
Grand Prince's Escapade from Fate (BL)

Prince Bu Dohyun, the first grand prince of the Great Kingdom of Joseon has lived his entire life within the palace walls, in the Golden Capital, the land of everlasting glory and bountiful wonders. Along with his royal brothers, he gives his all in completing his royal duties to please his parents, the king and queen. Yet despite that, he keeps to himself the true Dohyun, the carefree and curious soul that's usually hidden away. One peculiar night a group of trained warriors secretly approached Prince Dohyun, along with a secret code only he and one other knew of. Setting out for somewhere safe claiming that his life was in danger, Dohyun agrees to their terms and crosses upon a deeper plight- someone wanted him dead. As they try to solve this mystery, Dohyun’s relationship with the leader of these warriors slowly begins to grow by the day- from the get go, he couldn’t shake off the familiarity and feeling of comfort of this person. The newfound friendship gives Dohyun a sense of hope but the circumstances he comes to face are far more than he could have ever expected. Can he take the consequences of his actions or does he give into the predetermined fate of his birth?

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22 Chs

Chapter 13 - Endless Dead Ends (part 2)

Back at Dohyun's residence.

Dohyun laid in his bed while on the other side of the paper divider, Jaeyong laid on the bamboo mat that he insisted sleeping on, he wouldn't share the comfy bedding of the prince and Dohyun felt like he shouldn't force him, in the end he had Minhye bring Jaeyong a bamboo mat and other bedding.

It had been long since they returned from the bathing area, though they were supposedly sleeping, thoughts from earlier kept reminiscing through his mind. The image of Jaeyong's upper body void of clothing appearing every now and then.

He rolled around some more until a particular scene played out. It was when he asked Jaeyong what he thought about him.

"Dohyun-ah is pretty."

Dohyun was startled, he thought Jaeyong would mention his physique or posture, he could feel his face heating up so he cooly played it off laughing as he said, "Hahaha hyung, I'm not a lady, why would you call me pretty...hahaha."

Jaeyong seemed to have realized what he had said, "I- I meant his highness has a good face, and body, and… everything about his highness is good."

Dohyun found his honesty way too funny and bent over laughing, "Hyung, you don't have to flatter me that much hahaha."

It was indeed something to see Jaeyong act so bashfully but it was also equally dangerous. If he kept reacting in such a way, what would the other think of him? His body and face react too quickly to anything slightly intimate… Perhaps he should behave himself.

It was already very late and he didn't want to wake Jaeyong up if he was already asleep so he spoke in a quiet voice, "Hyung are you still up?"

Seconds later the now familiar low and gentle voice of Jaeyong replied, "Yeah."

Dohyun, "What's the outside like during Dano?"

A few seconds later Jaeyong replied, "I… don't know."

Dohyun, "You've also never seen what the people do during Dano?"

It was understandable for Dohyun to not know what festivities the people of the kingdom enjoy during the spring festival since they have ceremonies and rituals to do within the palace the whole day, but for someone who's lived outside, it would be a bit weird for him not to know.

"Actually, once before I entered training. My memories of that time are blurry but I can remember swinging from a large tree." His voice resembled that of speaking of beautiful yet sorrowful memories, memories he had long hidden away.

"His highness has never been?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, the palace has already made it a tradition to complete the spring rituals and ceremonies." Dohyun said, there were many responsibilities to be sure of before one could rest.

The next morning, on the fifth day of the fifth month.

As soon as the sky had the slightest bit of light, three knocks sounded from the door, followed by the familiar voice of Seung Hyun-Ki, "Your highness, preparations for the spring festival ceremonies will begin shortly."

With that, Dohyun rose from his bed, he looked over to the other side to see that Jaeyong had already put his bedding away and was not present in the room, where had he gone so early?

The rest of the day passed slowly, in the morning the princes had their hair washed with iris water as part of tradition and during the banquet they ate herring soup as the main dish. Rituals followed in the afternoon in the main and largest courtyard and dancers performed and entertained.

The king was seated in the center at the top, governing over the crowd, his royal robes depicted with golden symbols of magnificent dragons, beside him the queen, her hair adorned with extravagant hair pins made of jade, gold, and silver; and below them the crown prince.

Adjacent to the crown prince sat all the other princes. Opposite to them were the officials from the three main offices. The office of the inspector general which was composed of around thirty officials, office of censors that was composed of five officials, and the office of special advisers which included the scholars and historians though only those of high rank had the right to attend the royal banquet.

It was a special occasion commemorating the start of the season as well as honoring their ancestors. Junwoo was closest to him, seated at his right, Junwoo took importance celebrating these events and paid attention to what was going on, leaving Dohyun with no one to really chat with.

He looked to the far end of his side and saw Hajoon and Yejoon's heads dipping every so often only to be scolded by Sanghoon not to fall asleep. Like that, he sat there until the last words had been spoken and the last gifts opened by the king. By then it had reached twilight.

After bidding his farewell to his brothers and masters, he walked back to his residence, upon opening the door, there sat a person clad in black, his face traced with a hint of eagerness and nervousness.

