

The four Servants took their seat at a table in a small office that the top officers, all four of them. of Chaldea had recently used, Ainz himself stood at the head of the table. He would also like to sit down, to be honest, but could not do so for a very specific reason.

'How long does she plan to mangle my hand?' Ainz thoughtfully tried to move his hand, currently being squeezed by Serenity as if she was a vice, then turned his eyes to the Servants who sat down on the seats besides the table provided to them, then to Mashu who is also sitting next to them and, just in case, to Roman and Olga-Marie. In other words besides Da Vinci who was currently engaged in her own business in the workshop, at the moment, all the people who had any significant ability to solve anything on the scale of the incident, humanity's extinction, were present in the room.

There was plenty of room for everyone but the girl, Hassan of Serenity, whose mask was currently taken off and dangling on her belt as if she had not seen it, instead continuing to stand next to Ainz. Wrapping his arms with her arms, as if it was a matter of course, continuing to observe all those present attentively.

'Of course, I know that children love to show their affection by cuddling...' At this moment Ainz fidgeted inwardly. 'But she realizes that she is not quite... A child?'.

The inner suppression of emotions, currently active thanks to Ainz's decision did not give him the opportunity to feel any excessively strong feelings, such as arousal, but he still could not completely suppress some interest in the girl. Because of this Ainz, aware of his feelings, continued to unconsciously respond to the hugs of Serenity.

'She is sixteen...' Ainz sighed at that moment. After all he , in the past world, could well have had a daughter her age.

However, Serenity was most likely simply not aware of her actions, continuing to embrace the hand of her Master. Carefully staring at the people around her Master as if they were the one behaving strangely.

'Or is it all thanks to my new body ?' Ainz looked thoughtfully at his reflection in one of the mirrors hanging on the wall, to find his young, beautiful, athletic, black-haired and blue-eyed body. 'As I thought, I should get a more mature adult body...'

"Khm" In the end after everyone else managed to take their places, with Serenity still holding on to the hand of the silent Ainz, Dr. Roman drew the attention of all present with a cough. Serenity also turned her attentive gaze on the man, not letting go of her Master. However, Romani did not start a conversation, but with a glance subtly suggested to Ainz that he should be the one to start the briefing.

'Of course, I am the Master after all.' - Ainz internally sighed. 'It can be said that in this case I am the head of the department who has just gathered a lot of new people to my team. In this case, I have to greet them, set clear goals for them, create a friendly atmosphere and immediately draw their attention and interest to their work. In this case…'

"Humanity was destroyed." The very first words that came out of Ainz mouth was as if a bomb had exploded in the conference hall, forcing all Servants to instantly show a surprised, interested and even disbelieving glance at their new Master. Even Serenity, who is continuing to hold Ainz's hand in captivity, looked at him with interest.

"So, humanity was destroyed." to consolidate the statement Ainz repeated the news again, after which he internally patted himself on the back. After that he was able to unequivocally capture their attention. Now it is necessary to explain to them who he is, where they were and what their future work will be.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown and I am currently your Master. I hope we will get along." Ainz bowed, which unfortunately turned out quite crumpled because of Serenity, who continued to hang onto the man's arm. "And this time you were summoned to the Chaldea Research Center. Some time ago, the center discovered the death of humanity in the future, during the unknown events of 2016, as well as a temporal anomaly that appeared in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki."

"Chaldea promptly planned to send several rapid response teams to the anomaly that arose, but due to the betrayal of one of the scientists-" At this moment Ainz noticed a twitch from Animusphere, after which Romani, who was sitting next to her, put his hand on the girls shoulder. "A lot of people died or fell into a coma, and by the time the new team - me, the director and a Servant - returned from the anomaly, humanity had already been destroyed, the remnants of civilization had been wiped off the face of the earth with its burned husks fire just fading."

After these words, Ainz fell silent. In general, it is possible that in these conditions it would be most appropriate if Animusphere herself continued the briefing. However for some strange reason, Ainz had to be the one to do this.

'Although maybe, in this case Animusphere is something like a big boss who simply does not hold briefings for too small an audience?' Ainz glanced at the girl. For a couple of seconds silence reigned in the hall before the first one to speak, Rider, spoke. "What can we do, Master?"

