
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 35(demon knights skills,swamp lizard re-emerging after thousands of years(II)

his movement where instantaneous and unreadable

to Silvia and Amon it was similar to teleportation

but to eslot who has already activated his ability,it was much scarier

'its just basic movement.... he's just walking, really, really fast... he's so fast it's appears as though he's disappearing to the normal eyes...' eslot thought

'is he teleporting???!!' Silvia also thought at same time

'you can see him moving yet your brain simply refuses to accept' amon though

all this happened in same instant,

stomping down with so much power Even the air became devoid in the area underneath his feets,heat generated by the force alone started melting the plastic accessories on veg's body, veg armor didn't even have enough time to activate

BUT that wasn't the last we would here of veg,(as the plot armor insurance was still active for veg)

a giant green tale suddenly swung from an unknown location, hitting the demon knight so fast and so hard he was thrown over a mile into the sky, vanishing into the masma fog and masma clouds

everyone on the scene looked at the giant tale in awe, following from it's tip to the body and then finally the head of the strangely majestic creature

it was a giant lizard, colored green with scales as speckling as diamonds, arms as thick as ancient tree's,it's dorsal crest of spine where made of lemon colored transparent crystal's, its head was crowned with those lemon crystal's

it's slitted eyes spoke of beauty of its reptilian descent, it's has pertains and runes in its eyes, which are in the size of small and tinny little beans(note: just to describe how small there are I have to use three words with literally the same meaning)

at the end of it's claws were another set of runes which would once in a while glow with green and lemon light,

this runes where know as

–nature bestowal– a rare type of rune which are almost if not completely impossible to replicate by mortals,a gift from nature to all those she deemed worthy

it's belly was scaled with pinked colored diamond like scales

all it's actions holds elegance and beauty,power yet natural

[that's....that is the Lord swamp lizard...]

"are you sure? the swamp lizard was recorded to have disappeared before the fall of the cocolola tribe? and are they not supposed to be swampy and have....you know swampy odor and bad appearance" Amon said remembering the data he read on emz's

-historical events and unknown-

[....I know what I'm seeing, Even if Lord swamp lizard is left only with bones from ages old....I would easily identify him....] the chief started

[but you're right it's appearance did change....even if a long time has past shouldn't he be looking old? why is he looking more younger and even wearing natural endowment] he added

the creature looked at Amon briefly then at the dagger, afterwards looked at the sky again...no longer paying attention to them

"hohohoho....what's this?a nature lord?" the voice of the demon knight

cup of bloodfest,evgert sounded even more gruesome to the ears of those present as the pressure suddenly increased again forcing Amon and the other on their knees once more, whiles vomiting blood, but those who were already passed out vomited even more blood than those awake

there was a flash of light, followed by a streak which aimed at the swamp lizard who didn't even spend much effort dodging it as she rolled to the left

another group of streak of lights came raining down almost pining the swamp lizard down but everytime he would dodge by a small maneuver

in the next moment the clouds formed by masma parted ways allowing for evgert to zoom past with his unreasonable speed,his right hand formed a claw, which moved forward like a spear aiming directly at the right eye of the giant lizard...

yet the lizard was even more unreasonable; sending it's tail at speed over 30% faster than that of the demon Knight's allowing him to instantly send the demon knight flighting once more

but truly as the saying goes;.

when two elephant battle's....the ground is the one whom pays the price

the entire surrounding was destroyed....the ground scorched and shattered from impact,the environmental tree's demolished from the shockwave even the smaller lifeforms which manage to escape the blood rain died from the shockwaves

luckily the swamp lizard throwed the demon knight further from them before the fight started,be it on purpose or coincidence

"wooow.....if they had fought here we would have surely died" Silvia said without much thoughts

" oh really???...I never thought of that" Amon said with unhidden sarcasm

"hehehe..." eslot just laughed quietly and foolishly as the situation is one he can control anymore

but that doesn't mean he is giving up on life....

"young master,miss....do you guys perhaps have any backup healing potions?" he asked

"I was planning on giving them to you before the tremors started" saying so Amon look at Silvia,she nodded

they both took out their healing potions and stamina one's