
Grand Prince's Escapade from Fate (BL)

Prince Bu Dohyun, the first grand prince of the Great Kingdom of Joseon has lived his entire life within the palace walls, in the Golden Capital, the land of everlasting glory and bountiful wonders. Along with his royal brothers, he gives his all in completing his royal duties to please his parents, the king and queen. Yet despite that, he keeps to himself the true Dohyun, the carefree and curious soul that's usually hidden away. One peculiar night a group of trained warriors secretly approached Prince Dohyun, along with a secret code only he and one other knew of. Setting out for somewhere safe claiming that his life was in danger, Dohyun agrees to their terms and crosses upon a deeper plight- someone wanted him dead. As they try to solve this mystery, Dohyun’s relationship with the leader of these warriors slowly begins to grow by the day- from the get go, he couldn’t shake off the familiarity and feeling of comfort of this person. The newfound friendship gives Dohyun a sense of hope but the circumstances he comes to face are far more than he could have ever expected. Can he take the consequences of his actions or does he give into the predetermined fate of his birth?

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22 Chs

Chapter 5 - Welcome or Unwelcome

"Geonbae!, geonbae!" was being exchanged here and there as everyone indulged in the rich liquor, everyone except for Dohyun and Jaeyong who were currently exchanging looks of mutual understanding. Cha Jinwook, on the other hand, quickly caught on that their cups were yet to be filled.

"Master Bu, here, here, have a drink, this banquet is all thanks to you." Holding the liquor bottle to pour for Dohyun to which the other could only comply as he held his cup with both hands accepting the gesture.

One drink should be fine, it would be rude to refuse him now.

Everyone's eyes turned to Dohyun, eager and amused. The chatter gradually came to a halt as they waited for his reaction. With grace, Dohyun took a sip of the clear wine that emitted a pungent smell of alcohol with traces of pear.

To his surprise, despite the strong smell, it had a lovely smooth flavor whose aftertaste was more sweet compared to the usual bitterness of most alcohol. He couldn't help but exclaim: "Surely this isn't pure wine? There has to be sugar or honey in this?" Now the people laughed, including Sun Minwoo who sat beside him, she chuckled and shook her head a few times. "It is the best wine here young master Do Hoon, but I do warn you it is most deceiving."

Deceiving? It didn't seem like that to him, even a child could drink it! "Perhaps this is what it means, that saying that liquor tastes best when shared amongst others." Dohyun absentmindedly commented. Only realizing when the others cheered to it.

Inevitably, Jaeyong was also offered a cup, he drank with the usual indifferent look on his face but after that he politely declined the other offers. No one bothered, or rather dared to force him anymore so the rest continued with their festivity. The people talked about many things, during the chatter, Dohyun learned that Cha Jinwook wasn't the real village head but instead, the person who acted as the head when the real official was not present. Somehow it explained why he was much more amiable compared to many stuck-up officials.

Dohyun found it tricky refusing the drinks offered to him when he knew that the intentions of these people were far from ill. Instead, he slowly downed the rest of the drinks given to him, by this time he had already finished five cups of the delicious wine As the effects of the wine from entering his blood sunk in, Jaeyong quietly spoke: "Do Hoon..." It was clear that he was telling him to slow down or probably refrain from anymore now.

With slightly hooded eyes, Dohyun looked at him, the other's face was almost expressionless but he could tell what he meant. 'Enough' 'Time to go home.'

With that, Dohyun stood up, slightly wavering for a moment, it seemed that he had indeed underestimated the strength of the wine, although Sun Minwoo did inform him beforehand; the moment he stood up he felt like sitting right back down.

She did say it was most deceiving, I should have gone slower… Yes, I really should've.

After he steadied himself he said, "Cha Jinwook-ssi, everyone, I'd like to thank you all for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting along with you all in the days to come. But for now, we will respectfully take our leave for- we have matters to attend to tomorrow, I hope for your understanding."

For a brief moment, all eyes were on him but just as soon, more than half the people returned to drinking and chatting away. Only Cha Jinwook stood up and faced the two, "Is that so? What a shame, the night is still young. I'd gladly persuade you to stay longer but I understand you likely have many things to do back at Han Residence. We always have next time. And oh! Come visit my shop sometime, eat all you want, on the house."

"Really?" Dohyun grinned, "Then I'll surely have to visit soon!"

Dohyun felt a growing warmness in his face. Ah it is best to get home now, he thought. Although currently, Jaeyong wasn't in his line of sight anymore. He rubbed his eyes wondering if it was just the alcohol but to no avail. Fortunately, Sun Minwoo seemed to catch on to what he was thinking and pointed to the gates.

Ah, so there he was. Waiting for him, clad in black, one could just not not ignore such a sight. His hair wavering in the wind while his gaze held a look switching between being on guard and almost dozing-off. It was almost cute, like a child acting all strong and mighty but actually tired out and wanting to go home.

