
Grand Prince's Escapade from Fate (BL)

Prince Bu Dohyun, the first grand prince of the Great Kingdom of Joseon has lived his entire life within the palace walls, in the Golden Capital, the land of everlasting glory and bountiful wonders. Along with his royal brothers, he gives his all in completing his royal duties to please his parents, the king and queen. Yet despite that, he keeps to himself the true Dohyun, the carefree and curious soul that's usually hidden away. One peculiar night a group of trained warriors secretly approached Prince Dohyun, along with a secret code only he and one other knew of. Setting out for somewhere safe claiming that his life was in danger, Dohyun agrees to their terms and crosses upon a deeper plight- someone wanted him dead. As they try to solve this mystery, Dohyun’s relationship with the leader of these warriors slowly begins to grow by the day- from the get go, he couldn’t shake off the familiarity and feeling of comfort of this person. The newfound friendship gives Dohyun a sense of hope but the circumstances he comes to face are far more than he could have ever expected. Can he take the consequences of his actions or does he give into the predetermined fate of his birth?

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22 Chs

Chapter 6 - Last Night's Culprit

The following morning he woke-up relatively early, the sun had just started to rise in the sky and the clucking and crowing of roosters and hens could be heard near and far. Dohyun removed the blanket that was wrapped around him tightly only to see that Jaeyong's bedding had already been put away. He was also the only person in the room at the moment.

Wandering outside, there was no sight of Jaeyong and he began to contemplate if he had actually made it back to the room last night. He really couldn't stay up any longer when he returned but then consequently, he didn't get to see Jaeyong return.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and from the east side of the residence, he saw Sun Minwoo leaving her room carrying what seemed to be a pot and some other ingredients towards the kitchen area outside.

As she approached the area, she also noticed him and greeted, "Good morning young master Do Hoon, is there anything in particular you'd like to eat?"

"I'd be glad to have anything, your skills in the kitchen are commendable, Sun Minwoo-ssi. By any chance, have you seen Jaeyong-hyung?" He asked.

Setting the pots down she looked at him and replied, "I haven't, I myself just woke. Um, don't you two share a room?" she said with a more subtle tone to her voice.

Of course she would have had weird thoughts, it's best to address matters like this right away. Dohyun thought to himself.

"About last night, please don't get the wrong idea, someone actually showed-up and targeted a rock at me, Jaeyong-hyung just protected me."

Sun Minwoo's eyes widened at that, "Oh my!" she uttered, "Who on earth could have done such a thing? It's very unusual for that to happen, by any chance have you angered anyone Do Hoon?"

"Certainly not as far as I know, I haven't even had the time to actually offend someone. But by the way, have there been any reports of petty thieves recently?" Dohyun asked.

"No, not that I've heard of, as I told you before it is usually rather peaceful here."

"I see, we probably just had some bad luck that time." Dohyun said before heading towards the entrance. He looked for the horse they rode on previously, but it was as well, not there. Did he have somewhere to go?

Not too long later, the sound of hooves on the dirt road made it to his ears, as he looked up, it was the person he had been looking for along with two other familiar faces, An Byung Ho and Yang Minhye!

"Dohyun!" they both shouted as soon as they saw him, Jaeyong on the other hand gave them both side-eye, it was understandable.

Byung Ho and Minhye were both brats who called him by his first name but he was the one who made them like that in the first place.

Minhye jumped off his horse as soon as he was near enough and grabbed Dohyun by the shoulders looking him up and down. "Dohyun" he cried, "All you alright? I can't believe they didn't tell us first!" "That's right", Byung Ho said now, also beside him examining him from head to toe, "If things were already like this, we should have been first to know."

He continued, "Instead, they drag in a few 'talented' spies to do our work", not even hiding the fact that his words were directed towards Jaeyong and the rest of the wonhwa. With the two younger men's brows furrowed and arms crossed, it wasn't hard to understand that they felt wronged in the least.

Dohyun glanced towards Jaeyong, his face indifferent, unaffected by the other's remarks. He surely grasps that these two are just being jealous right now, right? But when did they meet?

Unsure of what to do, Dohyun muttered, "Uh, why don't we settle down first and you guys can explain to me the situation. Jaeyong hyung and I here don't have much about it anyhow."

At the mention of 'Jaeyong hyung', both of their faces changed expressions. Yang Minhye was more shocked as if wondering what their relationship was and An Byung Ho, well to say the least, he looked to some degree disgusted…

Dohyun already had an idea of how it was going to be between the two and Jaeyong, at the back of his head he could feel a tiny ache beginning to erupt.

