
Rain of Ashes

Ryu's gaze narrowed. He couldn't say that he hadn't expected something like this, but he was more so hoping that Primus would be more stubborn. In his opinion, this Ancestor of his seemed quite similar to him, but in this regard… he was weak. 

Others saw it as necessary. Ryu saw it as a concession. To be so close the peak Realm in all of existence, and to still have such worries and insecurities, he wanted nothing to do with it. But just the same, he had no way to chase Primus away, the same way he couldn't stop him from attacking Ianjor. 

Ianjor's screams continued to echo. He bent forward, grabbing at his eyes as his body spilled over with flames. However, these screams quickly became a backdrop as Primus' words echoed in the ears of everyone else.