Ainz looked at the girl for the first time since her summoning , after which he carefully examine her appearance over. Her most prominent feature was of course her blindfold. A blindfold on her eyes, which covered not just her eyes, but also a decent part of her face. At first, it seemed to Ainz that the girl was dressed in an overtly risque outfit. However after taking a closer look at her, Ainz, came to the conclusion that her outfit was still overly erotic, but a little less than he initially thought. The light, airy, dress emphasized her figure in such a way that both the upper half of the girl's more than impressive breast and the long, high-boots-clad legs of the girl remained strikingly open, leaving little room for the observer's imagination. Considering that , at the same time, the girl wore long sleeves on her hands, tied with leather straps, as well as her long, gorgeous purple hair which nearly touched the floor. Ainz only had to wonder, if her dress was created by Peroroncino.

'Although, he preferred less adult girls...' Thoughtfully Ainz looked at the girl again. 'Besides that strange mark on her forehead...'

Even so, Ainz could not confidently answer this question on his own, so he returned his glance to Roman. He, in turn, slightly nudged Animusphere, who was sitting next to him, finally she started talking

"Khm," Drawing attention to herself, the girl looked around at all of those present, after which she concentrated her eyes on Ainz. "We can do practically nothing. However, you are..."

She paused for a second, carefully examining Ainz and then atSerenity who is stuck to him, looked around at all of those present. "After returning from the Fuyuki anomaly, we were able to find several new ones, the study of which we believe will reveal the cause of the disappearance of humanity..."

"In other words," Caster interrupted her quite rudely, almost swaying in his chair. "You have no concrete plan and are simply trying to do something ."

Having failed to pick up a decent counter-argument Animusphere was forced to admit that Caster was right. "Yes."

"Pf, unbelievable." Sighed Caster, then after swaying in his chair again leaned against the table. "But okay, so be it. Master, what's the plan?"

At that moment, Caster glanced at Ainz, and so he was forced to think. And again he was forced to decide on a course of action as if the other authority figures had nothing to do with it at all!

However, contrary to Ainz's thoughts , Animusphere earlier agreed with Roman and Da Vinci to not even try to command Ainz, instead, giving him as much freedom and opportunity as possible to independently determine his future plans.

'Well then, in that case what would a good and proper boss do...' - Ainz thought for a second before coming to a realization. 'Oh, yes, we didn't introduce ourselves!'

Rider, Caster - in fact, they were no more than the classes of the Servants. In other words, referring to each other as their classes was for them the same as using titles like a doctor or engineer referring to each other by it was not optimal.

"I suppose, first of all we need to introduce ourselves to each other." Ainz spoke first. "I am, as I have already said, am Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Hassan of Serenity," Ainz was instantly replied to by the girl hanging on his arm.

'Hassan... Hassan...' For a second Ainz thought about it, but he never got the opportunity to scratch his chin, due to the fact that the previously named Hassan did not move away from his hand. 'No, I don't remember any heroes with that name.'

Neither in Yggdrasil, nor from Tabula Smaragdina or from his other friends had he heard the mention of that name.

"Just like that huh? You want us to reveal our True Names to you?" Caster looked at Ainz, but before the master could think about his reaction, the boy shrugged. "Well, okay.I am Cu Chulainn."

At that moment, Ainz thoughts stopped for a second.

'Cu Chulainn!' The man responded to the words of the Servant internally, and then peered at him. 'He heave no resemblance at all!'.

Yggdrasil, the beloved Grail of Ainz, was a game that contained many different universes, ideas, both modern and classical, crafted by authors and creative designers. Besides, it was a game completely dedicated to the variability of its content, including those created by users. In such conditions, it was almost impossible to refrain from allowing the already well-known and famous mythological cliches and fantasy elements to enter the game. Because of which, next to the versions of vampires that existed as horrific monstrous creatures of nightmares created from disfigured bats, lamprey and giant mosquitoes, there were quite classic creatures of light like wood elves, gifted with magic and archery. In this case it was quite expected that the most famous of heroes and monsters of mythology would make their way into the game.

According to Tabula, who was devoted to the secrets of Celtic mythology as well as the secrets of all mythologies, Cu Chulainn was one of the most famous heroes of Ireland who became famous as a monster-hunter and a great warrior who once fought with the army of a whole country alone. Tabula knew more facts about the legendary hero Cu Chulainn, however there existed another Cu Chulainn in Yggdrasil, one of the main NPC teachers of factions and races allied to the "light" races and about this Cu Chulainn, Ainz could tell more than Tabula himself.

Among the human and allied races an entire group of special NPCs stood out, being "mentors" teaching some abilities and unlocking various classes, as well as giving out many starting quests and selling various supplies useful for players at the start of the game.

