
Grand Theft Auto: Newburg

"Did you get the game? Alright, fire up the PS3!" "Grand Theft Auto: Newburg" is an action-dramedy based on the Grand Theft Auto series created by Rockstar Games. Set in the winter of 1996 the story follows Donald Remus and John Slater, two men, who after accidentally ruining a major drug deal, are indebted to Jack Napier, a powerful drug lord and gang leader. As a result, they are forced to do work for Napier's gang, known as "Full Deck." They are used by the corruption of the Newburg Police Department, mainly the D.R.E. (Drug Response Enforcement) unit led by Officers Ward, Lowery, and Pulaski as they use the unit to manipulate and threaten anyone who tries to step up to them. Their hell is a 5-borough city steeped in grit and crime, tainted with gangs, mafias, shady politicians, and power-hungry celebrities. Amidst this chaos, Remus and Slater attempt to make and expand their gang and survive the sinister streets of Newburg, San Andreas.

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Mission 15: Basket Case

Date: December 5, 1996

Location: Allegheny River Park, Kinzua, Newburg, San Andreas

"What are we doing here?" Remus asks Lowery as he parks the car near the river. "We are here to meet someone and collect something" she states. Lowery keeps pointing the pistol at Remus, "who and what?" He asks. Soon a bejeweled hand knocks on Remus's window. "Oh shit" Remus jumped and rolled down the window, "Pastor Tyren, surprise to see you down here" Remus says in a monotone voice. Tyren gets into the front passenger seat of the car. "Is everyone here connected to the D.R.E.?" Remus laughs. "Every public figure, politician, and celebrity that loves their pretty pills, Drug Response Enforcement has them" Lowery rambles. "Shut up, drive us to Lindler Heights in the Allegheny borough" Tyren demands and Remus puts the car in reverse.

Mission: Get to Lindler Heights

"What are we doing in Lindler Heights? That's Full Deck territory, are you going to spread God's message?" Remus mocks. "God has given up on all of Newburg…fuck it all of San Andreas" Tyren says as Lowery gives him the pistol. "Your job is going in to an alleyway and grab a case…easy enough" Tyren says. "Suspicious as hell" Remus laughs, "It is, Madison will go with you" Tyren says. "What?" Lowery asks, "You are going with Donald, and getting that case" Tyren demands as he turns to look at Lowery. "Whatever you say…old people" Lowery sighs as she fixes her lipstick. "Take a right here" Tyren says, Remus turns down a gritty and polluted alleyway. "This seems very Christian" Remus laughs, "Stop at the red door, they're going to be around the corner. All you have to do is grab that case.

Mission: Get to the case near the dumpster

Remus and Lowery step out of the car as Tyren drives off with the car. "I'll meet yall over in Houser Gardens, get that case" Tyren spits before he drives off. "Let's go get that bitch" Lowery says as she starts walking deeper into the alleyway. "If this is so easy, why isn't he doing it?" Remus asks, "he's old and fragile, you're old and tough…like beef jerky" Lowery says. "Gee thanks, kid" Remus sighs as the two approach the dumpster. "Hey, whataya want," a homeless person yells as he sits near the case. "That briefcase" Lowery says, "you can't have this case, this is for me to deal" the homeless man yells as he grows more agitated. "Look, sir, we don't want any trouble" Remus tries to mediate the tension. "YOU calm down, how about THAT?!" The homeless man stands up and grabs a rebar. He starts to swing at Lowery and Remus, "fuck this" Lowery yells as she shoot the homeless man in the chest and throat. The homeless man falls, gushing blood. Lowery grabs the case, "that was too easy."

Mission: Meet Tyren at Houser Gardens

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here" Remus exclaims, "before any bad shit happens." The two begin to walk through Allegheny's housing district. *RING RING* Remus's phone goes off. "Hello?" Remus answers, "Remus, were you in Lindler Heights at all?" Napier asks. "Yeah, what's it to you?" Remus asks.

"Are you in possession of a black genuine leather Didier Sachs briefcase?"

"Yeah I am, why?"

"You son of a bitch, that was supposed to have been dealt to some coke dealer in Bohan"

"I don't care, I was jobbed with taking it and delivering it to the Pastor"

"Tyren? Tyren fucking Oakland? That shady son of a bitch. Where are you?"

"On my way to Lindler Heights"

"Piece of shit." Napier hangs up,

"Looks like we might be in for some shit" Remus sighs as he looks at Lowery. "Don't care, as long as we get paid" Lower says. The two reach Lindler Heights and see Tyren and Napier arguing.

"Ward told me that he wanted that case" Tyren yelled, "I don't give a damn what that fatty wants, that is my case" Napier yells back. The two men see Remus with the case, "BOYS! GET THAT CASE!" Napier yells as his goons run to Remus. "You're on your own old man" Lower shouts as she runs for cover.

