
Grand Wizard: I Am A Villain

In his previous life, Lucas was known as a great wizard and moon wizard. Everyone calls him by different great names. As a king, he has the highest power. Someone with a noble, kind, and gentle heart. Everyone admires and praises him. Not everyone really loves him, they just put on a false front. Behind that false mask there is only treachery. The person who took his throne was someone Lucas really trusted. Lucas experiences his first death at the hands of someone he truly trusted, and ends up reincarnated, coming back to life in the modern era. A very pleasant new life, unlike the one in the past, which was very dark. But the happiness he gets is only temporary, he has to lose his new family and face people from the past again. At that moment, the whole world turned around and pointed their guns at him. However, the truth was that he remembered the body he was using was Lucas in the present who had died. The same pain he had experienced in the past. Lucas just wanted to get back the happiness that was stolen from him and take revenge. It doesn't matter how, even in a dirty way. He who has two very different traits, someone who has experienced the bitterness and cruelty of the world. Destroy the mines that block his path to darkness.

Ayazia27 · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter 43 Gambling and Fighting Part 1

Laterite is the second megacity after the city of Moon Gap in the south. It has a rather large area and is the center of all kinds of entertainment and the largest casinos. The touching feel of technology makes people feel comfortable in their activities. A magnificent megapolitan city with skyscrapers. For people who have never been to Laterite, this place is the center of all kinds of technology everywhere. From hologram advertising screens flying through the streets, to flying cars with the most futuristic designs, to luxurious buildings equipped with technology.

In their clothing style, Laterite people are more luxurious and lively. Like going to a party. They like to wear their hair in different types of bright, eye-catching colors.

Lucas often visited Laterite and attended fashion shows with Karina and Edward. He was not too surprised by the people of Laterite, who were known to be eccentric. But for Cloe and Peter, seeing strangeness in front of their eyes was clearly not an ordinary thing.

Besides, the old man had an old-fashioned way of thinking, and like someone from a remote village, he was seeing a megacity with various kinds of modern technology for the first time.

From Laterite to the small town of Red Moon, they took the small train at Laterite Station. The carriage they were riding in was small but very fast, it only took them fifteen minutes to reach the small town of Red Moon.

Even the small town of Red Moon is no less magnificent than the city of Laterite, it's just that there aren't as many buildings here. Private flying cars dominate more than public transportation.

"Who are we going to meet? I need a lot of information, old man."

"His name is Conrad, a famous gambler and owner of a fight club. He owns Stella Cadente, and I don't know where he is. Too much technology flying around my head, making me dizzy. You know, I don't like cities full of modern technology. Culture waved his hand, his gaze fierce as he watched the hologram screen fly before his eyes, displaying advertisements for virtual card slots or the latest slot games.

Finding someone is difficult, but in this modern era, with all kinds of information services in every corner of the city. He won't find it difficult at all. No need to look far, an information box in the middle of the city.

The person named Conrad must be very famous in this small town, Lucas had no trouble finding information. What Culture said was true, Conrad was the owner of Stella Cadente. A luxury hotel, a casino and a competition arena. The small town of Red Moon has no public transportation, instead they run a car rental business.

Lucas rented a flying car, enough for five passengers, that's all Lucas can drive. The flying car glides in the middle of the road, hovers low, and flies so fast across the road.

The person he will meet is named Conrad, he is a gambler and owns a very large fight club. A luxurious hotel, casino and competition arena with an area of 200,000 meters, the small touches look luxurious with the fountain placed in the center of the main courtyard and the towers glowing and displaying sparkling colors.

The giant hologram screen displays Stella Cadente, with luxurious letters that captivate visitors. Laterite is indeed a paradise for entertainment, gambling and fighting attractions. No more mistakes.

On the first floor, art exhibitions and the latest technological objects are displayed in every corner. On the second floor is the auction house, where auction items are displayed for the general public, VIPs and VVIPs.

