
Grand Eternal Phantasy: I want to have fun playing video games

Grand Eternal Phantasy, or GEP, is a game released in the 21 century. It was the first VRMMORPG, a successful hit, and became one of the most popular games on the planet. The game has a fantastic graphic, simple and yet deep combat system, with many adventures that players can go on in the game and create a fun experience; it was no surprise the game became a massive hit. The game quickly creates many business opportunities for players in many ways. But all of it changes when it introduces a way to exchange the game currency for real-world currency; the game has now become a fast way to earn money for many people. Many guilds were made, and many had fallen due to how cut-throat the game has become. Hao Greval is one of the many players GEP; he belongs to one of the most famous guilds of all time in the game called Olympia, but he was nothing more than a middle-rank member of the guild and no matter how hard he tried, he never get the recognition that he wanted. No matter how hard he tries, the guild always seems only to pay him in a minimal amount or sometimes none. Hao starts to hate the people in the guild, leading him to hate the game itself before quitting it entirely. Finally, one night, Hao found an old video physical copy that he used to play a lot as a child, so he decided to play it again. Having a fantastic time with his old childhood game made him realise or remember the true purpose of playing games. Waking up the following day, he discovered that he had been transported back in time, where GEP had just come out and decided to give the game a second chance. What does he want to do with this new opportunity? Does he want to make an unimaginable amount from the game? Or to become the best player in the game? Well, no and also yes. Those are only his second and third priorities when he decides to play the game again. His first and most important priority is to do something people seem to forget while playing games: to have fun and have the best time of his life.

Galatea1o1 · Games
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25 Chs

Ch 15: The Dragon Chain That Wrapped Around The World (5)

It was a slaughter, and there was no other word that could explain the current situation right now. A single man, single player killing, massacring every player in the area like sheep in a slaughterhouse.

Scream echoes throughout the forest and players die left and right after the other.

The one responsible for this is a man in his mid twenty, wearing a classic black butler outfit. This person is none other than a man named Valka, the personal butler of Kaori Kurenai. He is the one that is responsible for killing all of these players.

With Valka's current level, level 35, it was easy for him to kill all of these low-level players; if anything, it would be weird for him not to kill them quickly.

"Why the hell are you doing this!? You have nothing to gain from killing all of us!" One of the players, Valka, quickly responded.

"I do not need to tell my intention toward a worthless person like you," Valka said before killing that player.

While all this is happening, two players are watching all of this from the sideline while also dealing with occasional players who would turn their attention toward them. These two are none other than, of course, Hao and Kaori.

"You know, I cannot but have to ask, do we need to help him? From the look, that butler seems to have the situation under control." Hao said before swinging his dagger toward a player who tried to attack, killing the player immediately.

"Hm... You are correct; Valka seems to have the situation under control." Kaori said while also blocking an attack with her umbrella before muttering, "Flame pillar," The moment she said this, the person who attacked her suddenly got enveloped in flame from the ground.

"Well, if that is the case, can I ask you something while we wait for your butler to finish the cleanup?"

"That is fine; go ahead and ask me."

"What kind of weapon is your umbrella, it seems unique, and I highly doubt a mage would use an umbrella as a weapon."

"Ah, that is understandable, you see, this umbrella is called Evil holy umbrella lets dancing all night rising special ultra miracle super plumber brothers, second addition useless Ruigi's counterattack directors cut," Kaori said before turning toward Hao with a slight smile on her face. At the same time, Hao cannot help but deadpan back.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! And I think I might hear this wrong, but did you say, useless Ruigi's counterattack directors cut?!" Hao cannot help but shout back in shock, hearing what Kaori said.

"Isn't it obvious? It is because he is a brother with an inferiority complex," Kaori said before dodging another attack and setting the person on fire with the same previous spell.

"What the hell, woman!? What a terrible thing to say! What do you know about Ruigi?!" Hao responds while blocking an attack coming from other players.

"What, I see nothing wrong with what I said," Kaori said with a shrugged

"You have no idea, do you? Then let me ask you, had you ever played a game called Smash before?" Hao answered with another question, to which Kaori quickly response back.

