
Grand Wizard: I Am A Villain

In his previous life, Lucas was known as a great wizard and moon wizard. Everyone calls him by different great names. As a king, he has the highest power. Someone with a noble, kind, and gentle heart. Everyone admires and praises him. Not everyone really loves him, they just put on a false front. Behind that false mask there is only treachery. The person who took his throne was someone Lucas really trusted. Lucas experiences his first death at the hands of someone he truly trusted, and ends up reincarnated, coming back to life in the modern era. A very pleasant new life, unlike the one in the past, which was very dark. But the happiness he gets is only temporary, he has to lose his new family and face people from the past again. At that moment, the whole world turned around and pointed their guns at him. However, the truth was that he remembered the body he was using was Lucas in the present who had died. The same pain he had experienced in the past. Lucas just wanted to get back the happiness that was stolen from him and take revenge. It doesn't matter how, even in a dirty way. He who has two very different traits, someone who has experienced the bitterness and cruelty of the world. Destroy the mines that block his path to darkness.

Ayazia27 · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter 52 Battle In Entertainment City Part 3

Max thinks that people like Daniel and Elisa are people who sincerely accept him, besides seeing his potential, which can be equal to that of a wizard. In fact, that's not true at all. They only saw him from a certain point of view, the view that he could be used for their benefit.

He became the top student in high school, with a genius brain and the ability to invent technological weapons. Of course, people in positions of power are interested in technological weapons, including technological weapons that are equivalent to wizards.

When Max fought with a grade 2 wizard. He was able to defeat a grade 2 wizard using only technological weapons. His prowess was heard throughout the city of Moon Gap, an entertainment city and a place where Max could make money by fighting.

In Stella Cadente, he was met by Daniel and Elisa, who were known as the strongest fighters in Moon Gap City.

Daniel has an arrogant attitude and always brags about his greatness, aside from being the son of a rich businessman. Elisa is a beautiful girl who is friendly and kind, and is the first girl to want to be friends with him.

It turns out that it was all a lie. No one wants to be friends with him. The girl only took advantage of his size and stupidity when it was no longer needed. Elisa shows her true, very scary face.

Elisa's character is very different, as long as Max knew her, the girl had a soft and pleasant voice. What he saw now was that Elisa did not hesitate to bully him, even in public. Look at the pairs of eyes passing by. People just looked at him or whispered, no one wanted to stop the girl from being rude to him. They just watched.

Elisa used origami paper to make a sharp knife and slashed Max's face, which was covered by a mask. The girl brutally forced the mask off.

"You turned out to be very handsome, but you have an empty brain." Elisa made insulting remarks and hit Max hard on the head.

It doesn't stop there. Max is like a man with no self-esteem at all, looked down upon by a beautiful girl who turned into a monster. His face was bruised and a little out of shape, although he still had some of his good looks. Max looked at the girl with a burning desire for revenge.

"Bitch! You finally showed your ugly face."

"What are you talking about? How dare you!" Elisa shouted loudly, her hands continuing to deliver blows. Seeing that the man she was hitting was just a weak and helpless man. Elisa had the upper hand and let out the anger she had suppressed for so long.

The rotten girl could be proud of herself after hitting him repeatedly. But that wouldn't extinguish the fire of revenge, it would only grow.

Elisa turned the other way, throwing her long hair back. Unaware of the hidden attack that stabbed right into his stomach. Leaving holes and gushing blood. She felt his body temperature cooling and his mana aura thinning.

People around the second floor area of the building were screaming hysterically, running here and there. Fear and screams mixed with hysteria.

The sounds didn't bother him at all, instead, they were like a beautiful melody. He saw the rotten girl lying on the ground with the life he had taken. Two to five people, probably wizard, surrounded him from all sides.

Max was not afraid. He had carefully planned his revenge on the wizard who had humiliated him. Whoever it is, even those who don't know anything, will be the outlet.

Max usually hides his face behind a mask, not wanting people to see his face. Even though he has above average good looks. But this time, Max showed the cruel and ferocious expression he had been holding in for a long time.

He squeezed a silver bracelet. In just a few seconds, fifty Black Eagle robots launched and attacked the people inside the Stella Cadente building, including five wizards who were probably on guard duty. I felt happy and excited to see people scared, including the wizard who tried to fight the black eagle robot.

Max developed the Black Eagle robot to the latest version after testing his Black Eagle in an empty building. This time, he was very confident, no one could match his technological weapons, including those stupid wizards.

"Next is you, Daniel. I will not accept your insults." Max smiled mischievously, covering his face with a mask and his head with a hood. He walked casually through the mess he had made.

Daniel is probably still in the hotel, in room R3120 on the thirtieth floor. Nothing disturbed him during the entire trip, without the need to turn off surveillance cameras or flying cameras. Max brought with him more than ten Black Eagle robots that had transformed into Panthers.

The Panther robot growled, broke down every door and entered. There were screams and bangs in every room. Its face was covered by a black mask. It had turned into a terrifying monster, attacking anyone who dared to disturb it.

He broke the door so easily with only his hands covered with technological weapons. Someone he wanted to kill and take revenge for his injury.

"Are you causing chaos on purpose? You're trying to put on a big show, but in reality you're just a monkey with no magical powers." Daniel could still act arrogant even though he was cornered and couldn't get out.

He yelled and spread his arms. The ground froze and spread further. The three Panther robots turned into blocks of ice. Now there was no obstacle for him to teach the monkey a lesson that almost frightened him.

Daniel felt he had the upper hand and could show off. He let ice stakes rise from the ground and moved to aim at Max. It didn't stop there, the giant ice fist continued to hit the stupid monkey, who ran here and there, dodging every attack so easily.

The veins on his head were clearly visible, and he became increasingly irritated as he saw the stupid monkey's complete lack of fear.

"I'm not afraid of you, stupid ape!" Daniel roared. He released crystal blocks in all directions.

The crystal blocks surrounded Max perfectly. He couldn't get out of the crystal blocks that trapped him. One of the beams hit him from below. He used an atomic blast to blow back the crystals coming out of the ground.

After his defeat against Lucas, he was motivated to become even stronger and defeat arrogant wizards like them. Max has carefully prepared a plan. The Panther robot is not a robot that can be easily defeated by magic power.

The hot temperature melted the ice that had frozen the three panthers. He no longer needed to get his hands dirty, there was already someone to represent his hatred for arrogant wizards like Daniel.

"Bastard! Stupid ape!"

Daniel's scream echoed around the room. No matter how hard he tries to defeat the Panther Robot with magic power, it's completely useless. The robots are equipped with deadly weapons and wild animal instincts.

Max casually walks over a pool of blood soaking the floor and the torn body of someone.

A bloody feast is about to begin in the city of entertainment.

He turns into a cruel man and takes revenge on those who have insulted him.

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