The cool night wind brushed Dohyun's cheeks making him shiver, seconds later he called out, "Hyung!"

The previous solemn looking person now met his gaze, looking straight at him.

Dohyun involuntarily froze for a moment, it was like he had been petrified, glued in place. At first he thought those eyes looked familiar, but then, those eyes always looked that way whenever Dohyun would call him 'hyung'. A melancholic, longing sort of look, but also, exhilarated, happy. At this point, Dohyun swore it was the alcohol playing tricks on his brain. He and Sun Minwoo walked over to where the other was waiting.

Though, even if they were in reality just a few meters away, each step felt like a mile, like a never ending path under the lingering eyes of the other watching him, observing his every step, subconsciously making him feel conscious of himself. Again, the alcohol.

"Do Hoon" Jaeyong's voice traveled through the air.

"Hyung, let's go." Dohyun replied as they left through the large gates they had once entered.

For a while the three of them walked enjoying the night air and scenery, it was cool enough and eventually Dohyun sobered-up. Sun Minwoo occasionally pointed out places and things as they walked by explaining the livelihood and festivities the people enjoyed. He only smiled when she mentioned that he should try and get a job, laughing as she mentioned he would most definitely get hired at inns and shops because of his good looks, the best marketing tactic to draw in customers.

Little did she know, this was all temporary, he had a palace to return to, a warm bed, three meals a day, and a lifestyle of leisurely being a prince. Though, it wasn't at all bad here, Dohyun thought he would surely miss this place if he stayed much longer, better not get too attached.

Jaeyong followed closely behind them, most likely scouting for any possible danger, Dohyun noticed he was always on guard even at their place. Without realizing, Dohyun had already turned his head around making sure he was still there. "Is something wrong?" Jaeyong asked.

"Uh…" Dohyun thought, shaking his head after. Sun Minwoo came to a halt, "That reminds me, you two go ahead, I have to stop by a friend's house, I forgot we had made plans some time ago, I'll be back later tonight."

Dohyun asked: "Are you sure Sun Minwoo-ssi? It's already a bit late, would you like us to accompany you?"

Sun Minwoo shook her head quickly, "No need, no need. It's a small village and everybody knows everybody here, you really don't need to worry about such things that much", the latter part directed a bit more towards Jaeyong, she must have also sensed his slight unease.

With that, she departed from them heading off to a different direction leaving the two of them behind. Dohyun didn't feel like walking alone, more specifically having someone walk behind him, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing; he slowed his pace allowing Jaeyong to catch-up. "Hyung, you heard right, you don't always have to be on guard, besides it's just the two of us right now." Dohyun said standing beside him slightly tilting his head up, Jaeyong was taller than him by a few inches. Not even Minhye or Byungho were taller than Dohyun as only Junwoo and the Crown Prince were just centimeters above him, leaving Jaeyong to be the tallest out of everyone.

"Until they have been captured and punished, your highness, will I remain like this." Jaeyong replied, implying his point, insinuating his stubbornness. Or more suitably said, his resolve and determination.

Dohyun didn't feel like refuting the other knowing it would likely be futile. Although a lingering question remained in the back of his mind. How could someone be so devoted? So sure? So content in serving other people… He understood that many people dreamed of working in the royal palace, dreamed of becoming scholars and guards who protect the royal family but for what reason?

Assuredly, there were some purely for the benefits, income, and social status. Perhaps even just the thought of the great honor one had to serve those of the royal family. But, in his life, he had also seen some who do it because they want to, he'd never grasped why though. He wondered what was Jaeyong's reason, was he simply hired and trained without a choice? Did he join for the benefits like others? He was a peculiar one and so Dohyun couldn't see through him.

Although, in reality, all of the wonhwa he had met previously seemed a little bit too willing. It wasn't bad or anything of the sort, just weird. For him? What did he do for them?

Half an incense time later they arrived back at Han residence, if he was to stay longer, people would advise him to change the name to 'Bu Residence' but it didn't really matter if he was only staying for a short time. They both entered and headed for their room. The one Jaeyong had previously made a fuss about, Dohyun really didn't get it. Just then, rustling noises came from near them, the bushes outside the wall surrounding the residence. Shortly after, the sound of twigs breaking under footsteps became louder and rushed.

Jaeyong, instantly alarmed, spoke in a low voice, "Someone is here, head inside now."

His tone, pensive, allowing no room for conflict. In such a short period of time his entire demeanor changed. Eyes searching straight out before them, stance guarded, and nimble yet incredulously fast movement. But saying that to Dohyun was like telling a child to not eat the candy after leaving it on the table.

