
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 33(demon knight,sir emz demolishing the demon baron projects from outside the world)

immediately after the demonic being said that the other felt cold brazee passing by

'its only a projection!!!!!,not even it's real body!!!!!!!????' eslot cried out in his mind

while ovec directly passed out from mental stress,the information instantly made him loss control of his breathing and mental techniques causing them to loss effects or even causing him slight damage

Silvia was the most calm for she felt no pressure nor understood the meaning behind astral projection

but that didn't mean her mood was any better as she knew from seeing ovec pass out, that it wasn't going to be easy

"Lord once more I thank you for letting I, your left hand

cup of bloodfest evgert to enjoy such a lovely fest" he spoke with a blissful face yet eyes filled with malice and cruelty as he eyed Amon and the other

"don't worry although I can not truly enter this realm currently,I would activate my left eyes so I can enjoy your artwork to the fullest extent.....

but do not forget the main reason you're here,this is a very important mission do not forget yourself in blood and leave out thoughts for the mission" after saying so the demon baron was struck by a massive stream of black lightning, forcing his projection to howl out in pain and fright

"this-this is...THIS IS THE LIGHTNING OF..ONE WHO CALLS---" before he could finish he was struck again but this time he blocked it with a giant axe and great sword which he took from who knows where

"HOW DARE YOU YOU....ARE NOT EVEN IN THIS PLANE WHY HAVE YOU CHOSEN TO ATTACK ME!!!!????" the baron roared with hatred but before he could say another word

he was struck at the middle of his chest by a needle sized spear created by an unreasonable amount of lightning elements and manufactured by fine magic spell

the moment before the spear touched him he was frantically trying to run back into the rift at the same time cut his connection with the astral projection

but to bad for him, he got hit anyway with the spear not only demolishing his entire body but also destroying the rift in space and allowing the world to repair itself

"""Sir emz....!!!!""" all three of them called out with joy

yet before the rift could close the voice of the demon baron sounded

"my left hand..fear not the being who owns this lightning, as he hasn't arrived yet....this is my order and decree with my authority as your lord and master,kill all those humans,LET NONE LIVE"

the voice constantly sounded in the surrounding space with that a black blood transparent chain on black flames appeared and ties itself around the demons neck afterwards disappeared as it appeared,seen only by the demon itself

this was a cold-blooded and merciless form of master and servant relationship, much more worster than slave contract magic used by human traffickers

nicknamed by all the realms as the "soul selling contract" which originate from the evil realm

people in this form of binding would find it hard to escape even after death the master could still call the soul and spirit of his servant forcing them not to reincarnate or directly ending their souls

as soon as the chain disappeared the space above inbetween the eyebrows, a small crack form and blood started flowing from it then it opened and an eyeball revealed itself underneath

the eye was exactly same as that of the demon baron

the demon who called himself evgert spoke while bowing slightly

"my name is cup of bloodfest evgert, a demon knight and the second in command of my Lord"

"why ain't you running away? you should know by now that the being who sent your master fly in on his way here.....it's best if you run,don't just blindly follow your masters Grievous and hateful order...don't you have a survival instinct?" Silvia said with her childish yet beautiful voice

it was understandable she didn't know nor understand anything about restriction spells nor did she see it

"you know.....we can help you free yourself from any restrictions spells placed on you by the demon baron " although amon also didn't know about the soul selling contract,he could easily tell from the action and behavior of the demon knight that it was under the influence and oppression of a restricted or contract

"oh? really...how are you going to do that?" the demon knight looked at them with interest believing itself victorious no matter what tricks they try pulling off

"we....my father is a baron at the white dragon empire,we have a rune scribe who is at the level of above first grade experts,I believe he can remove any restrictions on you" amon said with haste, trying his possible hardest to convince the demon knight

"ho-oh, that sounds wonderful I've always wanted to see a human rune scribe...." saying that not only did he give hope to them for a chance of survival but he also reduced the adrenaline flow to their brains

causing them to relax more even though it's just 10-15% relaxation,it caused them to have more breathing space and more time to organize their thoughts