
Grandmaster Reborn

A 9 to 6 worker from Earth transmigrates into Soul Land as Yu Xiaogang, igniting a new era. Armed with a smartphone-turned-soul, he unravels ancient technology, revitalizing civilization. Guiding disciples, including Tang San, he injects modern thinking into the ancient world. -------------------------------- (Amidst Soul Land's current criticisms, this story offers a fresh perspective without the usual harem focus. As a former bookworm, I ventured into writing after being inspired by Soul Land fanfictions. It may lack a female lead due to my limited experience in crafting romantic scenes.) Note: This is a translation of the work by the author 战地发电机

Ok_Guy · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The First "Mobile Phone" in Another World

In a daze, Yu Xiaogang felt that he had slept for a long time and was in pain. He tried to open his eyes and take a look at the current situation. The sun was shining through the leaves, creating speckled patterns. The hole in the tree that had been casually covered with a raincloth before falling unconscious had been opened, and the raincloth had fallen not far away.

"I guess the wind blew it away when I was asleep, right? Luckily, I spent the night on the edge of the forest and wasn't approached by the nocturnal beasts."

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh, walked out of the tree hole, and took a deep breath. The forest air in the Douluo Continent was very clear, better than the so-called natural oxygen bar on Earth, although I don't have the money to experience it.

"Hmm!! Okay, cheer up. Now I have to see where I am. Where did Yu Xiaogang run blindly? It seems that I need to find out where there is a river. I really want to take a hot shower right away, but now I'm feeling sick!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but stretch his waist, and the bones in his body shook and clucked. Suddenly, he felt a little more comfortable. Yesterday, he fainted by leaning on the hollow of the tree, and he felt like he was rusting all over.

"The decision is yours! Come out and show yourself! Luo Sanpao!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but grin because Yu Xiaogang's martial soul is much like a Pokemon. Two yellow soul rings suddenly appeared at his feet, growing from small to large, and purple smoke flickered and rolled. Out came a corgi-like creature with a small, short-legged, purple puppy. It looked a bit chubby.

"Luo Luo!"

Luo Sanpao came out and barked, his little intelligent eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly. When he found no threat, he ran to his master's feet and wagged his little short tail, wearing a flattering expression.

"Is this really an evolutionary failure, the Golden Holy Dragon Martial Soul? It's amazing! It feels like I'm playing Pokemon in the Douluo Continent. Don't worry about it for now, Luo Sanpao! Go and help me find a creek. Your dear master needs to be cleaned."

Yu Xiaogang squatted down, patted Luo Sanpao's head, and gave him instructions.

"Luo Luo!"

When Luo Sanpao received the order, he immediately went into action, sniffing around with his head lowered. Then he barked at Yu Xiaogang, leading the way.

Yu Xiaogang followed, feeling a sense of connection with Luo Sanpao. Maybe the martial soul is the manifestation of the soul, creating an invisible bond between them. Yu Xiaogang could give orders and commands to Luo Sanpao with his mind, or verbally, and Luo Sanpao understood the meaning of his commands. Even though the Golden Holy Dragon failed to evolve, it still couldn't be underestimated. It had become more magical, and the martial soul exhibited not only strength but also intelligence.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, the forest trees began to thin out, and Yu Xiaogang sensed water vapor. Realizing that he was approaching his destination, he quickened his pace.

Feeling uncomfortable with dirt and sweaty clothes, Yu Xiaogang couldn't wait to clean up. "Luo Sanpao, keep an eye out. I'm going to take a shower, so let me know if anything happens!"

"Luo Luo!"

Yu Xiaogang reached the river, undressed, and instructed Luo Sanpao to keep watch over his clothes. He then jumped into the clear river, feeling the cold water instantly awakening his senses.

"Ah! It's really cold >_

Even though it was early summer, the morning river water was still a bit chilly. The cold water quickly jolted his newly awakened mind.

"Hey! Although Yu Xiaogang is considered weak in novels and anime, his physique isn't bad!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but admire himself. It was his first time experiencing his new body. After all, as a person in the lower echelons of modern society, he had no time for physical fitness. The little bit of abs he had gained during university in the martial arts club had long vanished.

After college, he succumbed to late-night overtime work, and his health deteriorated. In his previous life, he worked tirelessly making screws day in and day out. He didn't die suddenly at work but during a moment of relaxation. "Life is unpredictable! People are gone, money is unspent! It's really a rollercoaster."

Reflecting on his past life, Yu Xiaogang complained while taking a bath. The recent mysterious experiences had relaxed him, and his mindset had improved. After all, he had crossed over to the Douluo Continent, fulfilling a wish to experience martial spirits and encounter the beauties from various novels and anime.

With these thoughts, Yu Xiaogang sped up his movements, finished cleaning himself, and climbed ashore. He retrieved a change of clothes from a storage soul guide on his belt, put them on, and ate some dry food to satisfy his hunger.

The newly changed clothes were dirty, filled with holes from branches and thorns. Initially, Yu Xiaogang planned to clean and dry them for further use. Now that he was no longer part of the Wuhun Palace, he couldn't rely on their subsidies. With less than 20,000 gold soul coins in his storage soul guide, he felt the need to find a place to settle down quickly.

"Let's go, Luo Sanpao! Let's find the nearest city. I need some rest and a good meal."

Yu Xiaogang cheerfully addressed Luo Sanpao, expressing his desire to taste the food of the Douluo Continent. "And you'll get extra treats today – there might even be chicken thighs!"

"Luo Luo!"

Upon hearing about the promised meal, Luo Sanpao immediately perked up. Tired of the usual radishes and crotons, the prospect of something different excited him. Back in the Golden Iron Triangle, Flender and Liu Erlong occasionally treated him to barbecue and fruits. In contrast, Yu Xiaogang's meals consisted only of radishes and crotons. The thought of a more varied diet made his mouth water.

After running for a while, Yu Xiaogang caught the scent of cooking smoke. Turning a corner, he saw a road sign indicating Tiandou and Xingluo. At the end of the trail, a small village emitted misty cooking smoke – a sign of people preparing meals.

"Let's go! Luo Sanpao, we're almost there. I hope the food in this Tujia village is delicious. We'll ask someone where we are; this place feels familiar."

Yu Xiaogang looked at the road sign, feeling a sense of nostalgia. He took a photo with his mobile phone, intending to document every place he visited in the future.

"Luo Luo!" Responding to Yu Xiaogang's call, Luo Sanpao followed him, wagging his tail.

Yu Xiaogang put away his mobile phone martial spirit, straightened his messy clothes from running, and prepared to make a good impression when meeting people. He wasn't

 the original Yu Xiaogang, who had a haughty attitude towards civilians and scattered soul masters. At the very least, he wanted to maintain a minimum level of politeness.

Thinking about heading to the small village, having a good meal first, and then finding a place to stay, Yu Xiaogang planned to sort through the wealth left by the original Yu Xiaogang. The knowledge and cultivation notes of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect and the Martial Spirit Hall had greatly aided his early cultivation on Earth.