'Finding monster-friendly NPCs was an extremely difficult task...' Ainz remembers the good old days when he started his game as an undead. That was another of the many reasons why nobody wanted to play as heteromorphs...'

Most often such NPC teachers were quite strong, with high positive karma and a whole range of different strong abilities and very often they were targets for various quests by players who chose the path of evil.

Cu Chulainn was no exception, he was one of many NPC teachers, a man with classes like Magic Knight and Spearman and also a holder of a very high positive karma value, so if having detected any owner of negative karma, Cu Chulainn would instantly threw himself at them. Because of this, getting him out of the walls of the protected fortress was actually quite easy, because of which the quest for the murder of Cu Chulainn was one of the most favorite quests in the questline of "murder of heroes" necessary for the unlocking of powerful classes that depended on the negative karma abilities of players.

'If I remember correctly Ulbert somehow also fought with Cu Chulainn' Ainz thought, looking at the face of Caster who is before him from a new angle. 'But he didn't need it to unlock any classes. He simply decided that if he is the most terrifying demon, then he should destroy all the existing heroes himself. As a result, he once killed all the NPCs with the title of "hero", for which he gained access to a special class... '

In any case, in Yggdrasil, Cu Chulainn was an adult man with brown hair and extremely impressive muscles, an image that did not fit at all with the young, blue-haired man with sharp facial features who was sitting at the table now.

'Besides'' Ainz thought. 'Why was he summoned as a Caster?'

The Cu Chulainn of Yggdrasil was the owner of the "Magic Knight" class and one of the teachers who taught it, but first of all he was famous for his spear, Gae Bolg, which had a very high chance of triggering an instant kill effect with every attack and few special abilities, which divided the players into two camps - those who had no defense against the instant kill abilities, that complained that Cu Chulainn had unbalanced cheating abilities and those who had immunity, for example players of the undead race, that, in order to annoy the rest, complained that Cu Chulainn was too weak and clearly lacked strong abilities to become a worthy opponent.

'Although Ulbert simply did not remember his battle with Cu Chulainn' Ainz recalled several facts about his friend once again 'But, knowing him, he most likely just showered Cu Chulainn from afar with the most powerful spells and killed him before he had time to react.'

'Although, it seems, I remember that Caster complained about the absence of his spear before...' Ainz at that moment glanced at Cu Chulainn again. 'So, he was left without his main weapon... Hmm, interesting.'

Cu Chulainn at that moment, as if sensing Ainz's gaze, shrugged and stared back at him.

"Well, in that case." As if deciding to support the actions of the others, the next person to introduce himself was a man in a black cloak that hid his whole figure. Because of which it was impossible to reliably determine even his height and his face is covered in a mask that resembled a skull that hid Assassin's face,"Hassan of the Cursed Arm."

'Hassan again' Instantly switching from thinking about Cu Chulainn to the new Servant, Ainz thought, 'And still not somebody I've heard of either.'

But now somebody did react to the name, though not from Ainz himself, but from the girl stuck to the hand of the magi.

"Master Hassan," She bowed, for a brief moment even moving away from her Master, but when Ainz thought that he could get rid of the girl, she put his hand back into his arms. "It is an honor to meet you."

'So they know each other.' Ainz concluded obviously, after which he glanced at the man in the robe. 'I should find out more about this later.'

"Archer." The man who had been silent up to this point in the far corner of the table answered, after which he added- "Just Archer. I have no other name."

'Strange,' Thought Ainz. 'Did I manage to find some kind of nameless spirit?'

The man who sat in the farthest corner of the table, identified as Archer, was wearing a red cloak that hid his athletic figure and also possessed a gray hair, shaved in the simplest way. His expression was harsh and looked cold — but not angry, but rather like the look of a lonely man, resigned to his fate.

'Another unknown spirit, hmm...' Ainz looked thoughtfully at the man at the corner of the table. 'It seems that Cu Chulainn was the only one that is really important...'

"King Arthur." The words of the silent girl stunned Ainz. "Arthuria, to put it bluntly."

'King Arthur' - Ainz looked at the girl who was sitting not far from him. 'And again a girl as well. Hmm, Da Vinci too, for some strange reason was summoned as a girl...'

King Arthur , or Arthuria in this case, looked very peculiar. Instead of the white-blue-gold robes expected by Ainz, she was dressed in a black armor that covers the entire upper body of the girl. Her strange visor was lying on the table next to her arm covered in a gauntlet, while a cold gaze almost at the level of being 'evil' studied Ainz. In response to which Ainz studied the girl calmly.