"Hyung, you're back, you left so early this morning, where did you go?" Dohyun asked, stepping in, closing the doors behind him.

"There was just something I was looking for around in the capital… Last night… you mentioned you've never seen how others celebrate the spring festival", he said curiously.

"Same with you right?" Dohyun replied.

Jaeyong nodded, then said afterwards, "I think I know a way your highness could experience it… That is if you want to."

"Really? Well then, lead the way", Dohyun enthusiastically replied.

An incense time later, Dohyun stood in front of the mirror examining the new set of clothes he was wearing, it was a set of pale green clothes with a matching outer robe, a disguise to conceal himself as a commoner.

"Perfect", he said facing Jaeyong, "What do you think?"

"I'm glad it fits well", Jaeyong said while handing him a gat to complete the look.

Jaeyong mapped out how they could leave through behind the palace walls while the royal guards were patrolling elsewhere and well, no one would recognize his highness but wearing the gat would also help hide his face, he made sure to buy a slightly bigger hat so that it would work better.

He also planned in advance and bought a good quality common outfit for Dohyun to blend in with the crowd, with the quality and design of his usual robes, he would be recognized almost instantly.

Dohyun played along but found it funny, like acquiring a newly found playmate. Little did Jaeyong know, he himself was a master of escape from the palace walls.

Once again, Jaeyong led him, effectively avoiding the palace guards and making out through the back of the palace walls, they were quite high but not enough for them not to be able to jump over, with a little struggle, they made it.

Once they were far enough from the palace they started walking slower, taking in the scenery. The Golden Capital was buzzing with people at all corners but unlike during the day, everyone was much more relaxed and ecstatic. Children ran through the streets, playing their games, while the elders enjoyed themselves with conversations, in restaurants, liquor shops, basically every shop had people laughing and enjoying time inside and out.

On the road were street performers, giving their all as people tossed coins and cheered them on.

It was all much more different from the activities held at the royal palace, much more interesting and fun. Dohyun broke into a huge smile and looked at Jaeyong, it was a first for both of them, and he planned to make the most of tonight. "Hyung, lets try everything!"

Jaeyong slightly chuckled and said, "Yeah."

Just as Dohyun said, they did try almost everything. They watched the street performers, listened to spoken poetry being recited at a small bookshop, ate rice cakes packed with herbs, and walked all around admiring the liveliness of the capital.

When they had passed a large group of people forming a circle, they both peaked in to see what was happening in the middle. A group of young men were participating in ssireum and the noise of the crowd was mostly generated by the young women cheering their picks on, as the wrestlers did their best to outdo their opponents and impress the young ladies.

Dohyun joked at Jaeyong saying he could probably take them out in under a minute earning a scoff from him, it was totally worth-it!

Later on, they drifted farther away from the main center of all the activities to further out with lesser people. As they walked they happened to stumble upon one of the bridges that curved over the water, vendors stood on each side and people passed enjoying the view. Dohyun took the lead walking the bridge, he stopped in the middle near an old vendor sitting on a small wooden chair. "Fans, fans everyone, tonight I sell at a discounted price!" She announced to the people passing.

Fans? Is that a thing? Dohyun thought.

He walked over to the vendor, Jaeyong following behind him. He asked the vendor, "Excuse me, throughout the night I have seen people exchanging fans here and there, is there any important significance for them tonight?"

The old woman looked at him for a moment before saying, "Oh my, someone surely needs to keep up with traditions…"

Dohyun didn't know how to respond, he felt sort of silly for not knowing what seemed to be a thing of common knowledge, seeing that he actually had no clue, the woman proceeded, "It is tradition to gift others with fans during the first night of the spring festival, it seems like you haven't bought any I assume, come take a look at my personally crafted folding fans."

She lifted a small cloth revealing even more delicately crafted paper folding fans, they were of all colors ranging from white to black, and had different designs and elements. Dohyun's hand lightly drifted along the variety of fans stopping over a black one that had a small blue tassel hanging from the end. He picked it up and marveled over the same blue colored designs of clouds covering the fan.

He held it higher as he faced Jaeyong, "Hyung, do you like it?" Jaeyong nodded his head agreeing that it did have a nice design.

"I'll take this one", Dohyun said to the vendor handing over a silver coin.

"Here hyung", he said handing it over to Jaeyong, "For me?" he said slightly shocked, that was why he asked him if he liked it?

Dohyun nodded his head and handed it to him, who else was he going to give it to, if he gave it to his brothers they wouldn't understand the meaning behind it and he could expose himself for leaving the palace without giving notice.

The lady chuckled beside them, "What a cute pair of brothers" she said.

But they weren't brothers! They both exchanged a look but it would be better to just let her think whatever she wanted.

Looking at Jaeyong she said, "Your brother just gifted you a fan, you should do the same."

Jaeyong was still recovering but managed to shake his head, slowly he pulled out a similar white fan with a light gray tassel hanging from it saying, "I already bought one earlier", with that he handed it to Dohyun.

