
01The jar under the tree

At the age of six, my grandmother lay on her deathbed, her drool dripping across the front of her dress.

She mumbled my name, and I staggered to her bed.

Suddenly she grasped me with a hand like a dead tree.

"After Grandma died, you dig something under the banana tree at the end of the village. Remember, you must burn this symbol before you dig it, or else...

After the injunction is not finished, grandma two feet a stretch, walk.

I held the charm she had given me, but nothing changed in my heart.

I know. Grandma's gone.

But I don't know if anyone in this village is still willing to help me.

The villagers were afraid of me and hid themselves with their tails between their legs whenever they saw me.

I haven't spoken to anyone other than my grandmother since I can remember.

People were afraid of me because there was a rumor in the village.

It is said that I am the reincarnation of the child who fell into the well and died in the village. I come to ask for my life. Whoever is close to me will fall into great misfortune.

The rumor came about by none other than my grandmother.

My grandmother was a psychic medium, and she said that my parents had sent word to her from the underworld that I was a reincarnation of a vengeful spirit, and that I was the cause of their death.

I have never met my parents. I heard from my grandmother that my parents came back from outside by bus on my first birthday.

But when the road slipped on a rainy day, the car they took fell off a cliff halfway, and both died.

For the first two years after my parents died, every matchmaker in the village tried to persuade my grandmother to perform a ritual.

One is so I can talk to my parents, and two is so I can find out what they are missing down there.

For the grandmother who has just lost her son and daughter-in-law, how could she still have such a mind? Crying into tears every day, swollen eyes like two duck eggs.

In my third year, when I was four years old, my grandmother decided she wanted to do some magic. That was the year my life changed forever.

The poor orphan had become the god of plague in the village overnight, making people fear and avoid me.

Even the village primary school was afraid to accept me, saying it would wait a few more years until everyone had forgotten what had happened.

This lasted until the age of six, and the matter of school was never settled. Now, even the only recourse is gone.

Grandma was lying straight in bed. She was getting fat.

Her hands, like those of a dead tree, became full as if they had been filled with air. I didn't know who to ask to bury her.

I did not cry. I did not feel sad at all, but felt sleepy. So I lay down beside her and thought.

Grandma's body is unusually cold, her body is like - a big Popsicle, I sleep next to also can feel from her body threatening cold.

Strangely, I fell asleep too.

When I woke up again, I was surprised to find that my grandmother's body had disappeared.

Until this moment I had never felt more uneasy.

I sat on the bed, crying, his mouth kept calling grandma.

I don't know how long I cried, only that I stopped crying when my head was spinning.

I decided to go out to retrieve my grandmother's body and got out of bed, only to find her body on the ground.

Her head was resting on the foot of the bed, her white hair shading her face.

I jumped out of bed and tried to drag my grandmother back to bed.

Grandma's body was so heavy that I tried as hard as I could, but she didn't budge. But, had to give up.

I left the house and told everyone that my grandmother was gone and begged them to help me bury her.

But no one wanted to hear me out. They still ran away. Soon, it was dark.

I walked home crestfallen. I was hungry.

This night the moon is unusually bright, white flowers sprinkled all over my yard. I opened the door and went in. Grandma's body was still lying there.

Not daring to turn on the light, I hid in the dark.

I do not know when to a lot of crows in the yard, where they walk silently.

I was scared, but the more scared I was, the more I wanted to peek at them.

When midnight came, all the crows were gone.

I began to feel sleepy. I went back to my grandmother and slept next to her. The next day, the sun was bright.

Waking up early with the sun stinging my eyes, I pulled open the door and the sight made me close it quickly.

The yard was dark with the corpses of crows.

After I had closed the door, I pushed a large box up against it.

I locked myself in a room with my grandmother's dead body for a day, and I felt my body begin to float.

I was so hungry that I fainted and woke up late. On.

I climbed carefully into the box, and through the crack in the door, I saw the pile of crows still there.

I collected myself, still afraid to go out.

I went back to my grandmother's dead body and sat there for another night.