Below the belt from the girl's armor, there was practically nothing left — only a huge, black dress that completely covered her hips and legs.

'I wonder-' thought Ainz. 'How will she react if I say that I killed her once before?'

Of course, in this case, Ainz did not mean Arthuria himself but King Arthur from Yggdrasil, whom he once killed during one of his raids on Camelot. Unlike many people, he did not have to kill King Arthur himself. He sought only to get into the Merlin's library and Arthur became an accidental victim, one they ran into while moving around the castle - but Ulbert later waited for Arthur's respawn and personally dealt with him. Although given the style of Ulbert's attacks, this battle was no different from his battle with Cu Chulainn.

'However, even considering that in this case she is a girl, her appearance... Not exactly the way I imagined her.' Ainz shook his head. No, of course the black armor and the evil look were not in themselves indicators of the negative karma of the Servant, but Cu Chulainn looked at the moment, much more heroic, as one of the 'good guys' should be.

"Medusa Gorgon." The girl that was the first to raise the question of the plans of Ainz and the Servants in these conditions finally introduced herself as the last one

'Medusa Gorgon...' Thought Ainz, 'Tabula once talked about her...'

Both medusa and gorgon were two possible races for the players, NPCs or monsters in Yggdrasil. But Ainz remembered how Tabula once complained to him that 'fantasy stereotypes got here too.' According to him, the medusa should not have been one of the lamia subspecies at all, and the gorgon should not have been monsters at all, because according to the mythology, the Medusa Gorgon existed as one race and was not a lamia, but simply a girl with snakes instead of hair.

Just in case, Ainz glanced at the hair of the girl sitting opposite him, but without noticing anything special about them, he looked away.

Medusa Gorgon in Yggdrasil was not created as a separate NPC, and according to Tabula, she should not have any relationship with either the medusa or the gorgon race.

'Although as far as I te remember Medusa Gorgon should have the ability to petrify with a glance. Ainz examined the blindfold on the girl's eyes from a new angle. 'Just like a catoblepas... My real body is immune to petrification, but I'm not sure about this puppet body. However as far as I remembered she herself also does not have protection against turning to stone, so that by reflecting her eyes into herself, it will be possible to paralyze her... It's not that I should think about doing it. "

"Doctor Roman." Eventually after each of the Servants introduced themselves in turn, the three representatives of Chaldea, who were present, also introduced themselves.

"Mashu Kyrielight, Shielder." The girl also introduced her class just in case, and then glanced at the last of those present who had not yet introduced themselves.

"Olga-Marie Animusphere." The girl who had remained silent, finally introduced herself. "Chief of Chaldea and the commander of the survivors."

"Commander, hmm..." Arthuria uttered quietly under her breath then glanced at Ainz again, as if judging him. Judging by her expression she was not impressed.

'Although with her gaze almost any of her emotions would look like hatred.' For a second Ainz wanted to pull the collar on his shirt. 'But if it were not for that, she would have looked even... Beautiful, I say.'

"I believe we have all introduced ourselves now." Eventually having come to a definite conclusion, the silent Medusa started speaking again. "In that case, even if we do not know what caused the disappearance of humanity, we need to act. How soon should we go, Master?"

"How soon?" Ainz tried not to answer the question, but when he saw that none of the Chaldea's representatives present were going to answer, he was forced to. "I suppose, in something like a week..."

"A week?!" To the surprise of Ainz those who reacted to his words turned out to be none of the newly summoned Servants, but Mashu, who was so silent before.

After the shout forced Ainz and those present to turn toward her, causing the girl to instantly be embarrassed by the attention paid to her and shut her mouth.

"Just... I mean..." As if the girl is trying to justify herself. "A whole week in such conditions..."

"Is it worth it to hurry?" The deep male voice sounded in response made Ainz look first at the silent Servant in the red coat, then at Cu Chulainn, then at Roman and only then at the strange figure in the robe. That voice just now, didn't fit with Hassan's appearance in Ainz mind. "As far as I am able to understand it, humanity has already been destroyed so we are not limited by time, since the worst has already happened. In this situation we must thoroughly prepare and take advantage of the chance given to us to gather our forces."

"Mmm..." Mashu sincerely wanted to object to the man, feeling a strong conflict in her soul because of her desire to fight the catastrophe but also understanding of the logic of the arguments given by the man. "Yes, but..."

