
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs

First Contact

"Skeletons, skeletons and nothing but more skeletons?! When will this end?!" Olga was clearly pissed about it.

I on the other hand was enjoying myself, the rush of battle! The feel of skulls crushed between my hands and under my feet just made things more satisfying to me, it at least let me vent my bubbling Wrath with a good fight.

Even if it was just a one sided slaughter on our end, plus these crystal shard things which now are just automatically enter to my mantra core just like how human souls did back on Gaea.

"Who cares?! I'm having plenty of fun wrecking things with no care in the world!" I say as I rip a Skelton apart.

Sure they have weapons but with how clumsy they are with them, the only real thing that's threatening is there overwhelming amounts of them, but that is also pitiful as well since there too weak to even hurt me even if I let them.

I've been filled with spears that made my body look like a pincushion, attacked with lightning, sent crashing from orbit, stabbed by a sword that went trough me to the opposite side of the planet, crushed by giants, almost crushed by a god sized finger that could have cracked the planet, even fought and killed the creator of all things, so my strength and durability are no joke, I only died because of betrayal the first time and the 2nd was because of both my arms being destroyed making me weakened enough to be killed a 2nd time.

Unless I want to die, or willingly sacrifice myself, or extremely weakened which is rare, I'm not gonna die.

Soon enough though it seems the fun came to an end as there were no more skeletons to kill.

"Ahh man, and I was just getting started too…" (Asura)

"Then would you be interested in fighting me then?" (???)

"Hmm?" I look over and a crumbling building and see what appears to be a black mass of shadows in the appearance of a human woman standing on top of the rubble.

I just grin, she is definitely stronger than the previous skeleton we have been fighting.

"Finally! A real fight! Mash, stay back and protect Olga, I'll handle this!"


"No buts! Your a shielder, so you must protect and defend the weak links here! Let me handle all the fighting!"

"Hey! Who you calling a weak link!" Olga shouts out indignantly but I just ignore it as the shadow woman drops down before us.

"You three have been messing around here for too long, Saber wants you dead, so I'm gonna make it happen." She says as what looks like two short blades connected to chains appear in her hands.

I just grin as I metallize my arms before filling them with wrath energy, I don't always attack with my fists, but I can send out long distance wrath bullets to deal with them at range.

"RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I scream out as I unleash waves of wrath bullets upon her.

But while I obviously have her outclassed in strength, her speed is what's keeping her alive as she is dodging my attacks along the battlefield.

If I was in my destroyer form I could easily destroy planets and move at light speed, but I currently don't have enough energy to turn to that form, and I am fast as well but my speed is hampered in places with plenty of things that get in my way.

She would deftly dodge my attacks before throwing out her daggers to attack from a distance, but I easily dodge them as well, but she would pull them back quickly before I could grab them.

"Your fast, I'll give you that, but what if I crank things up a notch Huh?" I say with a grin as I activate my second form.

"Vajra Asura!" I say as I summon up my extra set of arms, not only do they help increase my power, but they also increase the total number of wrath bullets that I can launch.

She was having a hard time before, now because I tripled the number of projectiles she was losing ground.

I think this is considered something like a pseudo noble phantasm? Something like that, but it only cost required on my end to summon my arms is my wrath mantra so it's not really hard to break these out in a normal fight, plus if my main arms get cut off I can just replace them with one of my back up ones if need be.

Soon enough she got overwhelmed and decided she need to go all out as I saw her eyes shine under all that darkness covering her.

"BELLEROPHON!!!" She shouts to the sky as she is suddenly on top of a…. Winged horse? It has a specific name but I don't really care as it radiating a divine aura off it as it shot up into the sky with her on it.

I then could see her making a sharp turn right towards me and falling at me faster than a meteor.

I just grin and spread my arms waiting for her to come hit me with her best shot!


"I got this!" I shout back as she reaches me as I grab on as the force pushes me back a bit but I had completely stopped her horse, holding its two front legs in both my hands.


"Heh! Now it's my turn!" I say as I toss them both back into the sky, but before they could reorient themselves I was already on top of them.

"Game over! RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I shout as I give her and her winged horse a taste of my fists, several in fact at blinding speeds but hitting harder than a truck as well.

"DIE!" I shout as I use all three sets of arms and grab each hand to make three rock smashing fists as I hit them both with the full force of my power, sending them both crashing into the ground with such a heavy impact that it causes an explosion on contact.

When the dust had settled, there was no mangled corpse but only ashes and a shadowy smoke disappearing from the crater.

Shadow Rider (Medusa) has been defeated.


I want to ask you guys this, should he only summon servants he has met and rarely those he hasn't?

Or should it be full FGO logic and that he can summon any of them but it's random unless he has a catalyst that he has received from a fallen servant to definitely summon them as a result?

Your responses will decide what I do starting next chapter as a whole with the summoning system, first way will be straight forward and simple to understand, second way will be completely random with servants from anywhere from 1 to 5 stars popping up, but keeping with FGO logic it's very hard to get a random pull on getting a 5 Star unit unless you personally want chapters focused on grinding, although the leveling system with ascension, strengthening skills and the like will still be a thing as they will be training singularity's where they can get stronger with there arsenal of skills.

I find it unrealistic that the servants can go all out in Chaldea, especially when they start to go up into the 100's of servants as a whole without destroying it in the first place.