
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs


I knew something bad was gonna happen, and my gut was right, now for some reason I'm in the middle of a perpetually burning city as a result.

Short of it I went along with the purplish pink haired girl, Mash, too a meeting that had a bunch of other people there, the other 47 Masters, the leader was a young woman, probably in her early 20's, who was the leader and was telling us about everything.

I honestly couldn't care and kept trying to break this body down but the world I was in just wouldn't let me have enough strength to break my body apart.

After that I was shown my room by Mash, then suddenly a explosion happened, I fucking knew something was gonna happen! I should have killed that bastard sooner but I was still weak at the time so all we could do was check it out and see what happened.

But as we got close another explosion happened and then….

"Now I'm here, but this world was enough to break the shackles….." I say as now my body had reverted to my older self with my metallic arms, body covered in my own personal markings, and my pants have changed to my original black with red flames and golden sash, my shoes were now golden greaves that also act like sandals to me and golden Vambrace like hands that act as my main method of attack, and before my first death I was 28 but after both my deaths I'm technically 12,528 years old but I haven't lived all those years alive or awake after all so I'm still 28 to me at least.

"Now where is everybody?" I say as I begin to walk around as I'm off by myself for some reason while being here which doesn't make sense but whatever.

*Clang! Bash! Smash!*

Though as I was thinking that I could hear the sounds of battle nearby, I guess I should go check it out.

So using my released form I began to run and jump using buildings to vault me further and faster to where the fight is going on.

Soon enough I got there and saw Mash was fighting off some shadowy figures as she was wearing armor(?) while wielding a massive shield as a weapon.

"Why am I getting Wyzen vibes from her? Doesn't matter, there's enemies to kill and fun to be had!" I shout as I leap into action and begin to massacre the enemies before us.


"Stop talking and Focus on the enemy! RAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I say as I rip apart one with my hands before going into the next.

To sum it all up, it was a one sided massacre that these things stood no chance at hurting us, but they didn't bleed they just fell apart and disappeared into dust with a few leaving some small crystal things.

I wouldn't care usually but even in these small things they had energy in them, which maybe could help me get to my peak once again.

"Senpai? Is that really you?" She said surprised at my current appearance, it didn't look much different from how I looked before coming here but I clearly looked older, stronger, and eyes were completely white because of the wrath flowing through me.

"Yes! Now stop asking stupid questions! Grab these crystal things, they seem important, then let's move and see what the hell is going on and where we're at." I say as I pick up one myself which disappeared in my hand, but it didn't disappear completely, more like….

*Its inside my Mantra Core? Strange…. Could they be used to store things besides human souls?* I thought to myself.

Then again I only had my own Mantra Core to the end of my life so I never tried it out to my fullest, maybe it can, but who cares now I don't need to carry this stuff in a cumbersome bag or something.


"What?! Just grab the shards and hand them over! I'll be able to carry them, now let's move!" I say taking my own and hers collection before running somewhere with her keeping up.

"Senpai! Where are we going?!" But before I could answer a voice came from nowhere.

*Crzt!* "Ah finally! This is Doctor Romani, can you guys hear me?" The voice of a man spoke to us as a fuzzy hologram appeared before us.

"Ahh! Doctor Romani! Mash Kyrielight reporting in, along with my Master Asura, Doctor do you know what's happening?"

"Asura? Oh your that last Master to be taken in, the 48th one right? It's good your there…. But what's with your form?"

"Do we have time to ask questions like that?! Tells us what's going on Doc!"

"Hey you don't need to yell! But yeah, you two have been rayshifted into a singularity inside of the city of Fuyuki in the year 2004, all due to the explosions set off around Chaldea's command room and near the core as well! We're gonna try to fix things on our end, but your objective is to find out what caused this singularity to come about and either stop or destroy it so we can bring you back home."

"Anywhere we should go Doctor?"

"Yes! My sensors indicate that a skirmish is happening to the south of you, I would suggest to go there and see if there's anything that can be figured out from it."

"Good, let's go kid." I say as I run with a burst of speed heading southbound.

"Wait for me!" She shouts as she chases after me.


"KYYYAAA!!! What the hell is going on?! Where is this?!" I woman was screaming as she was shooting off magic bullets, known as Gandr, at the approaching skeletons and monsters, but she is getting overwhelmed quick.

"Master! It's the Chief! We need to help her!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" I say as I leap and cleave through the enemies in front of me, while Mash deals with the stragglers.

"Hmph! Not even a challenge…." I say as I crush the skull of the last one under my foot while looking back at the two of them who look tired from the fight.

"Chief, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine Mash…. Just a bit tired, and who is this….?" The Chief said clearly confused at my current appearance.

"Chief, this is Asura, he is the 48th Master Candidate, you know he was the guy with the white hair, tan skin and red eyes right?" Mash said trying to describe my previous looks.

"Oh now I remember! How the hell did you get here?! And why do you look like that?!" For some reason getting pissed at me for no reason at all.

"Does it matter?! We have more important things to worry about don't we?!" I shout back as even more of those monsters show up as I leap into the fray.

"Grrrr! Fine whatever! After we're done here you two got some explaining to do! Now let's take them out Mash!"

"Yes Chief!" And soon enough another slaughter commenced.

(A/N I'm gonna post here whenever I really feel like it, I have other stories and this one will get updates when I can or when I feel like it more than anything, but see you next time)