"As it seems to me, the Assassin is right." Archer was the one to support the Assassin. "However I do not agree that we have no time limit. As I understand it, there is the Hell in the outside world right now. Master, what protects this place?"

Ainz turned his gaze to the Animusphere. She was still the real commander of Chaldea and should have known this much better than Ainz.

"The Chaldea Security Organization are powered by the main core." The girl finally answered.

"Okay." Archer nodded at those words. "How long will this resource last?"

"The Chaldeas shields have never been subjected to such stress before." The girl hesitantly added,and then sent another glance to Roman, who was sitting next to her.

'In a strange way, it resembles a hot potato game, when people who do not understand the question throw it over to each other...' Ainz shook his head to this thought.

"This information is completely theoretical, but according to our calculations the current workload of the Chaldea's core would be enough for a year of continuous work." Romani shook his head and looked at Ainz. "Maybe, should we find another source of power - a little bit more."

"In other words, we still have a deadline." summed up Archer. "One year."

"That is a lot of time." Cu Chulainn remarked about the obvious while rocking on his chair, forcing a few to look at him.

"However, this is not a reason not to use the time given to us to our fullest benefit." Was the answer from Medusa. "Perhaps the deadline of a week is not critical, but we definitely shouldn't spend more time than is necessary."

"Enough" As a result of this interjection the Servants' conversations were interrupted by the voice of Arthuria. For a second Ainz even became jealous of her tone and a little sad that Arthuria was able to call the Servants to order so easily.

'Hey, I'm your Master...' A stupid thought slipped through the mind of the undead.

"Why discuss how long it is necessary to wait? It is much more important to find out the reason why we need to wait so long?" Arthuria looked at Ainz who still stood with Serenity in an embrace. "Master?"

"Khm." Unfortunately Ainz no longer had the opportunity to postpone the answer to his colleagues and was forced to respond. "In a week, Da Vinci will be able to prepare me a new body that can withstand some of my strength so that I can go to the front line by myself."

"New body?" Medusa instantly responded.

"Yes," Ainz didn't plan to make a secret of what was said before, so he nodded. "The thing is, I am... A kind of a Servant as well. The body that I occupy now is a puppet body made by Da Vinci, unable to withstand most of my strength."

"You are a Servant?" Serenity responded. Although up to this point she was not worried about the discussion concerning further plans of Servants and people - she would do anything her Master says - but at the moment when the question touched her newfound dear Master, she instantly became extremely interested in it.

"No. Actually, I am not." In the end after a few seconds of reflection, Ainz was forced to admit this. Nevertheless, his existence could not be categorized like the existence of a real Servant, a reflection of a legendary hero or god that existed in reality. "But something similar to a Servant."

"How is this possible?" The question instantly followed, this time asked no longer by Serenity but by the taciturn but very observant Archer.

'How is this possible?' Ainz shook his head. 'I would like to know myself...'

There were many possible explanations for how Ainz found himself suddenly here, in this world. But despite the fact that Akasha packed his mind with practically all the basic information that he needed to survive, answers to the question "how did I get here" or understanding about the purpose for which he was called into this world were not available. So even if he wanted to answer Archer's question he could not. This of course, assuming that he would have wanted to answer at all.

"It doesn't matter." Finally without having come to a definite conclusion he dismissed Archer's question and then glanced at the Servants again. "In any case Da Vinci would take a week to prepare a new, suitable body for battle."

"Master?" At this moment, Serenity, who continued to hold the man's hand, looked at him. "Is this not your real appearance?"

"Hmmm," At this moment, Ainz suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed. "No, it's not."

No matter how he looked at it, Serenity could so happily react to Ainz only because he looked as a handsome man, moreover close to her age. Or, at least, Ainz himself thought so.

'If I tell her that I actually look like a thirty-five-year-old office clerk... How will she react?' Ainz looked at the girl thoughtfully.

In his head, a scene suddenly appeared in which a young and beautiful girl, with an appearance that was beautiful enough to become a popular idol, disgustedly pushes a middle-aged man from her with her beautiful face in a grimace of contempt, waving her arms and shouting "Gross, gross!". From the scene that he imagined, Ainz's belly twisted into an unpleasant knot.

"If this body is not your real one and is not able to maintain your level of strength..." Interfering in the man's thoughts however, Arthuria distracted him from the unpleasant thoughts. "Why don't you take on your real appearance?"

