
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 13(creepy sight and a mysterious dagger)

and so has the silent amon,after witnessing the power which was absent in his past life in play of the hands of a powerful being

"but sir emz.... those attacks looked like they required a lot of mana,are you okay?" amon finally broke his silence out of concern for emz

"you don't have to worry,when someone has reached my level of power and understanding of the world, creating attack and effect like that is a natural reaction of the world not mine,so yes I didn't was much mana"emz said

"okay..." Amon said while relaxing

another hour later there arrived at their destination

in front of them was a small formation of mountain ranges and peaks

,below the mountains and peaks were forest of giant trees,and there were very massive

at the very front of the formation,laid the renowned waterfall,it's waters reflection the sun's light which give it a beautiful effect, people say it's more beautiful by the full moon as moonlight gives a much calmer effect

below the waterfall was a small spring flowing continually in the direction of the vanishing star; glim

this entire map coming together forms the place, people know as

the {Mystic Falls Of Itia}

"it's beautiful.." Silvia said with awe

"yes...yes it is"Amon agreed but for an entire deferent reason

"alright,we'll be stopping below the right sky peak "emz spoke to the communicator which is connected to the extop

[affirmative] the leader of the small squadron replied

after landing, and getting of the extop

Amon asked a question on his mind

" sir emz, what exactly are we exploring?".

Silvia Also turned with interest and so did the guard for deferent reason entirely

Silvia because she thought it was for the Mystic Falls Of Itia

the guards because after witnessing the strength of this scholar/tutor they had come to a conclusion that he's no ordinary scholar

"it's good you catch on pretty quickly..'' pausing briefly,the resuming

"we are here to explore a small ancient site....the ancestral site of the cocalola tribe...which are a tribe of private and primitive people who believe in the swamp lizard of the mouk swamp,in a relationship of protector and tributaries,they came together at approximately 15 thousand years ago and disappeared 5 thousand years after,no one truly knows what happens to them some say they died from natural sickness and some say the swamp lizard ate them because of the faming in this parts by that time" emz said

"then what happened to the swamp lizard?"Silva ask what was on everyone's mind

"no one knows" emz finished speaking and proceeded to start moving

a guard hide all the extops and pigeon griffins in a artificially made cave and proceed to use a semicolon object to erase it's exist from point of notice

everyone began moving after emz

after walking for a while there left the range of the waterfall's,and arrived at a swamped area hideaway by a massive tree, at the very bottom of the tree a small opening was located it's was already covered by vines and earth, this is or more specifically was the hideout of the cocalola people

"what a obviously hidden place" one of the guards mocked

"at that time it was truly hidden,and the swamp lizard is the guardian of this place,no other tribes would dare come close, except they bring their own guardian..."

"but even then they would still have to retreat as the swamp lizard is 20-30% stronger in its territory but an entirely different story can be said for the other tribes guardian as the would probably be weakened by 10-15% at a unknown territory" emz educated them of the reason for the obvious hideout

Amon was impressed by the ancient civilizations means and was more interested in their lifestyle and hideout

"but that place looks dirty....very, very dirty....."Silvia kept mumbling to herself

looking at her and remember she has OCD and GERMOPHOBIA

"you don't have to come if you don't want to,the guards would stay with you and ensure your safety till we return, okay?" Amon spoke with a soft voice, trying to comfort her

"NO! I am young masters maid and it's my duty to accompany you to we're you go"Silvia said with resolve

"okayyyy?let's go" amon didn't insist on the Matter, instead transfer his attention to the hideout

emz slowly walk towards the entrance,the closer he gets to the entrance vine and other obstacles across the way would be vaporize without cause

'is this him trying to flex his strength,or is this how strong people normally are' amon complained

but what await him was something entirely cliche but on expected


in a room, deep inside the hideout,was a fear threatening sight...

at every direction one could look at,you would find standing human skeleton, each one holding a old and rusted crude weapon and all of them aimed their weapons towards one skeleton who was standing on what seemed to be an altar made crudely with dark bones and other material,the skeleton was holding a Jambiya style dagger,on its body were blue veins which would occasionally