Inside, Dohyun informed Sun Minwoo of the visitors for the day and that they had some matters to talk about. Understanding his concern, she brought them some tea before heading off to her house that the village men were currently repairing.

Once they were alone, Dohyun joined them at the low small rectangular table in the living space of the house that he and Jaeyong shared a room with. Byung Ho and Minhye sat beside each other while Dohyun sat beside Jaeyong on the opposite side. At this point, the two didn't even try to hide their expressions and eyed Jaeyong like he'd just trampled over their freshly planted flowers. Thank the heavens, it didn't seem to bother him as he paid no regard to the two.

"Minhye, Byung Ho, could you explain first how you came here?" It was best to understand their level of knowledge of the situation first. Dohyun silently prayed they knew more than he did for he was coming to a point of frustration with the whole situation.

Byung Ho started off, "The morning after you left I met her inside your bedroom." He added, "What we know is that there is a possibility of a mole working in the palace who had planned such treason and that there was most likely an accomplice, an informer. A trusted one I guess."

Minhye spoke, "Of course we couldn't just let some people guard after you like that so we gained permission to come under these circumstances: First, was to meet up with 'him'" he said, motioning towards Jaeyong. "And follow under his lead… Second, was to return immediately under the pretense that we were just out hunting under your command, with you, to avoid suspicion. And third, to not mention anything to anyone within the palace walls."

"Wait" Dohyun said, "The letter said we were to meet in two weeks."

"Change of plans" Jaeyong spoke beside him, "A new letter had been sent." He pulled out a piece of paper from his robe and handed it to him. The same kind of paper as before, with short phrases, and that name singed at the bottom.

Read carefully, return instantly with An Byung Ho and Yang Minhye. You were out hunting. I will explain more when you arrive, meet me directly. Signed with Man Cheol Weol at the bottom.

As expected there wouldn't be much substance. He had just arrived yet he had to go back right away, in all honesty it was quite a shame. He gave Byung Ho and Minhye a look before asking, "That's all?" They both nodded telling him that they also had little idea of what was going on. For some reason, deep down Dohyun wished that this was all a drill.

What is this… A mole and some informer planning treason against me? I was sent off so swiftly with no notice and now I must return right away… "It doesn't make any sense," Dohyun uttered under his breath.

After their quick meeting, Dohyun didn't know when or if he'd return here but leaving so suddenly was a bit… He should at least tell something believable to Sun Minwoo. After further explaining what had happened here to Byung Ho and Minhye, he and Jaeyong went to the neighboring house where Sun Minwoo was at.

She sat there looking quite down but stood as soon as the two arrived. "Young masters, what brings you here?"

Dohyun replied, "Sun Minwoo-ssi, what's the matter?"

The elderly woman sighed, saying, "It seems that the storm has done much damage and even my walls need to be replaced, they said it would take around four more weeks with having to buy some materials from the neighboring village."

Dohyun frowned. In that case, it really is unfortunate… A moment later it was like a spark lit up in his mind. "Sun Minwoo-ssi, you can stay at my place for as long as you need. Speaking of, it seems that I have some important business to attend to quite far from here, I'm not sure when I'll be able to return."

With that, a thankful smile crossed her face once again. "Don't worry young master Do Hoon, I will surely watch over the place with the best of my abilities!" She was relieved to hear that it wouldn't be a problem for her to stay but it was bittersweet that they had to leave so soon. "Thank you very much." She said while whipping away the sweat that beaded along her forehead, "When my husband returns, we will be sure to repay your kindness."

With having settled things for the meantime, the two took off, walking back to where the horses were stationed.

Just then, a group of young boys were running straight towards them, more so, rather they seemed to be chasing a single individual. Before the person running had a chance to look in front, he collided into Dohyun and Jaeyong. They tried to move out of the way but the boy also coincidentally turned their direction. He fell to the ground with a loud thud from the collision while Jaeyong gave Dohyun a look, they were both fine but what was all this now?

The boy hurriedly stood up and hid behind the two of them, using them as a shield from the others. It was a group of teenagers who looked rather enraged, they seemed to have wanted to just barge between them but with one look from Jaeyong they all scurried off. Jaeyong at the moment, did not look pleased.

They turned around to the boy hiding behind them as Dohyun asked, "Are you alright?"