At this moment, the three representatives of Chaldea present became tensed from the idea that was suggested to Ainz, but he instantly dispelled their worries.

"Unfortunately, my real appearance can be somewhat... Frightening for people." Picking up the appropriate word, Ainz answered, and then, locking his eyes with Olga-Marie, who was sitting next to him,then slightly shaking his head in that instance, as if paying tribute. "Besides, I was asked to take this form."

Hearing these words, Animusphere nodded slightly, feeling her surprise grow. When talking with Ainz before, he seemed to her to be extremely modest, especially for a creature capable of competing with a deity in power, but now, during this conversation, she could see his calm politeness in all its glory and now find out that he agreed to limit his strength and even change his appearance just because she 'asked' him to?

In fact, besides all the above reasons, which, of course, was also one of the causes but not the main reason. The main reason that Ainz wanted to be in a human body was to experience sensations he could not in his undead persona - be it touch or temperature, or anything really. However Ainz himself chose not to talk about it to people, finding the fact that he was eager to change his real body simply for the sake of carnal pleasures a little... Shameful.

"Even if so ... What level of strength are we talking about?" Archer's look was interested.

"In the new body, I will be able to use the magic of rank A and most of my abilities... However, it's still not complete. And even in that case it will be difficult for me to use my Noble Phantasm." Ainz shook his head. "Nevertheless if the need arises, I can take my real form."

"Magic of A rank..." After these words, each of those present looked at Ainz in a slightly different way... Except Medusa however, who may also be looking at Ainz, but it was impossible to be sure because of the blindfold.

"Were you a famous magi in your life?" Unexpectedly, Arthuria was the one who asked this question, continuing to view at Ainz with the same evil look. "What is your specialization?"

'Or is it her normal look?' The man shook his head.

"Not at all... Although it may be possible to say that my name was maybe known to people" True, primarily due to the fact that he was the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, a guild with an insurmountable dungeon, eleven World Class Items and Touch Me, one of the World Champions in their ranks. "As for my specialty..."

Regarding pure magical power and damage, Ainz was significantly below average, due to the fact that he did not have in his arsenal many particularly strong attack spells, skills and classes that enhanced offensive magic and had in fact quite low magic attack parameter for a level one hundred mage. Therefore he could not say that he was an offense specialized magician, so...

"I am a necromancer." Having chosen the most appropriate description of his abilities, Ainz answered. "And I understand some things about black magic and curses."

And after these words silence instantly reigned in the hall.

Necromancers were magi who were feared and avoided throughout the whole of human history. Servants of death who dedicated their lives to spreading death to the world. For someone who drew strength from the death of the living, there was no more beautiful sight than war, slaughter and genocide.

Considering that at all times magi never gave up power and sacrificed people even when there was no need for it, for profit or for whim, necromancers was of the most hated and frightening of magis.

In addition, a necromancer and a specialist in black magic, who reached A rank in magic... Considering that necromancers usually achieved their power with the help of methods very, very... unscrupulous. To simply imagine how many possible victims had to be brought - in a figurative, but much worse, literal sense - to the necromancer in order to attain such achievements during his life. The personality of Ainz, their new, humble Master, looming before the Servants, was rapidly changing.

'But if he is Hades — he would be a necromancer and a master of black magic.' Nevertheless, as if trying to justify her thoughts internally, Mashu tried to find a suitable explanation for her senpai's abilities. 'But this does not make him worse as a person. If he is Hades, then at the same time, he may be the only decent necromancer...'

Unfortunately, unlike Mashu the rest of the Servants did not respond to Ainz's statement just as graciously. Even more so for the frivolous Cu Chulainn and the silent Archer instantly turned their eyes on the Master and this time their gaze was, if not openly hostile, clearly suspicious.

Whatever the initial impression on them made by Ainz the first impression was often deceptive, it would not be strange if, in an attempt to attract the Servants to his side, their new Master would try to hide his real identity. And even if he was as modest and calm as he seemed during communication, this did not mean that there was not a shadow of the multitude of people killed by him behind his back.

'Medusa Gorgon is the same one of the Greek myths?' Mashu suddenly realized - 'Maybe I should find out from her whether Ainz really is Hades...'

However, in contrast to the three strained Servants, Medusa among them, instead of any reaction the Hassan in a black cloak and Arthuria only noted this fact for themselves, while Serenity did not seem at all interested in the information that had been divulged.