Jaeyong slowly moved away from him, using the sides of the house to partially hide his body. Despite the order, Dohyun followed behind him, matching his footsteps. The noise came from the darker side of the wall. Dohyun was equally alarmed yet blightedly managed to step on a branch making a loud snapping sound. Jaeyong instantly pivoted, "I told you-" before he could finish he snapped his head back to the other direction after more rustling sounds came from behind the wall.

This time a small figure could be made out but it was too dark to see a face or much of that person, Jaeyong squinted his eyes but as soon as he did, they also widened just as fast. He swiftly turned his body towards Dohyun, covering his body with his own, hiding it from the one in front of them.

At that time, everything was too fast for Dohyun to decipher what was happening, at one moment he was standing behind Jaeyong, at the next, his whole body was being pinned against the back wall of their house.

A small piao sound came from behind them, something flying through the air. Whatever it was, it hit straight to Jaeyong's back. The next few moments, the sound of footsteps running away filled the air, whoever it was made a run for it.

"H-Hyung!" Dohyun shrieked, trying to free himself from his current position.

No avail, Jaeyong's arms were too strong, he didn't budge at all. Their chests tight together, Dohyun's back firmly against the wall. Not a glimpse of space between the two, gloriously Jaeyong was taller and so his head was to the side, his eyes closed as he spoke, "I'm fine, it was just a rock." The weapon that person carried was merely a slingshot, just in time Jaeyong was able to catch it and successfully made sure Dohyun wasn't hit.

Dohyun pushed against him again, "H-hyungg?" his voice tinted with nervousness as he pushed with all his might.

To his surprise, Jaeyong pushed him back even harder, almost strong enough to have slammed his back right back into the wall, once again closing up the space between them. His eyes still closed above him, breathing between every word, "I thought, I told you, to head inside." His jaw slightly clenched but the warmth of his breath reached Dohyun's ear, causing a shiver down his spine. His voice unconsciously hitched as he managed to speak out "S-sorry."

Jaeyong sighed as he let down one of his arms saying, "Next time, please listen-"

"Young masters?" A familiar elderly voice sounded from beside them, Sun Minwoo.

"S-Sun Minwoo-ss-i!" they both exclaimed.

"Ae, I didn't mean to interrupt young masters. I'm heading in for the night…" The woman said while retracing her footsteps back to the other house before either of the two had a chance to talk.

"Hyung…" Dohyun started, "Why was she looking at us with such an expression?"

Jaeyong replied: "She's old and has bad eyesight. It didn't really seem… that way." Dohyun didn't have to question any further, the answer was clear as day, the dread in Jaeyong's voice was more than apparent.

Without saying, in such a position, two men, one pinned to the wall- the one pinned to the wall with ears red from embarrassment, it surely painted a bizarre scene!

They both broke out in muffled coughs as Jaeyong finally released Dohyun, stepping back several steps, neither of them made eye contact making the situation much more awkward.

Unable to handle the silence any longer, Dohyun spoke, "I- I don't think it would have been someone from, umm, you know." Indeed, if someone did send a person to harm him, they would have used something much more harmful than a slingshot. Dohyun mentally praised himself for such fast thinking.

"Yes, by the stance, aim, and stature of the offender, he was most likely a petty thief, I'll ask about it in the morning."

They both heard the person run-off which means he would probably not return for now. Dohyun quickly said, "We should- head in now…"

Jaeyong gave him a quick glance before saying, "You go first, I'll be right back, I'm just going to check the area one more time." Dohyun nodded and went in while the other scouted the perimeter.

To be honest, Dohyun was a bit relieved when he said that. He wanted to cool himself down before being in an enclosed space with him. Cool yourself down? What nonsense are you at again? Others would get the wrong idea at this point! It's just the alcohol! he thought to himself.

Since he was alone at the moment, Dohyun removed his outer robes knowing it would be more comfortable to sleep without them. He laid down his sheets and parted them as he climbed in, he wasn't exactly sleepy but the adrenaline rush he felt earlier started to take effect.

It would be wrong to say that he wasn't surprised by the event that just took place, from what he had heard and understood so far, crimes were probably uncommon here. He wondered who the culprit could be, it didn't seem like anyone had a grudge against him, he didn't even have time to make anyone feel that way anyway. Perhaps just a random trickster. His thoughts later drifted to when Jaeyong blocked the rock for him, but he immediately dismissed the idea since the memory was quite… embarrassing. Well it was after Sun Minwoo saw them.

Dohyun thought more to himself, ending up with a cold shiver as he recalled how Jaeyong instantly shielded his body with his own. "It was far too dark to have seen anything, at worst it could have been an arrow…" He said mumbling to himself. To have done that with no hesitation, no regard for one's own safety, Dohyun didn't know if he should call it commendable or foolish.

Soon after he fell asleep, not able to wait for Jaeyong to return.