He seemed to have not expected that and only stared at him for some time before jumping a step back. With the jump came another thud, and on the ground fell a small black wooden slingshot. They both looked at the slingshot before looking back at the boy, something clicked inside Dohyun's brain and so did the boy's.

In an instant his eyes widened as he tried to sprint off in the other direction but Jaeyong firmly caught him by the collar as he picked up the slingshot. The boy's body now froze, unable to move as his eyes widened even more in fear.

"It's him." Jaeyong spoke to Dohyun who currently wasn't sure if it was just a coincidence or if he really was the person from last night.

Jaeyong made it so that the boy was now facing them two, "Who sent you?" he demanded.

"No one! No One!" the boy cried out. "No one sent me! I- I just thought you two were thieves and I saw Sun Minwoo-ssi coming, I didn't want her to get hurt. I promise!"

Now the "thief" term was turned to them, though the boy did not sound like he was lying and he knew Sun Minwoo? Could they possibly be related?

Dohyun softened his gaze but Jaeyong kept his hold firm, after giving him a look, anyone could tell that he was just a young boy, a messy young boy, he didn't have much meat on him and he honestly looked like he would pass out any minute. Dohyun patted Jaeyong's arm letting him know to let the boy down.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The boy hesitated before mumbling, "An… Kim An."

"How do you know Sun Minwoo-ssi?"

"I- sometimes I go searching for wild ginseng with her husband, Sun Jangmin-ajusshi."

He really seemed to be telling the truth, before Dohyun could ask any further, he spoke, "I- Please forgive me, I did not know someone was staying there, it was only recently empty."

At this time both Dohyun and Jaeyong felt like he was not lying, though Jaeyong asked, "Where do you live?"

This time Kim An looked at them for a few moments before lowering his head confessing, "When I was not in the mountains searching for ginseng, I would sometimes stay there." He said referring to Han Residence, since no one lived there, he used it as a place to sleep.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break in or anything, I really didn't. I don't have a home so I could only occasionally sneak inside for shelter." His voice desperate and defeated. Dohyun couldn't help but sigh and feel sympathetic, Jaeyong on the other hand remained indifferent.

"You search for wild ginseng you say?" Dohyun asked.

"Y-yes." The boy replied.

"Then", Dohyun said after thinking for a while, "Kim An, would you like to work for me?"

Both Kim An and Jaeyong had not expected the sudden suggestion and equally looked at him with confused faces.

"Though I may not be around for some time, I'd be sure to pay you a good amount for harvesting some ginseng for me and you could stay at the residence without having to sneak in… Though you might not like the idea since I don't have much to offer and-"

"Yes!" the boy eagerly answered. "I promise to work hard, I do."

Dohyun chuckled, "Just call me Dohy- Do Hoon hyung. How old are you Kim An?"

"Eleven years old, Do Hoon hyung."

Dohyun nodded, "Alright, for now you can go tell Sun Minwoo-ssi that I've hired you and since I'll be gone for a while, you can stay in my room. You can also eat and have your meals there too as long as you promise to not get into any fights…"

Kim An partly struggled to comprehend the deal he had just scored, recalling back on how no one had ever let him off so easily, the best would be just a few kicks and punches. But now someone had shown him random kindness in his life, for some reason the kid couldn't contain the water brimming at his eyes.

"Thank you hyung!" he said as he jumped onto Dohyun and hugged him. It was quite a scene but it turned out this little rascal was a softie. He didn't know anything about this young master but in his situation, the smallest help he could get meant everything to him.

Jaeyong seemed like he had wanted to argue but accepted Dohyun's decision, in the end just whispering to Dohyun: "Are all princes like this?"

After that, Kim An dashed to Sun Minwoo's house and Dohyun and Jaeyong made their way to Byung Ho and Minhye.

Before they arrived, Jaeyong was still casting glances to Dohyun, his eyes full of askance.

"I don't know." Dohyun said in all honesty.

"He looked like he was tired of everyone pushing him down, I have no idea what those kids would have done otherwise. He kinda reminded me of a childhood friend."

Jaeyong paused for a moment before letting out an "Ah", Dohyun didn't face him but he could feel him looking at him from behind. That lingering gaze like the other night, perhaps he was too afraid to look back right now for he wouldn't know how to react.

"What took so long?" Byung Ho snorted from where he was mounted on his horse.

"Is that how you address his highness?" Jaeyong calmly retorted back.

It was going to be a long ride back.