Perhaps because of the heat during the day, by the third night, Grandma's body had begun to decompose.

The oil dripped all over the floor, and her eyes began to turn black and her skin grew flabby

Immersed in the stench of decay, my hunger grew stronger.

Then my mind began to blur.

I felt my body slowly sinking. It was like falling into a bottomless abyss.

I thought I was going to die.

When I was about to close my eyes, suddenly a figure came out of the corner of my eyes.

I opened my eyes quickly. The room was empty except for the messy furniture.

I struggled to my feet and rummaged through the POTS and pans on the table.

Finally, I found half a cup of chicken bone soup in a small soup bowl.

I sniffed and found the chicken soup stinking.

I dropped my soup bowl and staggered over to the aside chair.

I lay on my back and my body became heavier and heavier.

Suddenly the sound of a curtain caught my attention.

I straightened up and looked around.

The voice seemed to have ears, and seeing that I was looking, it disappeared.

I walked over to Grandma's dead body and pulled the sheet over the bed to cover her.

Then the same voice rang out again.

I looked for it carefully. A bloody hand slowly reached out from behind my grandmother's body and grabbed at me.

I was so scared that I threw down my quilt and rushed out.

I shouted and ran all the way to the end of the village.

Running so fast, I had a hard fall. I slid so far on the ground that my trousers were worn.

I picked myself up and dusted myself off, and then I realized that I had reached the plantain tree that my grandmother had talked about before she died.

As if waking up, I felt for the charm in my pocket, only to find that I had no fire. My grandmother had told me to burn the charm before digging.

I don't care. I don't know if I have the strength to dig that thing out of Grandma's mouth.

I dropped the charm and dug on a random branch.

I dug clockwise along the plantain tree, and when I reached the west, it finally peeped out of the soil.

It was a black jar sealed with red cloth, and with my last effort I cleared away the earth around it.

When I pulled the jar out of the earth, I was so tired that I fell to the ground.

The moon in the night sky hung like a washbasin in the sky, and I wondered if my grandmother was watching me from somewhere in the sky.

I haven't eaten for three days, and my belly is stuck to my back.

I turned my face aside and stared at the jar I had just dug out.

Gold, ancient coins, secret art.....

All sorts of conjectures passed through my mind.

I sat up and took the jar in my arms.

Is trying to lift off the seal of the red cloth, but found on the red cloth crooked painted with the same symbol as chicken intestines.

I looked and looked, and found I didn't know a word.

The wind in the evening was so strong that my little body kept shivering.

On second thought, I'd better go back to the village and drive again.

I ran back to the village with the jar in my arms.

"If it's gold, the bastards will come and take it, will they? But where else can I go?"

Just thinking, suddenly have an idea, thought of a good place.

There is a place in the village where people dare not tread.

Thinking of the bloody hand behind my grandmother's dead body, I chose the place where no one in the village dared to go ---- Black Rock Well.

This black well is where the child who is said to have been reincarnated into me was killed. That is a period of history that can not be said, I heard that the child's death was not an accident, but was deliberately murdered by the village people together.

The child had been very naughty, and that winter, in order to play with the newly born sheep, he threw them into a brazier filled with charcoal.

The lamb jumped up, kicked over the brazier, and the child's house was instantly on fire.

He knew what he had done and did not dare shout.

Just like that, the fire consumed his house and all the other houses around it. Thirteen of them were destroyed in the fire!

In the countryside, houses are the lifeblood of people, and to lose them is to kill them.

Later, somehow, they learned the truth that the fire was caused by the child.

Night after night, people whose houses had been burned in the village gathered together and stole the children while their parents were asleep.

No matter how the child begged for mercy, they resolutely threw the child into the black stone well, but also moved a few big stones into it, until they could not hear the voice of the child before leaving.

After the child's death, the black well became a forbidden place in the village.

Everyone knows the death wasn't an accident, but everyone says it was.

Every year after that, people in the village drowned in the black stone well for no reason, and the death was always the same -- a head.