'Doesn't she worry at all that her Master may turn out to be a monstrous murderer?' The question arose in the head of the silent Roman who was watching everything, trying to analyze the information available to him, watching the silent girl continuing to clasp her hand on the man. 'Or does she believe that he is not?'

In fact, despite the fact that Serenity could not exactly vouch for Ainz, was he such a terrifying monster that he was supposed to be by the general idea of necromancers or not, she was not really worried about this question. He was her Master, he was immune to her poison, he patted her head. These three things would have been enough for Serenity to descend into Hell for him and such trifles, as the possible blood of many innocent people on his hands, did not make Ainz less appealing to her. In the end, there was no less blood on her hands either.

However, at the same time after what was said, Serenity was the one who first objected to Ainz.

"Master, but you must not fight." Only the reason for this objection was completely different. "That is too dangerous. You may die."

"What Hassan says is true." For a second, Ainz wondered if it was strange for one Hassan to call the other Hassan, Hassan as well. "Lord Mage, we are just Servants, we can be sacrificed. If we die, your mission will only become more difficult. At the same time, if you perish, all of your Servants will perish, which means that mankind would be doomed. In these conditions, regardless of your strength, going to a battle in person is not the most reasonable course of action."

Much to the regret of Ainz himself, this was true. However, before Ainz could argue with Hassan, while feeling that it would be inconvenient to shift the responsibility he took himself to the shoulders of the Servants, like a boss forcing his own projects on the shoulders of subordinates - Before Ainz could object however, Romani interjected.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible." The doctor responded instantly. "The Master is an anchor for the Servant, even if we manage to transfer the Servant without the Master, the Servant would be left without magical nourishment, the Servant will disappear almost instantly."

Ainz for a second rejoiced that the need for his presence could be justified without his intervention, but to his misfortune Archer had a rather sharp mind.

"I have the skill 'Independent Action'. In other words, I can exist without a Master for three days." Unfortunately for Ainz, Archer was smart enough not to back down from his chosen position of behavior. "I can go on my own, without a Master, to explore the area. In the case of my death or exhaustion of the resource I will return to Chaldea, after which I can be summoned again after some time. In case of emergency or the presence of a problem I can serve as a beacon necessary for guiding the reyshift of the Master and the other Servants to my location."

Archer's words were logical to the point of disgust, so that Ainz felt an unpleasant sensation rising inside his stomach.

"This is..." Romani, as the chief specialist in the procedure of reyshift slowly shook his head, realizing the option that had suddenly opened up to him. "Actually possible."

'But I can't let this happen!' For a second, Ainz's emotions rose to the point of panic, which is why his automatic emotion suppression immediately drowned them out.

Why did Ainz not want to accept the most logical course of action in this case? Of course, because of his desire to personally take part in eliminating the threat to humanity. Also because of his unwillingness to subject the Servants to unnecessary danger - even if they could be summoned again. And one more small factor.

'He will not collect the loot!' With depressed emotions, Ainz's turmoil was only because of his instinct and not of panic, which one would expect from the deeply rooted mindset of a DMMO-RPG player thoroughly imbued into his soul. 'Besides, if I can only summon those Servants who I have already seen in the past... I must personally see as many Servants as possible.'

Of course Serenity, who is still continuing to look at Ainz at this moment, was some exception to this rule. But it was possible that her summoning was special in some way - she was an exception.

'Romani said that something unexpected happened when she was summoned.' Ainz recalled another of the facts supporting his idea.

Besides, in the end Ainz just wanted to participate in what was happening. Not as a commander and not as a guide, but as a member of the team. As one of the players embarking on the next adventure in the vastness of the distant worlds of Yggdrasil. As…


'As with Ainz Ooal Gown.' Ainz admitted to himself his desires, after which he shook his head. Memories of the happy times of the game, together with dear friends, made him to crack a smile. But his smile did not reach his eyes, where instead of joy, for a second, there was sadness.

Yes, the opportunity to observe Servants was interesting, but still. It was really just one small factor in Ainz decision. No matter how much his player spirit broke through, the thing that really could have invoke any real feelings in him was his Ainz Ooal Gown.

"It is impossible." In the end, having come to a final decision, Ainz said calmly. "I will go along with everyone."

Yes it was impossible, the happy days of Ainz Ooal Gown, the days of carefree adventures, battles, quests were over. And the attempt to return to them was meaningless, doomed to failure from the very beginning. But still…

But nevertheless Ainz wanted it, even if it was self-deception, even if only for a second, to return at that time. The time of battles on the front line and solving quests, the next event that affected the whole world.