"What a silly thing for you to ask; of course, I have." Kaori response back

"Ok, then listen, let's say, hypothetically, Ruigi grabs you at 0% damage. In that situation, you must perish; there is no alternative. Do you see what I'm saying? He a menace!" Hao said with more seriousness than he usually has, to which Kaori only raised her eyebrow before answering.

"Why do I feel you had been traumatised by that one-touch death combo?" Kaori said with a slight smile on her face.

"Traumatised? Who traumatised!? I am not traumatised! I will let you know that I only think that one-touch death combo should never be in any fighting game and that Ruigi combo is just plain old cheap!!" Hao starts shouting or, in this case, more complaining.

"Then what wrong with me insulting him then? Considering what I have just heard from you. It seems that you don't like Ruigi, so you should have no problem with me insulting him."

"All I'm saying is that you should not be that mean toward Ruigi! That's all." Hao said

"Sure... Whatever you say," Kaori said before another lightning bolt struck down another player.

"Anyway, you still haven't answered my question. What is that weapon?" Hao asks the same question again

"This is nothing more than another growth item I find, nothing more than that." Kaori causally replied

"Is that so? What with that outfit that you and your butler have? I highly doubt there is a dungeon in the early game that drop that type of armour." Hao asks before killing another player

"You seriously ask a lot of questions, do you? But I answer you anyway." Kaori said before also killing another player. "These outfits are a set of transmog I buy from the cash shop; it was quite cheap."

"Ah, I should have known; I don't know why I even ask."

One of many things that GEP have, like every other MMO, is the cash shop, one of the worst functions in MMO history.

It is a place where players can access a menu screen and use real money to buy items from the shop. Despite that, all of the items in the cash shop are nothing more than cosmetics.

At first, that is.

Like every greedy videogame company out there, they do something that nobody expects, and they added a paid-to-win item into the cash shop, meaning they lied to us.

I know, crazy! Is the game company lying to us? Impossible.

<A/N: Looking at you, CD project red, I am still very disappointed with Cyberpunk 2077. Anyway, rant over>

You see, at first, they promised that the cash shop would be cosmetic only, but when the game got massively popular, they started to slowly but surely inject a paid-to-win mechanic into the cash shop until all hell broke lose when they decided to add one of the worst things they can add to an MMO.

Level booster

The worst thing to have ever happened in MMO.

But that is only the beginning; after the level booster is added, they also added a battle pass into the game, where in the premium battle pass, where you need to spend money to buy it, there are some gameplay-altering items in the battle pass, making it even more paid-to-win.

While a battle pass is acceptable in some games, making a battle pass one of the primary rewards you get from playing the game is a good design.

<A/N: Also looking at you, Halo Infinite. Stupid 343, aka Mr We hired Halo hater to make Halo. Seriously, fire 343, please, Microsoft, do it. I don't care if people lose their job because of it; the things they are making are not good enough and are nothing more than a stain on Halo's name. Ok, another rant over>

But due to the players' complaints, they removed the paid-to-win items from the battle pass and made it cosmetic only, but the level booster has never been removed, so all the players can do is accept it.

Now back to what Kaori said, transmog or transmogrification is a term that MMO or any gamer knows, but for those who don't know, it's a term used in online games such as MMOs to change the appearance of an armour piece to another. You keep the stat of the gears you equip and only change your appearance.

"Then what with that pink ribbon that tied your butler's hair? I doubt that part of the set." Hao said while pointing toward the pink ribbon that tied Valka's long hair together; after all, it entirely stands out compared to all the other cloth he is wearing.

"Oh, that? You do not need to know why." Kaori dismissively answered, "Now, how about let me ask you some questions instead? Seeing how you had been asking me questions the entire time, I think it's only fair for me to ask some of the questions back toward you."

"Fair enough. Ask anything you want, but don't expect me to answer your every question." Hao answer

"That is fine by me. As for my first question, how did you do it?"

"Do what? You have to be more specific than that."

"My apologies. What I'm trying to ask is how you can clear dungeon solo. From what I'm seeing, most of your current gear is beginner equipment; only a few seem to be good equipment. So tell me, how did you do it?"

"What? That... is what you want to ask me? Here I thought you were going to ask me something important." Hao said before dodging an incoming attack and killing the attacker quickly, "As for the answer to your question, I'm just Shadow Soul out the hell of the dungeon. It's not that hard when you figure out how to play the game."