
Penny Vs Taylor Bolos

A few weeks ago...

It was pitch black in the night and Penny ran through a farm.

She wore no shoes even though it was winter and it was cold.

For her to successfully escape the Manor, she had no choice but to leave her foot wear behind.


It just made too much noise, and that could wake them up. She didn't want to take the chances.

Besides she moved better without the damn shoes.

Also, her body composition had always better than that of the average person.

This was her fourth attempt at escape from the Bolos Estate and she was sure that this time around, she was going to make it.

She was sure that this route she had taken was the way back.

It had to be.

Her sense of direction, purely based on instincts had never been wrong and she doubted that it was going to Gail her now.

Lord Bolos Baraka had allowed her to navigate the Manor as she so pleased, saying that she was more of a guest than she was a prisoner.

He intended to gift her to Viscount Peter.