
Grand Magus

Someone transmigrated into the body of a noble that was on his way to become a Magi. His only keepsake, an AI-Chip that had the ability to calculate and store information. Thus, follow the journey of Fraser Rosethorn. Author Note: Hiatus until the Year 2020. Be Patience and be Excited for the upcoming Year. Yay. Every week one chapter. :). Links: Discord(due to an event 11.03.2020) https://discord.gg/VhEXNXg Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzRm4Vucs2tKj0RUfAj_8Qw Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeLongChen Instagramm: https://www.instagram.com/mike_long_chen_/?hl=de Sites where my novels can be found: Webnovel on the Username: Vajira Royalroad on the Username: quebooks If you've read this far then I wish you a wonderful day/week/month/year/ or a wonderful life depending on if you ever visit this site again. "I am a somebody with a name that shall be part of your world and with my written words I will feed your imagination and thus enrichen your life" ~ Quote by UniqueBooks

Vajira · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 17 Selling a Potion (2)

Fraser naturally didn't followed the fatty into the shop. After all it didn't seemed safe for Fraser to walk further into the shop.

Instead he waited in front of the window for a while before shaking his head inwardly.

'There is no way for me to look into what fatty is doing. Maybe he is giving my basic explosion potion to someone in order to study it. The highest possibility is that fatty is using my basic explosion potion in order to prove if my potion is useable.'

With that thought Fraser walked back towards his Chamber and continued his hermit lifestyle of meditating, training in the Basic Knight Breathing Technique and creating basic explosion potions.

Often times Fraser would sell a purposely created white-grey basic explosion potion to the fatty. Only a few times would he sell a white colored one.

In order to be average Fraser even asked Nicholas what the average success percentage of creating basic potion was. Of course Fraser didn't asked directly and asked when there would be no suspicion, in other words when it wouldn't garner that much attention.

The success rate astonished Fraser as most Alchemist would have a successfully created basic potion of 50%. Though that was really low if the Alchemist was familiar with the recipe and most had a success rate of 80-90%.

This allowed Fraser to sell most of his successfully created potions to the fatty which gave him 4 magic crystals for a white colored basic explosion potion or 3 magic crystals for a white-grey colored one.

Naturally fatty didn't gave him the market price, instead he gave him one magic crystals less compared to the selling price. Since the shop had to earn magic crystals as well.

Fraser didn't care about that one magic crystal he would lose per sold potion as he had the highest profit percentage and didn't wanted to bother with selling.

Instead he continued to buy black fire eggs and created more basic explosion potions in order to earn more magic crystals.

With the blink of an eye three months passed since Fraser entered the Howling Abyss Academy. He could hear from the few discussion he had with Adrian, Nicholas and Elise that another batch of new students would enter the academy.

But that didn't mattered for Fraser, he sold the average amount of basic explosion potions an Alchemist on his Level could create (An overzealous Alchemist who only brewed Potions) and earned 300 magic crystals.

Naturally Fraser still had a couple of dozens basic explosions in his own pocket. He also found time to test his basic explosion in a private testing room for spells. Though the room had costed him 1 magic crystals every hour it was worth.

The basic explosion potion had a solid explosion range and power. It's a decent trump card for many lower leveled Apprentices, including Fraser who still had no spell model formed.

The explosion could probably hurt everyone in a decent sized room.

Also, the basic explosion potion is rather easy to use. Just throw it and as soon as the small flask breaks the explosion will appear.

That wasn't the only method to use the potion. Talking with Nicholas opened many doors for Fraser, including to activate his potions with his will.

It needed the same principle as marking the notes on the task boards: Marking something with your spirit. Then with your will you can activate the explosion from the potion.

"Hey Fraser, why are you hiding in your Chamber all day long. Enjoy life a little bit. I got invited to a party, want to come with me?" asked Adrian as the four students of Magus Sept met in the inner Chambers of Magus Sept.

"Yeah, you should enjoy life a little bit more. I know that as Alchemist we have to strive to create better potions but since you are already able to create one potion you can earn magic crystals with ease." said Nicholas, agreeing with Adrian.

It happened almost in every discussion after Adrian, Nicholas and Elise got to know Fraser. One of the boys would invite him to a party or a social gathering and then Fraser would decline it.

"No, I am rather busy lately. Besides I heard that the next batch of students arrived. I don't want that they will surpass me." declined Fraser once again, this time with the excuse of not wanting that his juniors surpass him.

"It will be a miracle if Fraser ever decides to go to a social gathering. Just look how antisocial he is. I don't care how much you hate social gathering but in one month I will celebrate my birthday. I hope that you three can attend my birthday party. Including you Fraser." said Elise with an annoyed tone, the last part with a threatening voice.

Adrian and Nicholas agreed with a smile before looking at Fraser who had to agree in order to not threaten the relationship between him and the three senior students.

Sitting in his Chamber on his bed Fraser thought about his next moves.

'I have 300 magic crystals which I earned from selling my basic explosion potions. My trump card in case I need to defend myself are three dozen of basic explosion potion. I will probably have to start buying spell models in order to learn one spell. The advice from Adrian, Nicholas and Elise was that one should only learn one spell model at Apprentice Level 2 and learn three at Apprentice Level 3. Thus the first spell models is rather important. Tomorrow I have to buy a few spell models from the Academy. I hope that they are not too expensive. I heard the cheapest spell models costs ten magic crystals.'

After eating his dinner which consisted of a huge pot of stew and an entire loaf of bread Fraser started to meditate.

'Before I meditate, AI is there an answer on how the meditation works? How does it increase my spirit and is there enough data to know why I am able to feel these particles in the air?'

[Data resulted in a possible of Spirit "training", the same training as physical muscles with weights. There is a possibility that the spirit weight doesn't increase with the spirit as there is a small loss in increase in spirit with every meditation]

'So it's something that is like the Basic Knight Breathing Technique. The Knight Technique still increases my attributes yet it's rather slow and I need to put more effort in it in order to achieve the same results when I started in it. AI show me my Body stats.'

[6.54 strength, 6.72 agility, 6.51 vitality, 2.79/2.79 spirit]

'It seems that the number 7 is the bottleneck which I am moving towards. Sadly I don't have the next part of the Basic Knight Breathing technique which should allow me to have inhuman strength. However my strength right now can easily be compared to a full grown man who trains daily with rather heavy weights.'

Closing his eyes and relaxing himself Fraser stopped thinking about his knight bottleneck and concentrated on the meditation. However, there was a lingering feeling of excitement as tomorrow he would go and buy his first spell model.

Updated it rather late, I am really sad that I get easily distracted by other good Storys and immerse myself into them. I am not sure if I will ever be able to create a stockpile of chapters. It seems such an illusion which will never be possible.

Vajiracreators' thoughts