Amiya quickly turned toward Cagliostro. With her brows furrowed deeply, her warm and sweet countenance are nowhere to be seen - replaced by embers of wariness and suspicion. She slid one of her feet back and took a battle stance, as with all of her companions. Except for the man in black coat, they all raised their weapons at Cagliostro.

The air turned heavy in an instant.

"Who are you?"

Amiya spoke with a cold, threatening voice.


"I said, who are you?! Answer me!"

A black aura appeared on Amiya's hand. Slowly, the malicious shadow transformed into black, hazy arrows floating around her.

Each aimed straight at Cagliostro's heart.