
Grangers Music

On a peace full night on the Land of Dawn theres a tale about a young boy who carries a gun and a violin and brings horror on the dead of the night.

Hanzo:You know that he is no match for me im a demon he is just a human.

Alice: Hahahahaha you think hes only just a human granger is very talented to kill if you hear his music you must hide and dont create a very little sound.

Selena: I agree with hanzo we were trained hardly on the abyss and also we have powers its just only one human.

Alice:You know if I die all the prisoners and demons on the abyss will set free.

Alice : Shhhhhhhhh Did you here that music.

Selena:Hahahahaha its just youre imaginations and lets not talk about the tale hahahaha.

Hanzo:Wait cant you here that I think its nearby.

Granger:"Playing the violin"

Hanzo:"Hides on the bush"

Ame no Habakiri.

Demon of Hanzo:I hear the sound Clearly.

Granger:I`ll show you what music is.

"Granger fire a gun to Alice"

Demon of Hanzo:Hahahahaha nice shot but you still missed Im fast to stop that bullet.Dont hide and lets fight you Scaredy cat.

Selena:"Transforms into a demon too"

Selena :Hahahahahaha dont hide granger your music is not beutiful youre music is annoying!!!!! Hahahahaha.

Granger: Want to hear my music Granger uses his cannon violin.And show himself.Hahahahaha didnt you recognize me.

Hanzo:Stop granger dont shoot that cannon if you dont want to die dind my body first if you want to kill me hahahahaha. "Hanzo uses Demon thorns to Granger"

Granger : It hurts but you made me no choice.


Hanzo:Ahhhhhhhh And go back to his Normal Body.

Selena: Dashes to Granger and Scratch him.

Alice: Teleported to Granger and uses Blood Ode And said hahahahaha im to powerful to kill.

Granger:Dashes to the bush and run and said Prepare for my war hahahahaha.