
Grand Duke of Destruction : Lord of the North

" Death is the end of everything and anything but for some people it is just the end of a path, not the end of the journey." Our protagonist is just your everyday normal low middle class boy. He is an introvert whose only purpose in life after middle school to university is to earn money. He thinks that the solution to every problem of his is money. He died in a truck accident. Well, not so tragic death but that's how reality works, you never know when you are going to die. He got reincarnated in a different world. Yes pretty cliche I know but unlike most protagonists who simply ignore the purpose of their Reincarnation he wants to find out the reason behind his Reincarnation. Will he find the reason behind his Reincarnation ? Will he become a prey in a world where strength is everything or will he devour and defeat everyone and anyone who stands in his path. Will he become a cold killing machine or will he create a dynasty the whole world will remember. To find out please read the novel….. ––––– Hello~ Author here, the synopsis might be a bit confusing or weird that's why I have decided to simplify it. This novel is not my first novel but still I will make a lot of grammatical mistakes as English is not my primary language. This is not your hero or anti hero protagonist, he is just like you and me. A selfish and indifferent bastard. You will find more about his personality in the novel. As this is a fantasy novel and a reincarnated one at that you can somewhat guess how things are going to be but just to not confuse you I am going to write a chapter regarding the power system and everything necessary you need to know. And yes this is going to be a kingdom building part as you might know after reading the title. Though the main plot will slowly and surely change. You can expect a harem but I am also going to include the problems which follow the harem. You want more than one woman you will also have to bear the consequences. HELLO GUYS~ MY DISCORD SERVER :- https://discord.gg/XnnqWVXH PS :- NO SYSTEM PSS :- Not my art, want to be removed please contact me.

DukeofDemon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Slice of Life in Venia

" Hahahaha " the glasses kid started laughing at Claude's behaviour.

Well, it was shocking and confusing after all. Claude just looked at Eren with a look of confusion, so Eren explained :-

" Claude, you know that the idle age for marriage is 15 to 18 right ? So that's why it's normal for kids in the village to start looking for a future life partner from early on. The reason why we compare mothers of girls is so that we can get an understanding on how the girl will look in the future. So that we can decide who we want to impress and make our childhood sweetheart or so our fathers said to us." Eren explained.

' Should I be relieved that this kids are innocent and pure or should I be furious on this stupid village custom ? No, I should be furious with Ares. What in the world is he teaching kids ?' Claude decided to blame the whole village's problem on Ares.

After eating their lunch Claude and party went towards a certain direction in the village. As usual everyone was staring at Claude the whole way but unlike Eren they were not embarrassed, instead they were proud and kept walking.

After walking for a few minutes they reached a certain house in the village. The house was a small two story house. Even though this house was not as luxurious as Ares it was still better than any house they have seen.

The kids knocked on the door and waited. Claude was standing in the end, still shocked at the village's custom.

The door was opened by a cute blonde hair girl. She was a little shorter than Claude and had her blonde hair tied in two ponies. She had marble-colored eyes. She had a smile on her when she saw the kids.

" Hello Maria," The black haired kid said.

" Hi maria, " The glasses kid said.

" Hey Maria, " The fat kid said.

" Hello Maria, " Eren said, everyone saw her smile spreading wide when she saw Eren.

But then her eyes went towards Claude and her eyes widened, she has not seen such a pretty boy in her whole life. See Claude standing near Eren she asked :-

" Who is he, Eren ?"

" This is my younger brother Claude." Eren replied.

" I hope you don't mind him coming with us." Eren said.

" Oh no, mom says the merrier the more." She said with a smile.

" Pfft "

Eren and Claude both made a small bursting sound from their mouths. Eren burst into laughter while Claude struggled to keep his calm.

" Why are you laughing ?" Maria asked, confused with the other three boys.

" It's ' the more the merrier ', miss Maria." Claude said because Eren was too busy laughing his ass off.

Maria blushed because not only was she wrong but she was also called a ' miss ' by such a pretty boy.

