
Poor Guy

Ryu was already prepared to move to the next city. He hadn't expected to resonate with the staff so quickly, but ultimately he felt that maybe even he, himself, had underestimated just the kind of prowess was hidden within his Heavenly Pupils. 

The reality of the matter was that Ryu's pupils had just stepped into the Cosmic Realms. What did this mean? It meant that he had a grasp of a Realm that only those who had stepped into the Cosmic Seed Realm could compare to. 

Having stepped into this level, Ryu's Heavenly Pupils could now start seeing through mysteries on a Cosmic level, the very same level Sky Gods would. 

Of course, Ryu had yet to reach the level of Sky Gods, but it was only a matter of time. Thanks to the endless resources Ryu had, he could easily unlock several of his Heavenly Pupils Seals in a day. Within a year or two, he would have unlocked all 999 and there would, theoretically, be no mystery he couldn't see through in the martial world.