It was now his fair turn to be surprised, he hadn't thought that Jaeyong would think of this kind of thing, even more, that he would pick out one in advance. For some reason, it made his heart flutter ever so lightly.

He accepted the small white fan and opened it revealing a similar white background but in the center were two fluffy white spheres breaking off into what was supposedly the sky. They were dandelions carefully illustrated as if someone was blowing on them, the image pulled at his heartstrings, he carefully ran his fingers over it, caressing the beautiful craftsmanship.

Jaeyong's voice nervously spoke, "Do you like it?"

Did he like it?

Dohyun fiercely nodded his head, "I love it hyung, it's truly beautiful." His voice dripped in enthusiasm and glee.

Jaeyong coughed a bit and looked sideways, just then an ear piercing scream came from the other side of the bridge followed by a series of gasps from the surrounding people.

Instantly alarmed, Jaeyong instinctively moved closer to Dohyun before the other took off walking in the direction where the problem seemed to be centered. As they reached the other side a large crowd had already formed a circle and they slowly pushed their way in.

He noticed the women turned their heads and closed their eyes moving away from the scene leaving mostly men in the crowd. Jaeyong walked in front of him as they came to a halt to the sight before them.

In a small shed used for storing hay, two bodies dangled from the ceiling, lifeless and void of any emotion. Suicide.

A man and a woman's body were both suspended by ropes and a young maiden who was now collapsed on the ground, her hands covering her mouth from the shock, Dohyun bent down near her and asked if she was okay, she only slightly nodded her head. He then asked her if she knew them to which she shook her head.

Jaehyun had already walked up closer to the couple and examined their state; they were both long dead. His eyes focused on something before he turned around to Dohyun grabbing him by the arm, "let's go", he stated before pulling him out of the crowd.

Seconds later, the royal guards who had been informed arrived on their horses, they did their best to calm the crowd as Dohyun and Jaeyong observed from afar. "What's wrong?" Dohyun asked, unsure of why Jaeyong dragged him away from the crowd.

"Something was off", Jaeyong said, "I don't think it was a suicide."

Dohyun, "What do you mean?" he asked, rather disoriented.

"The step, if you looked closely you would be able to tell it was far to little for the woman to have reached the rope from standing on it, unless the man forced her with him but that wouldn't be likely considering the amount of people around, someone would have noticed or heard if she cried for help." Jaeyong looked back at the crowd, "I'm not sure but something felt off about the whole thing, from the way they were positioned to the bruises on their wrists."

If he didn't feel good about the situation then Dohyun would listen, he said shortly after, "We should go back and inform Byung Ho and Minhye, it'd be easier for them to get a full description of what happened since they're royal guards."

With that the two of them hastily made it back to the palace. Upon arriving at Dohyun's residence, two people were already standing inside, their arms crossed against their chests and were equally frowning in disappointment.

Minhye spoke, "I win, you owe me five bags of silver", he said facing Byung Ho to which his face scrunched up as he let out a huff.

"Win what?" Dohyun asked.

"Oh, we made a bet that you snuck out again. Mine was that you brought him along with you, his was that you left alone", Minhye nonchalantly replied.

Byung Ho muttered under his breath, "We knew you would sneak out but you really had to bring that guy."

"You sneak out often?" Jaeyong spoked from behind him,

Dohyun wryly smiled, "That's another story…"

Schooling his expression, he said, "Right now, I need you guys to do something for me."

Seated around the usual rectangular table, Dohyun explained their experience to the two, instructing them to bring a full report as soon as possible.

Byung Ho, "So you're telling us this just because that guy had a few weird feelings from it? Who knows, it might have just freaked him out."

Dohyun sighed giving him an annoyed expression, Byung Ho quickly added.

"Since you really insist then I'll get it for you."

Minhye, "It does sound like something to take note of… I'll look into it as well."

Dohyun gave him a small smile, "Thanks, for now you two should return to your quarters, it's been a long day."

It had indeed been a long day, Dohyun was exhausted from everything that had happened today. The palace traditions had already drained most of his energy and the shock from the earlier event lingered in his mind, but thankfully, someone added a new aspect to the usual boring day of his on the fifth day of the fifth month.

That night he lay down to sleep, he pulled out the delicate folding fan that he had previously tucked into his inner robes. Spreading it out, he held it towards the area in his room where the moonlight seeped in. The effect made it look like the drawings on the front were glowing, later on he dreamt of a time from his childhood.

"Master, is it true that they will grow all over if I blow it here?" Young Dohyun said to the Master who was rubbing the side of his head.

"Yes, your highness, though I do not understand why you'd want to fill your backyard with weeds…"

"They're not weeds Master Seo! I told you they are magical flowers that will grant your wishes if you blow on them." Dohyun corrected him while intently looking at the small fluffy white sphere he held in his hands.

Since he wasn't allowed to go out, he begged Master Seo to find him one outside the palace.

He wanted to make a wish but after coincidentally hearing his master mumble about how it will grow all over the place, he would risk his wish to grow more.

And like that, a small patch of dandelions grew in his backyard.