Mission: Keep The Case Safe

Remus ducks for cover as the goons start shooting at him. Remus reaches into his coat and pulls out a pistol, "this will have to do" Remus sighs as he takes aim. Remus shoots one of the goons in the head. "Take that you commie!" Remus yells. The other goons start to close in on Remus. "Bullshit" Remus shouts as he shoots another goon in the throat. "Too late, old man" one of the goons snickers as he approaches Remus, holding a gun to him. "What are your last words?" The goon asks. "I've looked at death before…" Remus looks the goon up and down "and he wasn't wearing dreads" he spits. "How cute, we'll put that on the tombstone you old fu-" the goon is cut off by being obliterated by an assault rifle. Other goons get shot as two figures step into the light. "Newburg D.R.E., yall move, yall die" Ward yells as he brings his gun up. "Any deaths will result in paperwork, let's keep this professional" Officer Pulaski says as he stands beside Ward. Lowery runs to the three, "uh yeah, um, let's be professional" she says. "Bullshit, because there is a $10,000 sale in that case" Napier says as he steps in, pointing his gun at Tyren. "That sale will result in more vapid behavior from these cracked out heathens, it is better for me to sell it to some foreigners" Tyren spits as he points one of his pistols at Napier and one at the D.R.E. trio. "That case is suspected to have schedule one drugs. That is enough evidence for the D.R.E. to take over and sample" Ward says as he aims his gun at Remus. "I was just tasked with delivering that bitch" Remus yells as he points between Napier, Tyren, and the D.R.E.. All six point guns at each other as the sky casts a dark red over the looming dark skyscrapers, the sun begins to set. "Not all of us are going to get that case, what compromise can come from this?" Remus asks as everyone aims at each other. Ward and Napier look at each other, Napier motions with his head over to Tyren and Ward nods. Ward looks at Lowery and Pulaski, "code 10-45D, go back to the office…and cut the tape" Ward whispers. Pulaski and Lowery backup and run away. "What's going on over there, pig?" Tyren asks as Ward and Napier aim at him. "Just business, Pastor" Ward says. "Remus, should we kill this fucker or not?" Napier asks. Remus looks at Tyren "Pastor, I know you aren't like this. I believe in redemption so no one is being shot-"


**All units, we have shots being fired in Houser Gardens in Allegheny. Respond or don't…**

"Shit, what did yall do that for?" Remus yelled as the Ward and Napier ditched the scene, leaving Remus with Tyren's corpse and the case of drugs. "This is not cool, by the way" Remus yells.

Mission: Escape From The Cops

"Newburg Police, you move, you die!" an officer yells. Remus grabs a pistol from ground and ducks for cover. Four police cars show up and officers start to swarm in. Remus looks out and aims for an officer, "bullshit" Remus yells and shoots an officer.

**This is patrol, we have *static* shots fired at an officer. In uhh *static* South Houser Gardens in Allegheny**

The sun fully sets as a dark red moon eerily cascades Newburg in a soft light. Remus ducks into some bushes as the officers look for him. "Found him, over here!" An officer yells. Remus shoots the officer and books it for an alley way. "Dispatch, perp is heading south into an alleyway on Berkshire Ave." an officer says into his radio. "That's not good news" another officer says. "Why?" The officer asks.

**All units, suspect last seen in uhh *static* Alleyway City**

"Oh, well…that's not good for us"

Remus keeps running through the alleyways, a few officers chase him down. "Good thing is that this place is a three mile labyrinth of drug abusers and buildings" Remus laughs as he hides into a corner. "Why the hell would they set me up with something so bizarre? Some shit has to be going down" Remus talks to himself. "YALL SEE ANYTHING?!" a cops yells as they get closer to Remus. Remus was too afraid to move as all the litter around him will alert the police of his movement. "Shit" Remus tries to push himself against the wall in the corner as hard as he can. The cops get closer and one stands to where Remus can see him. "We might as well arrest some minorities, heh" the cops laughs as he turns towards Remus. The flashlight of the gun Illuminates Remus and the corner. "Found him!" the cops calls out. Remus puts his hands up and surrenders, "Yall got me, let me stand up" Remus gets up and pulls a second pistol from his holster on his thigh. Remus shoots the two officers and aims at the third one. He shoots the cop's pistol out of his hands, "call a 10-22 or call your mom to say your last goodbye" Remus ordered. The cop grabbed his radio "Dispatch, suspect has completely fled the scene. We might as well give up" he says, **Ten Four**

**All units, a code 4. Return to patrol**

The cop looks at Remus, "Officer, I suggest you not tell anyone for both of our sake" Remus says as the officer runs off. Remus gets back to the main street. *RING RING* his phone went off, "Hello?" Remus greeted. "Remus, it's Ward. Thank you for your involvement with taking down Oakland" Ward says on the other line. "What do you mean 'helped'?" Remus asked. "We needed a reason for him to get away from his heavily guarded tax-evading church. Capturing the whole thing on camera so that we can have him framed fir the case." Ward explained. "Yall have me beyond fucked up, that is a poor ass excuse to kill a man or even set this whole thing up." Remus yelled. "Welp, can't always be pretty getting rid of someone, see you around" Ward says as he hangs up.

Mission: Get back to the safehouse

Remus sighs and looks for a car, he sees one driving down the road. "Let's make this quick" Remus says as he stops the car and runs over to the driver side. Remus opens the door and drags the driver out "consider this, helping the elderly" Remus says as he gets into the car. He drives to the safehouse and walks in. Remus opens the door and is met with four pistols in his face. "Come inside, traitor" Milo says as he shuts the door. "What the hell?" Remus asks "What are yall doing?"

Mission Passed!

Respect +

+ $2,000

**Any units within the Alleyway City district, there are reports of dead officers in there somewhere. Get them or leave them, doesn't really matter**