" It's ok, everybody makes mistakes." Claude said mistaking her silence for embarrassment while also helping his choking brother.

Maria was too embarrassed to say anything that's why she just said :-

"..... Please come in."

Getting her permission the boys entered the house. There were a few little girls as well. They all were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

When the girls saw Claude they blushed slightly as the reason for Maria.

The girls and the boys chatted for a while. Eren was starting to feel bored, it seems like the reason why he used to hang out with these kids was because there was nothing else to do in the house. While Claude was only talking when someone asked him something. As expected the girls focus was on him and only him which caused the other boys except Eren to feel a little jealous.

After a few minutes Maria's mom came bringing snacks. As the boy's mentioned Maria's mom was beautiful but not more beautiful than Amber and even though she was slightly more attractive than Ellen, Ellen clearly overpowered her in thickness.

She looked at Claude and was surprised. She has not seen such a cute and charming kid in her whole life. She said in a childish tone :-

" Well, don't we have a new face here."

" He is Eren's younger brother, mommy." Maria said which caused her mother to flinch slightly but she soon returned to her warm posture.

Even though others did not notice her behaviour, Claude clearly saw her flinch when she heard he was Eren's brother or Claude was Amber's son. But Claude decided to ignore her behaviour, as long as she didn't outright disrespect him then it was fine.

After a few more hours of talking Maria asked Claude :-

" Claude, are you also going to become a knight like Eren ?"

" I am going to become a swordsman not a knight, Maria." Eren said with a frustrated expression as if this is not the first time she had called him a knight.

" Hmph, it's the same." She said while pouting her chubby cheeks.

" I would like to disagree with that but I am training for swordsmanship as well as magic." Claude said.

Everyone in the room was surprised. They also knew how rare mages were. They have only seen one till now. Which was the tier two mage of venia's soldiers. So when they heard that Claude is going to become mage they became excited. Magic can be used by normal people but that magic is also called Tier 0 magic. It doesn't have any power or control, it is just like kitchen magic.

" Can you cast a spell ?" The kid with glasses said with annoyance. He didn't like Claude much because he was way good looking and all the girls were only paying attention to him. Now if he is also a mage then who knows if the parents of one of the girls or Maria want to make him their son in law.

" Uh, yes I can but I can't do it inside." Claude replied. Somehow he was able to feel the glasses' kid jealousy.

" Then how about we go to play somewhere as well. We can see Claude's magic there." Maria offered and everyone agreed.

After leaving Maria's house they appeared in a wasteland. This wasteland had many burned trees, it seemed like someone intentionally wanted to burn down the trees.

When they reached the wastelands, Claude firstly checked the surrounding lines for any sort of danger. Not seeing any life form Claude changed his eyes back to normal.

Everyone turned towards Claude and waited with anticipation. Claude understood what they were waiting for. Claude himself might have never done magic; he already knew the theory of magic. Combining this along with his awakened sensitivity and closeness with mana.

He raised his index finger and sended a large amount of mana towards it.


Claude said and a small tennis size ball of water appeared above his index finger but this was only the first part of the spell Claude was trying to create. He sended another small tendril of mana but this was the hardest part of the spell which required his awakened control. He compressed the mana and the water ball started to spin slowly. After a few seconds the water ball started to spin at an ultra high speed. When the ball's size changed to that of a ping pong ball. Claude pointed the ball towards one of the trees and sended the last and the largest amount of mana to create a pressure and released it.





What happened after that shocked everyone, even Claude himself. The ball cut through the air with a sound and burst threw at least three wasted trees. It created a loud booming sound as the huge bark of the trees were destroyed separating a small part with roots intact, still attached to the ground and the other part to fall on the ground.




5 Power stones :- 2 chapter

10 Power stones :- 3 chapters

20 power stones :- 5 chapters

The mass release chapters will be released alongside regular chapters.

Please help me complete this target. When this targets are completed I will announce more targets.

Thank you for your support in the Novel ☺️☺️


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