The crowd on the first floor was very dense. Lucas was very interested in the technological weapons on display, non-magical weapons. Proving that non-wizards are one step ahead in technology and power, they are strong in technology and want to compete with the wizards.

No wonder, this place is a paradise for gamblers and non-wizards looking for various weapons to compete with wizards,' his eyes moved here and there.

For Peter and Cloe, who were in a place like this for the first time, the feeling was truly amazing. Peter, who was stiff and shy, looked enthusiastic when he saw the various kinds of technology on display. Meanwhile, Cloe prefers to see luxury clothes or bags displayed in every corner.

The purpose of coming here was to meet Conrad, not to see the exhibition. The two friends couldn't be stopped, luckily Lisa was able to control the situation and return to their original goal, which was to meet Conrad. Even meeting him is very difficult, perhaps by inviting Culture it will be very easy to meet Conrad.

Go to the reception area. Two women wearing sexy clothes with exposed cleavage and thighs were very attractive to the people around them. The two women greeted Lucas and the others in a friendly manner.

"Can we help you with anything or do you want to reserve a room?"

"I want to meet Conrad," Lucas replied without mincing words.

The two women looked at each other and returned the friendly smile. "Do you have an appointment with him? We will check the waiting list if you do have an appointment with him. I'm very sorry, we can't just allow foreigners to meet Mr. Conrad."

Lucas' and the others' eyes fell on Culture. It's impossible not to plan everything before leaving for Laterite. Knowing that Conrad is very cautious and difficult to approach, for the sake of a mutual relationship. Mutualism system. So far the old man had not told him what he wanted in return. But fortunately, Culture had made an appointment with Conrad. It was very easy and did not raise suspicion, they could meet Conrad.

The old man snorted and stepped forward, taking out his hologram card, his face was very unfriendly. Fortunately, the two women were not offended and were used to dealing with customers with different characteristics.

"I made an appointment with him. Tell him that Culture wants to meet him. If you don't believe me, look at this."

One of the women with short blond hair took a hologram card and compared it with the data on the hologram screen. The woman with short blond hair smiled kindly and returned the hologram card to Culture.

"That is correct. Mr. Culture, you have an appointment with him in about an hour. Please, we'll take you to the waiting room. But I'm sorry. These four people need to stay here."

"Hey, wait a minute. We want to come too." Cloe was the first to protest, putting on an angry face.

"I can't. They are my trusted subordinates, they have to be with me wherever I go. Is that okay?"

The two women were as usual, whispering and looking at each other. "Okay. Because Mr. Culture is our client and Mr. Conrad is very close to you. We don't mind."

So far, Lucas still doesn't really trust Culture, especially since the old man almost killed him with his dark magic beast. Push as hard as you can so that Culture can really help them.

The woman with short blond hair took the five of them into the elevator, their destination was the seventh floor. They were placed in a very luxurious room, there was a soft technological sofa, large glass windows showing beautiful views and an artificial lake. Various kinds of small banquets were prepared for them. A huge hologram screen showed fights between wizards and non-wizards, and a scoreboard showed the results of each fight.

This is a bit insulting. Wizards are born with the power of mana, and non-wizards have no mana at all. The law protecting non-wizards has been shown to be increasingly invalid and has been violated everywhere. Considering the intensity of non-wizards creating various kinds of technological weapons to match the power of wizards.

No matter. This is quite a pleasant conversation,' Lucas muttered while eating a very tasty cake and waiting for the person named Conrad to arrive.

He waited until half an hour later. Someone walked into the living room, the man had a tall stature, brown eyes like a hawk, very eccentric blonde hair and was wearing a fur coat which made the man even more luxurious and charming. The man sat down on the most luxurious sofa, crossed his legs and leaned his back on the sofa.

"Culture, it's been a long time since we met. Perhaps a dozen years. You just asked your servant to do all your work. This is the first time we've met. Why are you meeting me?"