'Besides' In the end he still managed to slightly cheer himself up. 'This is indeed one of the ways to expand my collection.'

"Lord Mage, this is not the most logical option." The man in a huge robe shook his head a little disapprovingly.

"Master, this is too dangerous for you." The girl instantly objected, squeezing his hand again.

"Perhaps," Nevertheless Ainz did not argue, instead acknowledging the veracity of the claims made to him by the Servants. "But I will still do it."

"In the end, as I said a little earlier, I promised to help humanity." At this moment Ainz shook his head a little. "And as I said, I was not used to breaking my words."

After saying what he wanted to say, Ainz nodded and smiled. Despite the fact that, at the moment, Ainz opposed the advice of his Servants his smile was not proud or self-satisfied, but rather apologetic. As if saying "I apologize, but I will do just that." And despite the fact that just a minute ago the information that Ainz was a necromancer made the Servants around him look at him with caution, his uncertain smile seemed to serve as proof of his intentions, forcing everyone present to look at him again. This time with interest.

"In that case," Eventually finding that none of those present was going to continue the dialogue and a calm assertion and an apologetic smile could stop the altercation no worse than Arthuria's cold tone, Olga-Marie became the one who officially summed up the meeting. "As the chief of Chaldea and the commander of the surviving humanity - I declare Ainz Ooal Gown as the full-fledged representative of Chaldea and assign him the rank of special institute operative."

Despite the fact that Ainz clearly did not need such a title and in these conditions the title also did not influence much, he bowed gratefully to the girl. Showing respect, it was the least that he could do in the current environment to maintain the image of Chief of Chaldea.

"Thank you for the honor, chief." And therefore, when he looked up again and looked at the girl she suddenly blushed and looked away.

Ainz was embarrassed for a second as well, suddenly remembering about what happened in the Singularity. But fortunately his suppression of emotions did not give him the opportunity to blush and cough uncomfortably. In being an undead, there were indeed its own advantages.

'Even so,' An inappropriate thought came to Ainz's head after looking at the girl. 'She is really very cute.'

And as if sensing the thoughts of the man, Serenity, all the while hanging on his arm, squeezed his hand a little bit harder.

'And she is also very cute.' In the end Ainz couldn't ignore the obvious facts, after which he glanced at the girl again. Her purple short hair only emphasized her lilac-colored eyes, which glittered like two precious jewels on her beautiful, young face, which seemed to have been made by an unknown master...

'No, no, she is only sixteen' All the same, in the end he pulled away from the contemplation of the girl, glad when his suppression of emotions worked again, after which he turned his eyes to the side.

Arthuria is the cold, deadly beauty of a female warrior. Mashu is the warm, friendly beauty of the sweet kouhai. Medusa is the beauty of an adult full of pure sexuality. Olga-Marie is the strict beauty of an out-of-reach girl.

Romani is a cute and caring geek guy. Cu Chulainn is a guy, living the life of an alcoholic and adventure. Archer is a cold guy with harsh features and a lone wolf's gaze.

'In this world there seems to be an abnormally high concentration of handsome men and beautiful women per square meter' And with these thoughts, in the end, the most powerful necromancer in history has become the main hope of humanity.


Skills are responsible not for the impersonal and general characteristics of the Servants, but for their unique personal abilities, skills or even parts of their legends that expresses itself in the world as an integral part of the Servant himself - as like the petrifying glance of Medusa Gorgon or Medea's, the witch of Colchis', magic. Skills are divided among themselves by ranks like parameters, in addition among themselves the skills are divided into Class skills and Personal ones.

Class skills denote those skills that are inherent not so much to individual Servants, but to a whole archetypes of heroes, like Magic Resistance or Riding skills. Each class usually possesses two Class Skills, one way or another manifested by each class representative, stronger or weaker in rank depending on the specific Hero.

Personal skills, respectively, are the skills that are characteristic not for archetypes, but for individual Heroes. Often these are unique features that distinguish the heroes from each other, the details of their legends and stories — however, some Personal skills can be common in some heroes— the simplest example is Divinity.

The number, like the strength of skills, depends on each individual hero, but usually the number of skills of the average hero is four or five, while the strongest or well known of heroes can have eight, ten or as many as they possible- although usually the skills that are not suitable for the class of a Servant summoned are simply suppressed, given a lower rank or non-existent.

I promised i would get this story to chapter ten and here you go this is a one time thing and next chap is next week

OtakuWeibocreators' thoughts