
Grand Duke of Destruction : Lord of the North

" Death is the end of everything and anything but for some people it is just the end of a path, not the end of the journey." Our protagonist is just your everyday normal low middle class boy. He is an introvert whose only purpose in life after middle school to university is to earn money. He thinks that the solution to every problem of his is money. He died in a truck accident. Well, not so tragic death but that's how reality works, you never know when you are going to die. He got reincarnated in a different world. Yes pretty cliche I know but unlike most protagonists who simply ignore the purpose of their Reincarnation he wants to find out the reason behind his Reincarnation. Will he find the reason behind his Reincarnation ? Will he become a prey in a world where strength is everything or will he devour and defeat everyone and anyone who stands in his path. Will he become a cold killing machine or will he create a dynasty the whole world will remember. To find out please read the novel….. ––––– Hello~ Author here, the synopsis might be a bit confusing or weird that's why I have decided to simplify it. This novel is not my first novel but still I will make a lot of grammatical mistakes as English is not my primary language. This is not your hero or anti hero protagonist, he is just like you and me. A selfish and indifferent bastard. You will find more about his personality in the novel. As this is a fantasy novel and a reincarnated one at that you can somewhat guess how things are going to be but just to not confuse you I am going to write a chapter regarding the power system and everything necessary you need to know. And yes this is going to be a kingdom building part as you might know after reading the title. Though the main plot will slowly and surely change. You can expect a harem but I am also going to include the problems which follow the harem. You want more than one woman you will also have to bear the consequences. HELLO GUYS~ MY DISCORD SERVER :- https://discord.gg/XnnqWVXH PS :- NO SYSTEM PSS :- Not my art, want to be removed please contact me.

DukeofDemon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Claude Sensei - 4

The people who came were actually heads of the soldiers of the Orsini household. Alex, who was the general of the soldiers, was also present. While that small melodrama was going on he listened to the whole story from one of the soldiers.

" Just because you can use magic and sword better than anyone you think you can do anything you Bastard Boy!!"

Everyone went silent when they heard this. Elise didn't understand the meaning of the word as she was too young and a noble as well. Such concepts were foreign to her.


Claude simply sighed when he heard this and looked at the boy's father with pity. Everyone was shocked seeing that there was no anguish on the face of Claude. Everyone except Alex looked relieved.

Alex knew what was going to unfold here. The look in Claude's eyes he clearly recognized. This was the look which is not given to humans by humans normally. His gaze told Alex that he was not looking at the boy's father like a human, he was looking at him like a lesser creature.

" I thought that I would be able to avoid such problems here at the very least." Claude said with pity and sympathy in his expression but the look in his eyes was dry while he stared at the boy's father.

" What do—"


Before the boy's father could even ask his question Claude disappeared and in just a single second he appeared in front of the boy's father. The boy's father was on his knees. Claude lifted his foot and stomped right on the man's face.

Claude had infused a lot of his mana in his legs and he also covered his legs with his Aura. The shoe that Claude was wearing was destroyed in shreds while the impact forced the face of the man to the ground.

The stomp was so strong that the face of the boy's father was caved in the ground while cracks appeared around the caved face. Claude's deep sapphire eyes were glowing with Aura while a dense foggy energy came out of it.

" Yes I am a bastard son. Yes I am illegitimate but who gave you the right to speak about that matter. And if you still want to talk, then go ahead. I carry a simple mindset that everything and anything is either limited or has a price. If you are going to talk right in front of my face then be prepared to pay the price." Claude said to the now unconscious father of the boy but everyone felt a chill run down on their spine.

" Calm down Claude." Alex finally said which caused Claude to stop his mana and remove his leg from the face of the man.

He walked towards Alex while keeping his face down and said :-

" Sorry, I am willing to accept any punishment you give."

Everyone, even Alex was shocked hearing this but Alex simply chuckled and patted his head.

" Everyone return to do what you were doing." Alex continued.

" I will personally report this matter to his lordship the Marquess. This case will be regarding insubordination and verbal abuse of a 10 year old child who is also the guest of the Orsini household." Alex said coldly which caused the boy to turn pale. Such a case was made before as well during that time the master rank was removed from the army of the Orsini household.

Claude simply walked towards Elise. He was ready for any sort of treatment from Elise as he had shown his other side to her. This side was full of hatred, cruelty and coldness. Such a side is hated and feared by adults themselves then Elise was just a small girl.

When he came near Elise, she holded his shoulder with glittering eyes when she said :-

" You were awesome !! You even defeated an adult and not just any adult with a master rank at that!!" She exclaimed.

Elise is a really self centred girl and being born in the family of Orsini household has also affected her. Everyone in the Orsini household is taught that they can do anything they wish as long as they work hard and become worthy to be known as an Orsini. Those who don't work hard are thrown out of the family with wealth. That's why Elise has always been taught to be selfish.

She only sees what she wants to see. In this situation she completely ignored her childhood acquaintance who was humiliated and his father who was injured and unconscious. She just focused on Claude who had shown a great deal of strength.

Even though Claude was surprised this was actually pretty normal in aristocratic families who are aristocrats because of their powers, even the imperial family was like this. Instead of focusing on someone who might die and create unwanted and conflicting emotions it was better to be selfish. At the very least your growth won't stop.

" So I have seen your strength but what was that blue energy which made you look so cool ?" Elise asked like a curious kitten.

" Aura," Claude answered in one word.

" Aura has types, mister." Elise said with an annoyed expression as she thought that Claude thinks she doesn't even know this much.

" Aura of Pride." Claude answered.

" Your brother also has Aura right ? What is his ?" Elise asked.

" Aura of Bloodlust." Claude answered.

" How did you make an Aura ?" Elise asked.

" Don't you know that you can't make an Aura on your own ? It happens on its own." Claude continued

" But let me give you a little cheat. Mana can't be manifested physically. It needs a vessel. Mages use elements, runes or artifacts as the vessel for mana. In Aura the vessel is your strongest emotion or your personality." Claude explained.

" Then I just need a strong emotion ?" Elise asked.

" It's not that easy. An emotion or a personality which is strong enough to become a vessel for mana is hard to find." Claude said.

PS :- Join the discord server link given in synopsis if you want to see illustration of characters or just want to chat with me about upcoming chapters.




20 Power stones :- 2 chapter [ Completed ]

30 Power stones :- 3 chapters [ Completed ]

50 power stones :- 5 chapters [ Completed ]

I know this targets are more compared to before but you don't know that I had to pull two all nighters just to complete the given target in time.

Even though I might have holiday on my college I don't want to spend all day long writing but if you still want more chapters then please complete the above targets. I will have enough motivation to pull another all nighters.

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